Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Portland, Oregon
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 22 through 23, 2012

OR-2012 Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 12-24
Jun. 22, 2012

One of the chief benefits of homeschooling is allowing our high school students to spend extra time pursuing their passions and delights. Can these also be added as credits to their transcripts? You bet. Learn some techniques to take the activities your students are already doing and discover how to create credits for their transcripts that will make them shine.

The first two waves of attacks on homeschooling were essentially based on lies. You won’t succeed academically. Your kids won’t be socialized. We proved them wrong twice. The third wave is fundamentally different. It accuses: you will teach your kids that Christianity is the only true religion. This attack is true. Michael Farris examines the newest anti-homeschooling strategy of the legal elites, explains how it will impact us today and tomorrow, and outlines a plan of action.

ID: 12-26
Jun. 22, 2012

We, as Christians, are sometimes afraid to talk with many Atheists, New-Agers and Evolutionists. Too often, we fear we won’t have answers to their tough questions. Be encouraged. Learn four killer questions that will help to destroy the secular thinking that encases the minds of friends, relatives and others. Learn to destroy sloppy, secular arguments without destroying the person.

ID: 12-27
Jun. 22, 2012

Items that will be covered in this workshop are: • The legal process for teaching students that qualify for “Special Ed Services” • Types of disabilities that one might need to specifically address through this legal process • Ideas proven to help many students with special needs • Can you write your own PDP? How? • Answers to specific questions from the group.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 12-28
Jun. 23, 2012

It's easy to convince ourselves that marriage is something we chose. But there's far more to it than that. Your marriage is something God chose. Your marriage is what God is doing and He had a specific purpose in bringing you and your spouse together. What does God want to reveal about Himself through your marriage relationship? Be encourage and inspired by the reality that God is actively at work through the message in your marriage – a message He put there and wants to share with the world.

ID: 12-29
Jun. 22, 2012

Many Indians of the Nez Perce tribe of the Old Oregon Territory received visions from the Creator that a Book was coming to them. This was called “The Macedonian Call of the West.” Join Pastor Aaron Auer as he tells how they traveled to St. Louis to talk to General Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in search of this “Book of Heaven,” our Bible.

Topics: Preschool
ID: 12-30
Jun. 22, 2012

Do you feel like your homeschooling has hit the wall? Or maybe you have hit the wall?! Would you like to engage your children more? Heidi will teach you the wonderful skill of notebooking using the "show ‘n’ tell" approach. She will have plenty of examples for you to look at and resources to take home. This is not a condemnation of workbooks (They do have their place.), but rather it is an opportunity for you to discover a life-giving, truly interactive way of learning. This is also a very hands-on workshop. Heidi will walk you through several approaches to notebooking, and you will discover that there is a notebooker inside of you!

ID: 12-31
Jun. 22, 2012

The Family Discipleship Plan is a practical guide for the comprehensive discipleship of the whole family. Effective discipleship is intentional and touches every aspect of our lives. At the heart of the Family Discipleship Plan is a non- condemning “checklist” that leads parents to be deliberate about the discipleship “plan” they have in place for their children. It is a great family project that offers ownership to each family member in their personal walk with Christ.

ID: 12-32
Jun. 22, 2012

Are you overwhelmed by the options? Not sure where to begin? Good planning is the key to any successful road trip, so Vicki will walk you through a planning checklist to help you prepare for this homeschool journey! Topics include research, goal setting, supplies, schedules, and more, plus Six Tips for Success. Appropriate for any grade level.

Have your nicely laid out lesson plans and goals been disrupted by real life? Come get some ideas for staying peaceful, joyful and hopeful as a home school mom. Megan speaks as a mom who never had it all together, but one who found God’s help and goodness in the midst of a messy, real homeschool life.

ID: 12-34
Jun. 22, 2012

What does it mean to be an Entrepreneur? Is entrepreneurship just for a select few, or is it something that even young people should pursue? In scripture, we are taught that the basics of entrepreneurship – responsibility, initiative and ownership – are important, not just for business owners, but also for young people who are just beginning to make their way in life. Now, you too will be challenged to think of yourself as an entrepreneur. In this session, you will learn 5 powerful, yet practical keys to developing as an entrepreneur, gaining an understanding of why they are essential and how you can implement them.

Depressed, lonely, anxious, or just feel like exploding inside? This session deals with feelings that we all have at times and gives practical Biblical steps to take when our feelings are spiraling downward. This talk specifically deals with loneliness, depression, guilt, and bitterness.

ID: 12-36
Jun. 22, 2012

Too often, Christ's followers lend credibility to artificial authorities, posers who speak persuasively and wield influence. In this session, students will learn to recognize the characteristics of artificial authorities, witness artificial authorities from both church and culture, become adept at discerning the difference between true and artificial authorities, and discover how Christ's followers are to respond with truth and grace.

It may come as a surprise, but your spouse wants to be loved and understood just as much as you do. Enjoy the blessings and benefits of loving communication. Don’t allow the continuous pressure of homeschooling priorities to distract you from the most important responsibility and relationship you have. Come for specific instruction and practical insights – leave with renewed hope and purpose for your marriage, made in heaven.

ID: 12-39
Jun. 22, 2012

Come learn from Pastor Aaron how the Church responded to “The Macedonian Call of the West”. They sent Oregon’s first missionary, Jason Lee, the original Trailblazer of Oregon, who established the first Oregon Mission with the Indian children.

Topics: Preschool
ID: 12-40
Jun. 23, 2012

The essential history crash course for every Christian homeschool parent. Do you wonder, "Whom do I trust and what do I read to know real history?" Diana will equip YOU, regardless of your curriculum, to find your way through the challenges. She will lead you to a path you can follow in discovering treasures of history with your family.

ID: 12-41
Jun. 23, 2012

Blessed are the flexible - for they shall not break! Have you been homeschooling through some challenging seasons of life lately? There are seasons of upheaval - moving, and perhaps health challenges. It's easy to wonder if we can successfully homeschool throughout periods of change. Join Heidi as she talks about how to navigate through the seasons of life and find joy and freedom in homeschooling along the way. You can do it!

Vicki will help you decide what is important to your family, where you need to begin, and will discuss organizational challenges unique to homeschoolers. Vicki Bentley, fellow busy homeschool mom, shares practical ideas that have helped her manage her household of ten.

Dr. Ray explores scripture, the state of government-run education, the origins of public schools, research on homeschooling, and personal experience to answer the question, “Who Should Be Educating Your Children?” He boldly challenges every Christian parent to face the idea that perhaps home-based education is the “default setting” that God has designed for the education of children. Dr. Ray, one of the world’s leading homeschool researchers and homeschooling father of eight children, calls and warns parents to not be a stumbling block in their children’s lives (Matthew 18:6).

Choose your college with results in mind. Learn what colleges expect of homeschooled applicants and how to make it work for you. Build a portfolio that sets you apart. Ace the Common Application and interview. Write winning application essays. Win college scholarships for tuition, housing, meals, books and travel.

ID: 12-45
Jun. 23, 2012

In 1840 approximately 1200 Native Americans gathered for 3-4 days in The Dalles to hear Jason Lee preach. Find out what happened when Pastor Aaron shares about the wonderful moving of God amidst the people who attended.

ID: 12-46
Jun. 23, 2012

Who cares what Jesus would drive? Christian environmentalists are asking the question in order to "drive" the church to proclaim a greener Gospel, claiming the Church needs to be more concerned about climate change, overpopulation, melting polar caps and animal rights. Christian environmentalists want churches to instruct believers to become activists on these vital issues facing the planet. Have Christians missed the importance of caring for the earth? In this timely evaluation, Bill Jack examines what the biblical response should be to an issue that is dictating government policy, changing the economy and shifting Western culture.

Watch your step! Those wee ones are learning form everything you do. Betsy will offer encouragement and ideas for mothers of toddlers, especially those balancing their older and younger children's education.

ID: 12-48
Jun. 23, 2012

Read description carefully: The “Perfect Family” is in the other seminar! Bickering, holiness, selfishness, and sacrifice. Being iron, extending grace and striving after loving relationships in the home. Hear the Jacobson family speak openly about the joy and challenge of walking together in unity.

ID: 12-50
Jun. 23, 2012

Are there examples from various times and various cultures that show the unmistakable handiwork of the Creator/Redeemer God? Does history have more to teach us than mere dates, names and places? For an intriguing look at the Story behind the stories, join Diana for this adventure-filled recounting – which could change your life!

Have you ever experienced a series of days, weeks or even months when you felt like you just could NOT get on top of all that you had to do? Most moms struggle with finding a balance when it comes to homeschooling and staying on top of the rest of your day. Homeschool mom, if you're struggling with trying to do it all, you will enjoy hearing some of Heidi's favorite tips for managing homeschooling and homemaking...and still finding time to fit in "other things" (like alone time with your husband!) Bring a friend and leave your preconceived ideas at the door because real moms sometimes serve Cheerios for dinner!

ID: 12-52
Jun. 23, 2012

What comes to mind when you hear, "Joyful mother of children"? If you aren't sure this describes your perspective on motherhood right now, come learn six steps to guide you to the joyful path! We will also discuss practical strategies to help us stay "tuned up."

Practical training techniques from the fire service and how you can use them to prepare your child to live a godly life.

Gain SAT strategies to achieve the best score possible with the least amount of anxiety. Impact your campus for Christ for eternal treasures.

ID: 12-55
Jun. 23, 2012

In 1924 a memorial statue of a man on a horse with Bible in hand was placed in Salem, on the Capitol grounds. It is called “The Circuit Rider”. Come hear stories about the Pioneer Preachers, or “Circuit Riders” that this statue commemorates.

ID: 12-56
Jun. 23, 2012

Christian young people are leaving the faith in droves and, homeschoolers are not completely exempt from this tragedy. Even though we have received so many blessings and advantages through the sacrifices of our parents, the fight continues, and we will lose if we let down our guard. This session, addressed primarily to the next generation of homeschoolers, will clarify what is at stake in this new era, and inspire young people with the courage necessary to be faithful to, and build upon their godly heritage.

ID: 12-57
Jun. 23, 2012

It's a Jungle out there - How do we equip intrepid explorers with skills and tools to navigate through the forests of knowledge and data?

ID: 12-58
Jun. 23, 2012

What parents don’t want their children to be effective and successful in life? How ironic! That's exactly what God wants for your children, too. But God’s idea of effectiveness and being successful – generational faithfulness – is about much more than mere success, American-style. How do we pursue this path? In achieving God's best, we’ll need to embrace His intentions and priorities. Parents, you have a vital part to play BUT, Young Person, so do you!


Portland, OR
Friday - Sunday
Jun. 24 through 26, 2011

OR-2011 Delight in the Lord

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Dad, you don’t have to be a spiritual giant with a towering intellect to be a leader in your family’s homeschool.

Do you realize what a powerful teaching tool you have right in the middle of your Bible? The book of Proverbs is a God-given handbook for training wise and discerning children. Take home fun and practical ideas for mining its treasures with your family.

Most of us were taught worthless or misleading spelling rules filled with exceptions. Come, examine ways this complex language is much more consistent than we've been lead to believe.

ID: 11-14
Jun. 24, 2011

Find a College or University that will love your student almost as much as you do! Topics include finding colleges to visit, comparing college statistics, getting to know colleges, visiting colleges, evaluating colleges and applying to colleges.

ID: 11-15
Jun. 24, 2011

Mad? Angry? Ticked off? Or just frustrated? What ever you call it, it will drive your kids away, divide your marriage, and destroy your home. No one likes living next to a volcano that could erupt at any moment. What are the dangers, the signs, and some Biblical solutions? How does one deal with an angry person and how do I get rid of these feelings that scream at me?

What type of homeschool parent are you? A box checker? Eclectic? Do you love schedules? Loathe them? Maybe you’re still looking for that perfect “niche.” Paige will share practical tips for helping all personalities succeed as homeschooling parents. Examine areas of struggle, identify strengths, and most importantly, be encouraged that God knew your strengths and weaknesses when He placed your children in your home.

ID: 11-18
Jun. 24, 2011

A Christian walk is something we talk about, learn about and write about, but what does it mean to know God?

ID: 11-19
Jun. 24, 2011

Not many people realize that the historical development of evolutionary ideas were based on philosophical assumptions and shifts, not on scientific discovery. This seminar takes a critical look at this fascinating piece of history.

Whether you realize it or not, the decision to homeschool changes your identity. No longer “Mommy,” but “Mommy and Teacher,” establishing loving authority and setting realistic expectations in the homeschool are vital for long-term success. Learn to set attainable goals and model godly leadership as you live and school together.

Building and preserving trust between you and your family is the highest priority for homeschool dads.

ID: 11-22
Jun. 24, 2011

When you walk into the Exhibit Hall you are blown away by all the choices. How do you make sense of it all? How do you find that "perfect curriculum"?

ID: 11-23
Jun. 24, 2011

Come see the many uses of journaling, including different types of journals: regular journals, diaries, dialogue journals, and nature journals. Handouts with fun journal starters will help homeschooling parents transition into journaling. A powerpoint presentation will bring the main points to life and help parents become excited about this inexpensive way to teach writing.

ID: 11-24
Jun. 24, 2011

What does the Bible say about homeschooling? How can Christians draw on their faith to succeed in high school? How should Christians conduct their homeschool if they are thinking about college? In this talk, Lee discusses all these questions as well as covers all the homeschool high school basics. Learn to prepare and not panic about high school. You are your child's best teacher, even for the tough high school subjects.

ID: 11-25
Jun. 24, 2011

What comes first? The marriage or the math lesson? Most homeschool moms (every mom, for that matter) have felt the pull and pressure of trying to balance their marriages and their commitment to motherhood. Hey, most homeschool moms are happy to find time for a shower, let alone a romantic night with their husband! Yes, it's true. Homeschooling adds a new dynamic to the pressures of motherhood - but it doesn't mean you need to let your marriage suffer! In fact, it's never been more crucial than it is right now to strengthen the core of your family. In case you are still wondering, your marriage comes first. In this workshop, you'll learn several key ingredients to balancing your love life with language lessons ~ and how you can become the most romantic homeschool mom on the block! Come hear a story of personal experience that will challenge the way you view your marriage and inspire you to seek God's heart as you model a strong healthy marriage for your children. This is Heidi's favorite topic, so bring a notepad and fasten your seatbelts! It's time to put the "real OO" back in your Homeschool!

We all left the traditional school because we didn’t like the way they did school, yet there is a lot of pressure to do school the way they do school. And it’s killing us. If you’ve been thinking there has to be a better way… there is, and it’s not called boarding school. Join Todd as he re-examines the reasons behind what we do and why we do it and burns the bridge between their way and the better way.

Consider the research of Dr. Chall and Stages of Reading Development. Learn ways to build a solid base for reading success for either the beginning non-reader or the floundering learner.

ID: 11-28
Jun. 24, 2011

Society tries to convince us of what’s hot and what’s not. But what does God have to say about bulging muscles and striving for the perfect figure?

ID: 11-29
Jun. 24, 2011

Families with kids of all ages are invited to come and hear the compelling evidence that shows dinosaurs were on the Ark and the subsequent eye witness accounts.

Our children are precious gifts from the Lord but sometimes they can interfere with our human plans. Many homeschooling parents are in distress because they find their little ones seeking attention at all the wrong times. Let Paige share with you creative ways to prepare these young “sponges” for school while keeping them creatively occupied at times when the parent needs to concentrate on the older ones. The workshop is full of practical suggestions for educational toys and common household items that can be used to educate and occupy young ones. Homeschooling with young ones can be easier than you think!

ID: 11-31
Jun. 24, 2011

What is the dad's role in training his children for life? It is assumed that most men know how to be a dad and just need ideas on fine tuning fatherhood. This is a workshop for the majority of men who don't really know what that role looks like. Come and gain confidence and learn the Biblical principles of fatherhood.

Topics: Fathers

If homeschooling up until now feels more like drudgery than delight, or if the thought of homeschooling makes your knees shake and your palms sweat, this is the workshop for you! Perhaps you've been hearing from "experts" that view homeschooling as just another form of education, like any other. Public schools think that way, but homeschooling is nothing like the school system. It's just the opposite. Learning at home is an adventure, a journey, a new lifestyle. Join veteran homeschool mom of seven (including one homeschool graduate!) Heidi St.John as she talks about the three things you've got to know as a new homeschooler that will set you on a track for success and enjoyment with your children. Because, although you're nervous now, it'll all be okay. Homeschooling is worth it. So sit back, relax. You'll soon discover that homeschooling is a journey like no other. Take it in stride that you will bumble and stumble, stick your foot in it, take wrong turns, backtrack, start again, and again . . . and your child will be just fine. Come and bring a friend for a dose of information and encouragement. You can do it!

ID: 11-33
Jun. 24, 2011

Many hands-on activities will be demonstrated in this workshop, which includes a powerpoint presentation (97 slides!) illustrating each historical art activity. Cave art, hieroglyphs, movie boxes, pottery, shoebox scenes, and more are included in this fast-paced workshop.

ID: 11-34
Jun. 24, 2011

Plan your high school courses so you are prepared for anything! This course will explain what core classes to cover every year, and what classes are required for college graduation. Learn how to plan for English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Foreign Language, Physical Education, Fine Arts, and electives like Religion, Technology, Occupational Education, or delight-directed learning. We will discuss how to get the core classes covered within four years, and ideas for planning your homeschool week. You will use what you know about your students and their learning styles and consider the subjects that colleges want to see.

In spite of the pressures of homeschooling, husbands and wives can build a mutually satisfying marriage.

ID: 11-36
Jun. 24, 2011

Come hear homeschool graduates talk about Life After Homeschooling and the role that their education played. Be encouraged to finish the course, to run the race knowing that your children will be prepared to do what God has called them to.

ID: 11-37
Jun. 24, 2011

It’s difficult to be a Christian when you feel like you’re faking it. Harder still when you actually are faking it. Honesty is the best policy, especially when it comes to our relationship with God. It’s time to sit down, take a deep breath and hear what He has to say.

ID: 11-38
Jun. 24, 2011

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a thought pattern you cannot escape from? Are there circumstances or hurts that keep you hindered or afraid? Having first hand seen the devastation that comes from believing the lies of Satan, Elizabeth will address the power of female emotions and the freedom that comes from having a mind controlled by the love of Christ.

Parents and kids, come to this fun workshop to learn practical tips on what to look for and where to find those special rocks that you bring home.

ID: 11-40
Jun. 25, 2011

Find out how to set up simple learning centers in your home that will help your young children ages 0 to 4 thrive in their learning. Maximize space and have creative play areas, science and art centers, sand and water activities, reading, music, and drama areas. The powerpoint presentation includes 134 pictures to clearly illustrate each learning center.

It's a fact! The only thing tougher than being a homeschooling mom is...being married to a homeschooling mom! Dad, your wife needs your help. Come join me as we discuss how to support and assist our wives in the homeschooling journey. We'll also do a lot of laughing, as I encourage men to be encouragers of their homeschooling wives.

Topics: Fathers
ID: 11-42
Jun. 25, 2011

Thinking about homeschooling or wanting to know how to begin? This is the session for you. Hear the basics of the Oregon legal requirements, and learn some simple steps to setting up a good beginning foundation for your homeschool adventure.

ID: 11-43
Jun. 25, 2011

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your things? Do you get stressed just walking into your living areas? Come hear how to overcome the clutter that so often invades our lives and living spaces. Find out how to organize your space while learning what works for your personal organizing style. Discover how to fix common organizing trouble spots and maintain this new order in your space. Leave ready to bring order into your home and peace of mind back into your life.

What does your student need to be successful today? A college degree? For many families, answering the college question is a difficult task. Often the cost, time required, inefficiencies, or negative college environment are too great an obstacle. Sadly, many families either choose against attending college or borrow thousands of dollars to do so. In this session, we challenge what a true college education is and what it takes to compete in the 21st Century. We discuss the importance of internships, will introduce a new proven system for earning college credit for a fraction of the time and cost, and the financial benefits of putting the money you would have spent on traditional college into helping launch your student into life.

Topics: College
ID: 11-45
Jun. 25, 2011

In the last chapters of the book of Judges, a rather strange story is told. It is a story of Levites, concubines, dismemberment and revenge. But more than anything, it is a story of Civil War. As homeschoolers in our local church, we can sometimes feel like we are in a battle, but with whom are we fighting? Like the tribes of Israel, are we engaging in civil war? More than anything, the book of Judges is a book about "relationships;" God's relationship with His people, and their relationships with each other. In this session, a home schooling father of 8 and his public-schooling Pastor (with a degree in Education) will discuss how we can avoid civil war and achieve unity.

ID: 11-46
Jun. 25, 2011

Let's face it. Homeschooling is challenging. Sometimes it can feel like a major accomplishment just to take a shower and get the breakfast dishes cleaned up before dinner! Most homeschool moms feel the pressure of providing their children with a solid academic foundation ~ but there's so much more to homeschooling than academics, isn't there? The truth is that the greatest accomplishment of your homeschooling is to nurture your children in the ways of the One who made them. REAL LIFE Homeschooling is about getting real when it comes to the issues that are unique to homeschooling families ~ but more important than that, it's about being reminded why we are homeschooling in the first place. It's about keeping our eyes on the goal of discipling our children. If you have been or are on the edge of homeschool burnout, if you are wondering why God has called you on this homeschooling journey, or if you just need some honest, real encouragement, this is the one homeschool workshop you can't afford to miss out on!

Topics: Encouragement
ID: 11-47
Jun. 25, 2011

Consider the unique challenges of special needs home schooling, with a home school mom of eight (five of which were special needs kids!) Learn helpful tips in how to assess a child's learning ability, where to go to receive help, and how to develop your own unique plan for your child.

Topics: Special needs

The internet has opened up a seemingly endless stream of social opportunities. What are the pros and cons of this new world and what are the principles for effective and godly use of these amazing tools? Join us for a conversation about these questions and more.

Families are invited to come and learn how God made the Earth special and designed for man. Marvel at the majesty of His heavens. See how each created kind is unique.

How do you get your children excited about the Word of God? How about living it? There are so many wonderful stories in the Bible that will cause your children to internalize the characters and therefore understand the Word of God with greater clarity. Come see how easy it can be!

ID: 11-51
Jun. 25, 2011

What do I do with my daughter after high school and before marriage? This is one of the hardest times on daughters. It’s a time of discouragement and questions. "I want to get married, but until someone asks, what to I do with myself?" Do I go to college, do mission work? Most guys have it easy by comparison. They can pursue career, self-employment, school, or a wife, but many girls desire marriage and a family and want to be a homemaker, but they have to wait to be asked. What can parents do to help their daughters through this difficult season?

Do you have a houseful? Are you planning on having a houseful? If so, then this is a great workshop for YOU! Heidi and Jay St. John are the homeschooling parents of six perfect, never messy, always obedient very sweet, usually tidy, generally obedient, always energetic, very curious, children. They have homeschooled all the way through high school. One of the most challenging aspects of homeschooling a houseful is figuring out how to teach them all while finding time to manage the rest of your day! Moms are always wondering if they are "doing enough" and finding the time to teach individual subjects, well, individually... can be overwhelming. In this workshop, Heidi will share seven secrets of multi-level teaching that will empower, encourage and enlighten you! If you've got a houseful, then you've got your hands full! Let's laugh together, and rediscover the JOY of homeschooling with a full heart AND a full house!

ID: 11-53
Jun. 25, 2011

It always seems like we have too much of one and not enough of the other. Learn tips for managing the influx of papers as well as setting up a paper flow that works for you. Find out what papers you need and which you can get rid of. See how to make your calendar match your priorities and learn tips for better time management.

ID: 11-54
Jun. 25, 2011

This course will answer the common homeschool lament, "How can I give grades when I don't give tests?” Learn how you are already evaluating your children, and how you can translate that information into words and numbers colleges understand. You will learn “grouch-free” ways to determine high school grades, and find freedom in grading criteria and grading scales. Come and learn the many ways of determining high school credits and discover how to make mommy-grades and kitchen credits easy for colleges to understand!

ID: 11-55
Jun. 25, 2011

Homeschoolers understand that biblically it is not the responsibility of the Church to teach and disciple our children but the family. However, we sometimes miss the fact that is not the family's job to be the Church. Christ established the local church to be the place of retreat, support and growth for all of His people; even homeschoolers. For various reasons, homeschoolers have historically found their "retreat, support and growth" in "support groups" and other places; not the local church. In this session, a home schooling father of 8 and his public-schooling Pastor (with a degree in Education) will discuss why the local church established by Christ is still the best place for us to find our support, and how we can partner together to seek His Kingdom first.

ID: 11-56
Jun. 25, 2011

Are you having trouble finding the time and energy to meet the needs of your husband after a hard day of homeschooling? Maybe you've forgotten what his needs are. Would you like your husband to take a more active role in homeschooling? Maybe your husband refuses to be involved in training your children. Join me as we look at your role, not as a homeschooling mom, but as a homeschooling WIFE. Your husband will thank you for coming! The discussion will be lead by a real husband of a homeschooling mom.

Topics: Mothers

Did the Flood of Noah's day really cover the whole Earth and drown every living creature? Was the Ark big enough for the animals? Where is the Ark today? Families are invited to come and learn the answers to these questions.

ID: 11-59
Jun. 25, 2011

Let’s be frank. There are two kinds of homeschoolers, those who think homeschooling rocks and those who think it doesn’t. Come hear two homeschool graduates talk about the good, bad and ugly of growing up in a homeschool and why, in fact, homeschooling isn’t lame.

There is a bigger picture than learning how to read, how to do math equations, and knowing geography. Our children, from the moment of birth, are gifts from the Lord to nurture and enjoy for the years God has blessed us to have them in our homes. Learn from 3 veteran moms with over 60 years of homeschool experience combined the "why" of homeschooling from the very beginning and all the way through.

ID: 11-61
Jun. 25, 2011

You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it's your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of training our children. Now don't worry, I won't make you feel guilty or give you a forty-six point outline, but I promise to tell it straight and to encourage you in the best job there is - fathering.

Topics: Fathers

One of the most confusing issues for a person believing a straightforward reading of the Book of Genesis is the Ice Age. Yes, there is an abundance of evidence for sort of an ice age at one time in the past. But the difficult part of fitting the pieces together geologically is where it fits with the Biblical chronology – a short chronology at that! This seminar will help you unravel the mystery of such things as glaciers, wooly mammoths and the Genesis Flood – subjects that have been the catalyst for many people rejecting faith in the Scriptures.

The myriad of homeschool choices can be overwhelming, similar to the choices between interstates, highways, back roads, and scenic routes. There are so many ways and opinions, how can one navigate through it all and still homeschool effectively? Paige Timer has found a successful method in combining the best of these three well-known homeschooling methods. Learn how to instill Christian values while integrating great literature, chronological history, geography, hands-on activities, notebooks and timelines, narration, study of Greek and Latin roots, nature studies, and more. Enjoy short, well-planned lessons in the morning with time to pursue other interests in the afternoon. Make enjoyment a regular part of your homeschool!

ID: 11-64
Jun. 25, 2011

This session will help you plan your course of action after high school. You will learn about: CLEP Community College Online classes Working Regular college College Plus Gap Year Get prepared to discuss the post high school options with your high school student.

ID: 11-65
Jun. 25, 2011

Nothing is more important to us as parents than to pass our faith and values on to our children. We work hard to home school. We sacrifice. We teach, train, and demand obedience. But many parents are finding out too late that training and winning their child's obedience without winning their heart can end in grief and rebellion. This session will discuss how to read your children to see if you have their hearts, give some dangers that will push their hearts away, and will give practical suggestions on how to win and keep this precious treasure.

ID: 11-66
Jun. 25, 2011

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….” No homeschool is perfect. There will always be gaps and holes and problems. And yet, God is faithful to supply all your (and your children’s) needs. Come hear the highlights – and lowlights – of other homeschool families, and know that you’re not alone. The Perfect Homeschool doesn’t exist, so don’t compare yourself to a myth.

ID: 11-67
Jun. 25, 2011

Discover many benefits for the revival of connected writing as a powerful help in nipping dyslexia. Gather practical tips for teaching it to all ages.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 11-68
Jun. 25, 2011

Who are you? Where are you going? Thousands of vocations are possibilities. Countless opportunities await you. Meanwhile, your time here on this earth is quickly passing by. What does God’s word say about direction and your future? How can you know you’re doing the right things?

ID: 11-69
Jun. 25, 2011

Has anyone ever seen a live dinosaur? How many different kinds of dinosaurs are there? How much can a dinosaur eat? Curious families, come and find out the answers to these questions.


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 25 through 26, 2010

OR-2010 Educating for Eternity

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Rick Boyer and his wife have been home schooling since 1980. Starting out young and green in a time when only a handful of families was home schooling, Rick and Marilyn found few resources to help them in their journey. They had to blaze their own trail, surviving such obstacles as skeptical grandparents, hostile school authorities, unhelpful curriculum publishers, blizzards, Indian attacks&(just kidding). The Boyers are still home schooling today and now share their experiences around the world through their books and their speaking ministry. Rick will share some of the most profound lessons learned along the way, including: -It's not schooling, it's discipleship -Life is the curriculum -The kid is the can -Socialization is for socialists -George Washington survived without Little League -and many more!

ID: 10-02
Jun. 26, 2010

We all want our children to catch the vision for God and grow up to serve Him. But how do we begin? Rick and Marilyn Boyer, home education pioneers of thirty years, believe the Bible contains the best plan for the upbringing of wise and competent children. Seeking wisdom from God's Word and applying it to their own lives, they have trained their fourteen sons and daughters, some of whom are now parents and passing on the vision to their own children. Come hear Rick and Marilyn- with some video clips from some of their adult children- explain the scriptural method for passing on a vision of powerful Christian living from generation to generation through family discipleship!

ID: 10-03
Jun. 26, 2010

If this is your first year or your fifteenth year home educating, the future begins today. Mr. Karman is chairman of the Board of OCEANetwork and brings you encouragement from more than 25 years of experience. Hear about the real hope and the assurance that God is in control of your future in home education. We may not know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow. Homeschooll success isn't for yesterday, it's for tomorrow. Homeschool freedom isn't for us, it is for our children's children.

ID: 10-04
Jun. 26, 2010

It has been said that the parents of the 1980's and 90's were the Moses generation--they left Egypt (government schooling) and headed for the Promised Land, as the Israelites once traversed the wilderness to return to Canaan. The generation of Moses completed part of the mission, getting as far as the Jordan River. But it was left to Joshua and the younger Israelites to cross the river and take back the land that had been promised to their father Abraham centuries before. Today, home schooling parents have broken free from the bondage of Godless philosophies and are raising up the Joshua generation that will carry the battle over the Jordan--taking the banner of Christ back into American government, law, medicine, business, education and the arts, where God and His Word were once universally honored. The enemies of God are trembling today at the thunderous approach of the Joshua generation!!

To those who understand history, the hand of God is unmistakable in the story of America. Our Founders built on the soil of the New World a nation organized on the principles of Scripture. The result was that early America astounded the world with its freedom, genius and productivity. But when the training of children shifted from the realm of the family and moved into the realm of government, it took only a few generations to bring about the social, spiritual, moral and intellectual decay that permeates our society today. Now, home educating parents are taking back their children and raising up a generation of bright, godly, competent Americans who understand their heritage and are determined to reclaim it for the glory of God. God the designed the family, not the school to be the primary training ground for His champions.

Scripture records the stories of several cases of strife between siblings. In almost every case, there is a principle involved which the parents have violated, sowing destruction in their family. This series of case studies gives valuable insight into the causes --- and therefore, the cures - of sibling rivalry.

Does the subject of literature seem like a mystery? Are you a loss about how to understand it yourself, much less teach it to your kids? This inspiring lecture demonstrates that everything you need to know about understanding and teaching literature is present in your second grader's bedtime story. Adam reads a classics children's story out loud and then leads the audience into a discussion of eternal literary themes. Along the way, he shows how you can do the same at home by following five simple steps. Your literature curriculum - to say nothing of family story time - will come alive automatically. You'll never put the kids to bed the same way again!

A particular cell phone commercial features an NBA point guard trying to play basketball blindfolded. Because he can't see the goal, he's never sure whether he's scoring. Too often men in our age take on the tasks of husband, father, shepherd, principal, coach, and disciplinarian without the vision necessary to accomplish the goal. (What is the goal, anyway?) In this seminar we will define the goal and discover the divinely appointed means of achieving it. You may even learn the secret to making your wife deliriously happy, your home a quiet and peaceful kingdom, your children rich beyond measure, and your father-in-law in awe of your great accomplishments. Come join us in our discussion of the homeschool husband and dad.

Topics: Fathers
ID: 10-15
Jun. 25, 2010

How do you decide what to study in high school? How do you know that your teen is learning enough (and of the right things)? How can parents continue a home-school lifestyle during the high school years? Must home-school students model their high school years after the institutionalized educational style of learning? Come and learn how to make your high school years special, wonderful,and complete as we discuss the overall plans needed to teach high school at home.

This workshop will discuss current federal legislation that HSLDA is tracking as well as the present administration's policy that could impact home education freedom and broader parental rights. HSLDA staff attorney Tj Schmidt will cover both negative and positive federal bills that could have a national impact on homeschoolers as well as policy initiatives that the Obama administration has specifically championed.