Recordings Listing


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2016

CHOH Annual Conference - 2016

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
ID: 2016-10
Mar. 11, 2016

When you look at your children, do you see only little people making demands on your time? Or do you see what God sees—a landscape of amazing possibilities? Author and homeschool mother Zan Tyler wants to take you beyond the demands of everyday life to embrace a wondrous, life-giving vision for your children’s future. You will learn to recognize the signs of potential in your children’s lives—signs that are easy to miss yet ripe for cultivation. You will begin to see every facet of each child’s life through the eyes of faith and the lens of Scripture and create a vision of hope and beauty. You will also look to the Master Gardener as you learn to use the tools He has given you for cultivating that child’s potential.