Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 22 through 23, 2003

The HEART of Home Education

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Chris speaks to the hearts of home school fathers and mothers urging them to teach their children what really matters. Chris Klicka calls all homeschoolers to draw closer to the Lord and seek him with their whole heart. As an attorney, Chris Klicka has been battling for the right of parents to homeschool since 1985, and has been battling multiple sclerosis since 1994. He walks the talk as he shows how we must live in light of eternity and make every single day count. As a homeschool father of seven, Chris speaks from both his heart and many years of practical experience. He describes how we must understand suffering and how we are commanded to share the gospel as a family and as individuals virtually everyone we meet. He helps us all to return to our "first love" and establish a close relationship with our Lord and Savior. Chris explains that you're not homeschooling for homeschooling sake, but for the glory and honor of God. We can delegate authority to teach our children to someone else, but we can never delegate the responsibility.

ID: 2003-02
Aug. 23, 2003

Many people succeed in school but fail in the real world outside. Real education prepares the student for every aspect of life - practical, professional, spiritual, economic, civic. Jesus came not to be served, but to serve. Those things that make us most useful for service add up to a real education.

ID: 2003-04
Aug. 23, 2003

Chris Klicka, home school attorney and father of seven, will present scores of biblical references which demonstrate how God requires our children to be nurtured and educated. The main purpose of this talk is to help homeschoolers develop a lasting commitment to homeschooling as the means to best train our children in God's ways. He will explain how the agenda and philosophy of the "movers and shakers," past and present, in public education are diametrically opposed to this. Chris will encourage us to keep up the fight and train our children to be leaders of tomorrow who have been taught not only to believe like Christians, but also to think like Christians. Chris will also urge the audience to sound the warning to other Christians to remove their children from the public schools. Chris proves his case very convincingly and this has become one of his most popular talks.

ID: 2003-14
Aug. 22, 2003

Home schooling requires families to be closer than ever, and this inevitably means conflict. Learn how you as a parent can use and model God’s peacemaking principles of confession, confrontation, and forgiveness to resolve conflicts, preserve relationships, and keep your family and school, as well as all your relationships running smoothly.

ID: 2003-15
Aug. 22, 2003

When the Boyers started home educating in 1980, they were typical young parents with the typical misunderstanding of what education is all about. Since then, our two decades of home schooling have brought many suprises - many of them life-changing.

Chris Klicka will explain how all homeschoolers experience different types of suffering in their life. Since we do not understand why, we often do not handle the suffering right. Chris will apply scriptural promises and truths about suffering as he tells the story of his fight with multiple sclerosis; his wife's fight with ulcerative colitis; the death of his close legal assistant Kimberly; and the near death of his twins, Amy and Charity. He will show how suffering is indeed a blessing from God and He will carry us through. God never fails. He will emphasize how homeschooling can keep going on through the tough times.

Socializing children means nothing more (and nothing less!) than teaching them how to love others as they love themselves-even in the midst of conflict. Learn how peacemaking can be a key to your children experiencing success in their marriages, churches, careers, and most of all, in their Christian witness.

As a home school husband and father of seven children, Chris speaks from the heart. He will share over 25 practical tips on how a home schooling husband can better satisfy God's requirements. Chris will discuss dying to yourself, leading in devotions, taking charge of child discipline, encouraging your wife, praying with her and for her, and many more practical tips. Wives, you won't want your husbands to miss this session!

ID: 2003-32
Aug. 23, 2003

Learn the nuts and bolts of teaching your children how to resolve their conflicts biblically, recognize root causes of their conflicts, along with sincerely confessing their wrongs, confronting others constructively, and forgiving others as God has forgiven them.

ID: 2003-33
Aug. 23, 2003

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the demands of parenting? Life is certainly a challenge for parents, and especially those who accept the added responsibility of home education. But there are ways to make life easier and more productive, and this workshop discusses some of those. Marilyn Boyer, mother of fourteen children and a veteran home educator of twenty-two years' experience, shares her techniques for accomplishing a mammoth amount of housework while giving her children a superior education at the same time.

ID: 2003-41
Aug. 23, 2003

Many home educators are intimidated by the common myth that children who are taught at home are at a disadvantage in social development. Rick Boyer draws on Scripture, scientific research and the experience of thousands of home-teaching families to show that the opposite is true. To prepare children for the real world, they need to be in the real world: family, church, and community - not locked away from society in age-segregated schools. This session will help you respond to the constant challenge: "What about socialization?"

Blessings are in store for those who resolve conflict in a way that honors God. Come and learn powerful peacemaking principles you can use to prevent disputes and resolve differences with brothers and sisters, parents, friends, and future workers or supervisors.

It's a blessing but it can be stressing! Home schooling with tiny ones around the house is a special challenge, but one that many moms handle with great success. Come hear how Marilyn Boyer, mother of 14 and a homeschooler of 22 years' experience, makes her little ones a valuable part of the team!

ID: 2003-52
Aug. 23, 2003

Don't know where to begin to reduce the conflict and strife in your home and your everyday life? Learn practical steps on how a home school mom can bring the reality of peacemaking to her heart and all her relationships.

ID: 2003-53
Aug. 23, 2003

Childrearing is not behavior modification, applying rewards and punishments to get unthinking responses. Nor is it a recipe, in which blending the right ingredients in the right amounts always brings the same results. It is a matter of accepting a God-given calling and pursuing it by His principles. It is a heart-to-heart relationship in which children are not just trained, but discipled. Marilyn Boyer brings 28 years of parenting experiences with 14 children to this enlightening and encouraging workshop.