Recordings Listing


Atlanta, GA
Saturday - Monday
May. 1 through 3, 2010

2010 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 1008
May. 1, 2010

Find out why your children (and people around you) think and act the way they do (both mentally and physically) as you are introduced to the most scientific and 21st-century approach to human understanding. Quickly becoming known worldwide as the only accurate insight into individual behavior, Brain Typing helps you look inside your children and yourself and appreciate differences as never before. This knowledge is invaluable for parents who want to fully develop their children's God-given potential in every area of life (educational, vocational, spiritual, social/relational, physical/health, and much more).

ID: 1011
May. 1, 2010

When the truths of history (the good, the bad, and the ugly) are sifted through the strainer of political correctness, it loses its potency and relevance. In this modern age that some professionals have labeled, "The Age of Entitlement", both children and adults often appear clueless and nonchalant when it comes to understanding the sacrifices made on their behalf. It often seems that America has forgotten what it means to be grateful. In this session, Jamie will share her heart as she explains how the "watered down", politically correct, history textbooks have had a part in helping students so easily forget the past and think it irrelevant. "For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children; That the generation to come might know them, the children who would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children, that they may set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments; and may not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation that did not set its heart aright, and whose spirit was not faithful to God."? Ps. 78:5-8

The myriad of homeschooling choices can be overwhelming like interstates, highways, back roads, and scenic routes. There are so many ways and opinions, how can one navigate through it all and still homeschool effectively? Why not blend the best of each method? Join My Father’s World as we show you how to instill Christian values while integrating aspects of each method. Enjoy short, well-planned lessons in the morning with time to pursue individual interests in the afternoon.

ID: 1015
May. 1, 2010

This presentation will review the important role art plays in developing right brain skills and in enabling children to develop their full potential as students. It will also review the Atelier art program while viewing slides of children's work.

ID: 1016
May. 1, 2010

See how fun and understandable math can be using manipulatives for concrete understanding. Whether you’re a whiz at math or have struggled, this program is for you. This is an enlightening and entertaining workshop

ID: 1017
May. 1, 2010

Algebra is the study of relations (equations and inequalities). It is therefore essential that students completely and conceptually understand the basic concepts necessary to solve them. In this workshop, Tom Clark will help you to develop an inquiry approach which is applicable to all basic relations. You will discover the analytical questions students need to ask in order to "undo"? all of the complications they may encounter when solving equations and inequalities.

ID: 1022
May. 1, 2010

Seeing the 'big picture' of the earth's history from a biblical perspective. What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Men and dinosaurs living together? When were dinosaurs created? Don't dinosaurs prove the Bible is wrong? Has anyone seen a real live dinosaur? What happened to them? Why should Christians be interested in dinosaurs? This illustrated presentation shows how dinosaurs are having an impact on your family, even without your knowledge. It will give you answers to many important questions about life, the universe and everything. For some, it answers questions that have been troubling for years but which they have been afraid to ask for fear of seeming skeptical.

Learn how to teach proper manners in the home using songs, stories, role play, kind discussion and a lot of laughs. Etiquette skills take time to form and perfect, so it's NEVER TOO EARLY TO START! Can you imagine mealtime as a time of peace, tranquility and warm discussion? Can you imagine your child saying, "Well, thanks for thinking about it, Mom,"? when you just told your child, "No, you can't go to the swimming pool today."? You will be so grateful you attended this workshop and will leave with confidence and excitement to implement these ideas into your home. Bring your children along. We have a special lesson for them, too.

Do you have trouble keeping your students interested in learning? Perhaps it's time you begin to think outside the box. Discover techniques that will improve critical thinking and creativity, inspiring your students to want to gain knowledge. Included in this workshop are ideas from the teachings of Ruth Beechick to develop thinking skills which help create a delight for learning and improves your children's ability to excel in any area they choose to pursue.

Do you wish you could look inside your child's mind to see what is behind that artwork he just handed to you? Do you want to learn how to respond to a work you just can't decipher? Learn how to help your young child gain skills without drawing for your child. Offer age-appropriate suggestions in ways that will encourage your child to continue to be creative. It's all discussed in this presentation.

Does the college application process have you confused? In this workshop we will go on a quick tour through the high-school grades, looking at what you need to be doing each year to successfully prepare for college. Learn from the experience of others! Presented by a homeschool graduate.