Recordings Listing


Portland, OR
Friday - Sunday
Jun. 24 through 26, 2011

OR-2011 Delight in the Lord

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 11-14
Jun. 24, 2011

Find a College or University that will love your student almost as much as you do! Topics include finding colleges to visit, comparing college statistics, getting to know colleges, visiting colleges, evaluating colleges and applying to colleges.

Building and preserving trust between you and your family is the highest priority for homeschool dads.

We all left the traditional school because we didn’t like the way they did school, yet there is a lot of pressure to do school the way they do school. And it’s killing us. If you’ve been thinking there has to be a better way… there is, and it’s not called boarding school. Join Todd as he re-examines the reasons behind what we do and why we do it and burns the bridge between their way and the better way.

ID: 11-28
Jun. 24, 2011

Society tries to convince us of what’s hot and what’s not. But what does God have to say about bulging muscles and striving for the perfect figure?

ID: 11-55
Jun. 25, 2011

Homeschoolers understand that biblically it is not the responsibility of the Church to teach and disciple our children but the family. However, we sometimes miss the fact that is not the family's job to be the Church. Christ established the local church to be the place of retreat, support and growth for all of His people; even homeschoolers. For various reasons, homeschoolers have historically found their "retreat, support and growth" in "support groups" and other places; not the local church. In this session, a home schooling father of 8 and his public-schooling Pastor (with a degree in Education) will discuss why the local church established by Christ is still the best place for us to find our support, and how we can partner together to seek His Kingdom first.

One of the most confusing issues for a person believing a straightforward reading of the Book of Genesis is the Ice Age. Yes, there is an abundance of evidence for sort of an ice age at one time in the past. But the difficult part of fitting the pieces together geologically is where it fits with the Biblical chronology – a short chronology at that! This seminar will help you unravel the mystery of such things as glaciers, wooly mammoths and the Genesis Flood – subjects that have been the catalyst for many people rejecting faith in the Scriptures.

ID: 11-68
Jun. 25, 2011

Who are you? Where are you going? Thousands of vocations are possibilities. Countless opportunities await you. Meanwhile, your time here on this earth is quickly passing by. What does God’s word say about direction and your future? How can you know you’re doing the right things?