Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association

Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 2017D3

Building a Generational Heritage of Faith

What is a heritage and why is it important? Just as Christ made disciples and intentionally trained them to pass His salvation message to future generations, families have this same privilege. As we pass on our vision and passion for sharing the love of Christ with others to our children, future generations will have the possibility of knowing and loving God! We have an incredible and joyous opportunity to build a heritage of faith to last for generations upon generations. Join Carol as she imparts a passion for equipping our children to share the message of Christ into the next generation with a vision for the generations to come. Our children will make their own choices, but we as parents are called to help them build a sturdy foundation to make those choices with God’s will in mind. Learn from practical ideas and examples that will encourage you in your quest to build godly heritage to benefit future generations.