Georgia Home Education Association

Recordings Listing


Atlanta, GA
Friday - Sunday
May. 1 through 3, 2009

2009 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 905
May. 1, 2009

Join Tom Clark, founder of VideoText Interactive, as he offers an entertaining and educational session designed to help you discover the reasons behind the difficulty, on several of the traditional trouble spots in math. Topics discussed will be determined by the audience, and may include division of fractions and multiplication of decimals (using those mindless rules), long-division, story-problems, positive and negative numbers, and numerous others, all of which seem to indicate that Mathematics is just naturally “difficult”.

ID: 907
May. 1, 2009

Many children really do not like to write. Why? This workshop will answer that basic question and teach a specific and successful method of separating the complex process of writing into the smallest possible steps, making it possible for even the most reluctant writer to produce short but complete compositions. He will be proud and motivated to write again. If you remove the problem of what to write, you will be free to help your child learn how to write, using source texts, key word outlines and �dress-up� checklists. Results guaranteed!

This session is for any mom who feels stressed and fatigued from the many demands of life�especially parenting! What causes Mommy Burnout and what can you do to prevent it? Fortunately, Mommy Burnout is as easy to treat as it is to diagnose. The remedy rests on the choices you make.

The myriad of homeschooling choices can be overwhelming like interstates, highways, back roads, and scenic routes. There are so many ways and opinions, how can one navigate through it all and still homeschool effectively? Why not blend the best of each method? Join My Father�s World as we show you how to instill Christian values while integrating aspects of each method. Enjoy short, well-planned lessons in the morning with time to pursue individual interests in the afternoon.

ID: 910
May. 1, 2009

There are no easy answers to teaching a number of children of different ages, and there�s no doubt that doing so is a real challenge that requires patience and creativity. Though it may feel it�s pushing us to our limits, it provides opportunities for our kids to learn responsibility, independence, and self-control. Kathie, will share practical tips and ideas to help make the job a little easier.

ID: 917
May. 1, 2009

Education is discipleship. How are we discipling our children? For many, the reformation doctrine of Sola Scriptura is an easy doctrine to say �Amen� to; however, adherence to this great Christian truth requires far more than verbal assent: If ye love me, keep my commandments (John 14: 15). The keeping of God�s commands requires a working knowledge of His word. Reformation of the heart and victorious Christian living only come with recognition of the consequences of our profession and conformity to the image of Christ through transformation and renewal of our minds.

This Seminar will explain why teaching history is a biblically mandated discipline for which parents are responsible. They need to be especially clear about American history and the history of Western Civilization, of which it is a part and the chief inheritor. The Bible provides a number of sobering examples of the failure to pass on to the succeeding generation their heritage.

No matter what the size of your family, each child needs special one-on-one time with each of his parents. How are you going to manage that when you scarcely get a date with your spouse? Where do you go to get more hours in your day? And what do you mean by �date�? Join Rebecca to learn how to make individual quality time with your kids a priority. You�ll discover the keys to grabbing hold of the opportunities God provides and establishing stronger life connections with the hearts you�re blessed to hold.

This workshop is designed to help parenteducators understand the scope, the sequence, and the logic of mathematics instruction from pre-school through adult. Join Tom Clark, founder of VideoText Interactive, as he takes you on a sometimes humorous journey, describing all levels of arithmetic and all mathematics courses encountered in high school and college. In addition, considerable attention will be given to identifying the �why� of the study of mathematics with an emphasis on the development of concepts, instead of rote memorization.

ID: 932
May. 1, 2009

Dr. Humphreys first shows that a basic assumption of the big bang theory, that the universe has no center, contradicts Scripture. Then he shows that putting a Bible-based assumption, that the universe has a (Conference Speakers & Exhibitor Workshops are listed alphabetically.) 22 center, into Einstein�s theory of relativity provides a way to get light from distant galaxies to the earth within one ordinary day, the fourth day of creation. He explains this in simple layman�s language, no equations or jargon. The toughest thing to explain is how the Big Bang theorists imagine a cosmos without a center. The creationist picture is much closer to what laymen already imagine. Several other creationists have built cosmologies from this simple beginning point, so we now have at least four creation cosmologies to choose from. Now believers can again see the universe as being young, only the Biblical 6,000 years old. Once again, the heavens declare the glory of God.

ID: 933
May. 1, 2009

This workshop takes readers on a journey from the beginnings of Western philosophy to its present manifestations. It examines a philosopher or a philosophical movement and then gives a Biblical refutation of the deception or a complement to the truth presented. At the end of the workshop, the listener will not merely be talking about spiritual warfare, but also be engaged in it. Christians will leave this talk with hope and assurance.

Overwhelmed? Try our easy-to-teach complete curriculum that incorporates phonics, reading, writing, art, Bible, hands-on science, math, history, and more. Incorporate preschoolers and older kids in man y of the interesting activities. My Father�s World shows how easy-to-teach yet flexible lesson plans eliminate preparation time without sacrificing the FUN.

Music has become such an ever-present influence in our daily life, we seldom stop to consider what effect it has on us. But we must. As we changed over the last 100 years, from being music “makers” to music “consumers,” we have gradually lost control over, and even awareness of, our auditory environment. In what way is music beneficial to our bodies and minds? In what circumstances can it actually be harmful? Solid scientific research provides some astounding answers to such questions--indeed, facts that must not be ignored by today’s parents and children.

We've all suffered it at one time or another: Frustration about writing assignments. Either on the receiving end, or perhaps now on the giving end, there can be a few distinctly discouraging aspects to teaching and being taught writing. The tough questions include: What to correct and how to give a grade? How much help is too much? Isn't the assignment clear enough? Why don't students find their own errors? Learn and avoid four teaching mistakes that contribute to this frustration: Overcorrecting, Holding Back Help, Unclear Assignments, & Over-Expectation.

ID: 946
May. 1, 2009

Doing their best on the SAT is one avenue God has before our children to prepare to be the kind of Christians who will change their world no matter what the obstacles. In light of the changes to the new 2005 SAT I, this workshop is especially relevant. Pastor Stobaugh will share insights concerning the essay portion of the SAT I.

ID: 947
May. 1, 2009

Man does not live a healthy life just by eating good nutritious food, but by following every word given to us by our Lord. This powerful workshop by Sue Becker is her personal testimony of her survival of a cancer that is often terminal. Although proper nutrition was key in her survival, her complete healing came through very basic principles laid down by God's word.

ID: 948
May. 1, 2009

This seminar will survey the military history in the Bible. We will examine the weapons (some of them of massed destruction!) and interesting campaigns of Israel, Assyria, Babylonia and Egypt from a perspective not often pursued in biblical studies. We will also look at the Roman army as it appeared in the New Testament.

Boys are different, Mom! Our sexually permissive culture is already sending your son signals that real manhood equals an aggressive thirst for power and a lustful hunger for promiscuity. How do you whet your son's appetite for Christ alone? Join Rebecca to learn the secrets every mother needs to know about raising a godly son.

As the government's evergrowing role expands to encompass family life and decision-making, the information presented in this seminar is critical for every attendee. Michael Smith calls upon over two decades of defending homeschooling families against social services and child protective service contacts to inform the audience of the newest threat to their freedom. This session primarily addresses your state's laws relating to social services contacts and provides general application for other states as well.

When Daddy's little girl starts looking like a woman, she feels awkward and he does too! During this critical time, however, dads can't pull away. Your daughter needs your affection, encouragement, and guidance now more than ever! Pastor Rich Powell will encourage dads to be the man their daughter needs during her teen years.

Our educational system has the academics as the core of learning and creativity emanates from the academics. Preeminence is given to the "important" subjects like math, science, and history, then, if there is time and money left over, they add arts education. But, according to God's word, the first thing we learn is that "In the beginning God created". If we are to teach according to Scriptural principle, then creativity is to take the first place, to be the core of learning, and everything else will follow after that. It is God's way and recent research proves this point.

Reluctant readers don't want to do it and creative students want to do things another way. Change is the constant for both groups. Join us to see how you can be the catalyst for making a difference. Discover how the two groups help each other.

ID: 965
May. 1, 2009

Few people are aware that most of the relevant scientific data are in favor of a young world. Dr. Humphreys has been studying such data for nearly forty years. Recently, exciting new evidence has come to light that drastically compresses the billion-year ages of such dating methods as potassium/argon, uranium/lead, and carbon 14. Carbon 14 has now become the friend of creationism! We have reported these data findings at an annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, and in several articles and books, both technical and non-technical. Attend this session for a sample of such evidence!

Are your students learning passively, or are they involved in concept development? Are they figuring things out for themselves, or are they just learning tricks and shortcuts? Come brainstorm with Tom Clark, founder of VideoText Interactive, as he humorously explores with you, the reasons instruction can be difficult, developing along the way, a list of benchmark signals, and strategies which will help students �think� critically and analytically.

Andrew presents the most significant neuro-physiological differences between boys and girls and how to teach each more effectively, along with an overview of principles of motivation--the four Relevancies, the three Laws, and the two Secret Weapons.

In our modern day, many question the worth of serving God with their whole heart, and consequently we offer unto Him that which should be considered refuse. By our actions, even Christians suggest that submitting themselves to the whole counsel of God is an unprofitable exercise and not worthy of the necessary investment. Do you secretly question the equity of God? Do you fail to offer God your best and first fruits? Do you have fortitude in the midst of social, economic, and civil declension? The 5th century message of Malachi offers instruction for our modern challenges, along with a prescription for reformation and revival in every generation.

ID: 979
May. 1, 2009

For such a time as this, every moment counts. With so many opportunities available we need to be very wise in our designing of a high school curriculum track. The problem is not that there is a paucity of choices but that there is a plethora of good choices! Via email, Pastor Stobaugh will provide a sample transcript for attendees.

As children mature they ask three foundational questions of their fathers. The answers the father demonstrates to these questions determine whether he will raise a rebel or a mighty warrior for the cause of Christ. (1)Are you worthy for me to follow? (2)Are you worthy to have my heart? (3) If I give you my heart, will you lead me? This talk will focus on practical steps a father (and mother) can take to win and keep the heart of their sons and daughters. We will also cover valuable leadership lessons for the father to apply in his home.


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
May. 1 through 3, 2008

2008 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 811
May. 2, 2008

Learning Styles - Child Development Specialist Dr. Dana Spears introduces you to Concrete, Abstract, Linear, and Global learning dimensions. your child’s God-given Learning Style impacts every aspect of learning. When you understand a child’s unique giftedness, you can create a more effective and encouraging learning environment.

ID: 812
May. 4, 2008

This practical workshop is loaded with interesting, easy-to-do ideas that will bring a smile to your face - and your children’s faces, too! See samples of kid-produced projects. Learn how to incorporate geography into your everyday life. This vital subject, heavily emphasized in early America’s education is now, sadly, neglected. Discover for yourself not only how important it is but how to teach it in this lively, encouraging workshop.

Topics: Elementary

Parents often become frustrated because their kids don’t listen. In this session we take apart the instruction process and point out five steps for children ages 2 to 18. Parents learn how to teach cooperation and responsibility in this practical session.

ID: 821
May. 6, 2008

Learn the #1 skill to ensure your child’s reading success, a skill you can start building in very young children. Learn the five skills every reader must master, and get the tools so your children have these vital skills. The result? A child who reads well above grade level, and who loves to read. Have fun while learning hands-on tips you can begin using today!

Why do we start for the kitchen to get a drink for a child, get sidetracked by a paperclip on the floor and end up weeding in the garden with no idea why our child is still thirsty? Why do library books constantly disappear into black holes in our homes, never to 19 be seen again? least not before the fines add up? Why do we have 25 projects started in our day and only 2 or 3 are ever finished? As a self-proclaimed “Gloriously Unregimented Mom”, Carol shares stories and strategies from the heart (and from the trenches!) about a home run by a highly distractible mom. She brings to light the many “truths” distractible moms must own if ever they are to develop strategies that work. Best of all, Carol shares her firm conviction that the highly distractible mom has a real and God-given edge over the naturally organized mom. Come and learn and laugh as you find REAL help for the highly distractible mom.

This practical session focuses on how students can incorporate Accelerated Distance Learning into their homeschool schedule. Topics covered include: the foundations of effective learning, balancing aca-demics and spiritual development, and earning college credit while still in high school. Learn how you can earn a college degree before your high school graduation.

Children are born with a God-given desire to communicate! In this seminar, Debbie will talk about the key areas of communication and how to develop your child’s skills in each area. As Christian homeschooling parents, we have been freed from “worldly philosophies” and are able to do what is efficient and effective. Come and learn about ways to decrease stress and increase productivity in your language arts instruction!

Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand. When children create something from their learning, they will remember what they learned far longer than if they completed a worksheet page about it. This workshop explains why and how to give kids an easy, effective approach that replaces workbooks, enhances learning and retention of the subject, and develops a true love for learning. Jeannie Fulbright will share tips and actual demonstrations for replacing workbook assignments with creative ideas for Science, History, Geography, Literature and more. Examples and visual-aids make the information easy to understand and implement in your homeschool.

ID: 832
May. 6, 2008

Are you currently homeschooling your high schooler but need some direction? Are you currently homeschooling a middle school child and want to prepare for high school? Learn about preparing transcripts, diploma requirements, credits, portfolios, accreditation and more.

What were the Ancient Civilizations and why are they important? Can we teach thousands of years of history in one year? Ancient Civilizations have had a great impact on life today (think current events). Learn to teach history chronologically, Biblically, and in-depth. If you’ve ever been tempted to skim through this time period because you never learned this stuff yourself, be encouraged! You can teach this subject by learning right along with your students. Fun, fast-paced workshop includes an outline for developing a solid course, with ideas for literature, resources, projects, and much more.

ID: 834
May. 1, 2008

ID: 835
May. 6, 2008

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the demands of parenting? Life is certainly a challenge for parents, and especially those who accept the added responsibility of home education. But there are ways to make life easier and more productive, and this workshop discusses some of those. Marilyn Boyer, mother of fourteen children and a veteran home educator of twenty-seven years’ experience, shares her techniques for accomplishing a mammoth amount of housework while giving her children a superior education at the same time.


Atlanta, GA
Tuesday - Thursday
May. 1 through 3, 2007

2007 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 756
May. 1, 2007

All children get angry but some are out of control, leaving parents frustrated and puzzled about what to do. In this session you will learn how to help children see their anger coming on and make the necessary changes to prevent explosions. Our desire is to help children reduce the frequency and intensity of anger episodes, but also learn to be peacemakers instead of troublemakers in life. Many parents end this session saying, “I need this just as much as my children do."

Parents often think their job is done after they’ve given a consequence. Unfortunately tension often lingers in the relationship. Furthermore, many children don’t seem to make the connection between correction and life. Learning how to end the discipline time constructively can make all the difference. Walk away from this seminar with a plan to move correction from the head to the heart. This session will give you a plan for helping the child who blames, rationalizes, or justifies. Come see ways God includes hope in the discipline process.

History has been used to distort reality. Some of the distortion has a purpose behind it. Those who control the historical record control how we think about the world in which we live and how we react to cultural trends. Much of what the Myth-Historians have written has been used to discredit Christianity, everything from geo-centrism and the flat earth to slavery and the secular founding of America. Then there are some Christian historical myths that need to be dispelled. Did James Madison really praise the Ten Commandments? Is the de Tocqueville quotation about churches accurate? Teaching honest critical thinking skills is a necessity if we are going to capture the next generation.

ID: 770
May. 1, 2007

Many people have the idea that the battle between Christianity and humanism (or creation and evolution) is a battle over �facts.� However, it�s not that Christians need more facts than non-Christians to supposedly win the argument, for the real battle is actually over the interpretation of the same facts. Until Christians understand that everyone has the same facts but different interpretations of those facts (based upon different presuppositions or biases), they will not be successful in learning how to defend the Christian faith and think in a true Biblical manner. It�s very possible you will never think the same way about this world after attending this workshop!

Is the aim of home education simply to get a diploma or is there something else that we should target as our goal? Conscientious moms fear we�re not teaching our children everything they should know to be prepared to get a good job. We fear our boys may not be on grade level and our girls may not find a godly husband. We fear we may not be able to afford a good college. Yet in spite of all these fears, we don�t even recognize the biggest gap in home schooling. In this thought-provoking discussion about the main purpose of education, learn what God calls His people to do and how to educate our children by faith rather than by fear.


Atlanta, GA
Monday - Wednesday
May. 1 through 3, 2006

2006 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

The new SAT test requires a clear, logical essay written within 25 minutes. Is your student ready? Writing excellent essays not only helps get your student into college but is a valuable like skill. This workshop will provide you with a teaching plan to prepare your students for any essay assignment.

ID: 666
May. 1, 2006

According to Proverbs 29:17 properly disciplined children are a joy and delight to their parents. Many homeschool parents are convinced of this truth so are diligent in their training and discipline. Sadly, many of these parents discover that the authority which easily controlled their children when young is insufficient to influence them as teenagers. What they lack is a relationship with their children’s hearts (Prov 23:26). In this session Reb will help parents discover how they lose the hearts of their children and reveal to them what the Bible says they can do to gain them back.

ID: 674
May. 1, 2006

After 23 years of home schooling, Sharon has some practical, and often humorous, advice to share with home schooling parents. Home school burn-out can happen to anyone , so Sharon will teach you how to avoid ten, common home schooling pitfalls. Come prepared to laugh, and re-focus, and leave determined to be too blessed to be stressed!