Recordings Listing


Porland, OR
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 25 through 26, 2010

OR-2010 Educating for Eternity

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 10-24
Jun. 25, 2010

Culture is the practical outworking of our belief about origins. In what way does a culture's view of origins affect manners, education, social institutions, science, and morality?

Sons and daughters are very different to raise and have very different roles to train and target. Raising godly children is strategic. Many young men feel unequipped to face the challenges set before them as a future husband, father, and provider. Daughters also often feel unsure of what it takes to be an effective wife and mother. In this session, 10 trainable qualities will be discussed that young men and women will need to be successful after they leave your nest.

The statistics are tragic and startling. Great percentages of children raised in evangelical homes are not continuing in their faith and beliefs as they reach and continue into adulthood. Some of the most important academic and practical training we can give our children as we homeschool them is worldview training. For Christians, our goal is to teach our children to think biblically about all of life. During the course of this workshop, we will delve into why Christian worldview training is an absolutely crucial component of our homeschooling. We will also discuss the following questions: · What is worldview? · What function does worldview serve in my child's life? · How can I teach worldview? · How can I teach worldview if I don't understand it? · At what age should I teach worldview to my children? · Can I award high school credit for studying worldview? If we want to see true revival in our culture, we must teach our children how to think biblically about all of life-from academics to social issues to daily decisions. A true biblical worldview will equip our children to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. This workshop will change the way you teach!

ID: 10-37
Jun. 25, 2010

The intricacies of raising girls in this generation are never ending. Challenges abound with girls: - Emotions run wild. - Trying to be modest in a world full of indecency. - Battles between sisters and girlfriends. - How to act with the opposite sex. Join Julie Hiramine as she gives practical wisdom and advice on how to raise a generation of Godly daughters. God's call on this generation of young women is key to their upbringing, and the world challenges us at every step of the way. Establish a renewed vision of why our daughters are so special to the Lord and His plan for this generation.

ID: 10-38
Jun. 25, 2010

Parents who decline to put their children in their church's Christian school or youth group are sometimes viewed as odd or rebellious. Rather than reacting or withdrawing homeschoolers must take the initiative in the church and be examples of families who really minister.