Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii

Recordings Listing


Hilo, Kauai, Oahu
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 8 through 10, 2024

CHOH Whistle-Stop Tour with Andrew Pudewa

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii

In this talk Andrew Pudewa shares many humorous experiences (and painful lessons) he has learned over thirty years of teaching and homeschooling. You will be challenged, reassured, and sure to leave with an expanded vision of your calling as a home educator.

ID: WS-02
Feb. 10, 2024

A life-long student of motivation, Andrew Pudewa has organized fundamental ideas of motivation into categories: four forms of relevancy, three laws of motivation, and two secret weapons. This expansion of Andrew's previous talk Teaching Boys & Other Children Who Would Rather Be Making Forts All Day includes new and updated stories, tips, and information.

Today, many of us have an intuitive sense that major changes are coming. When this happens, our lives may become very different in ways not necessarily convenient or comfortable. At the same time, we must live each day as though things will continue pretty much as they are. Resolving this cognitive dissonance requires that we carefully contemplate our circumstances because we are in a cultural war, fighting the "non-gospel" of aesthetic and moral relativism on three fronts: personal, familial, and social. What should our priorities be? How can we prepare children to be culture warriors?


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 9 through 10, 2018

CHOH Annual Conference - 2018

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
Recording ID: 2018-F
Original Price: $145.00
Set Price: $59.00

2018 Full Conference Set

The entire set of recordings for the Christian Homeschoolers Of Hawaii 2018 Conference. Key Note Speakers: Steve & Megan Scheibner Featured Workshop Speaker: Woody Robertson

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2018-01Living on Borrowed Time: Parenting in a Post 9/11 World by: Steve Scheibner2018-02Marriage, Communication and Friendship by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-03Marriage and Parenting Go Hand-in-Hand by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-04Battling With Behavior? by: Steve Scheibner2018-05Training Teens to Take the Initiative by: Steve Scheibner2018-06Second Mile Leadership for Men by: Steve Scheibner2018-07Training Young Men to be Gentlemen in a Feminist Culture by: Steve Scheibner2018-08The A to Z of a Characterhealthy Homeschool by: Megan Scheibner2018-09The Character Conscious Mom by: Megan Scheibner2018-10The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner2018-11Woman to Woman: The Mentoring Model by: Megan Scheibner2018-12Homeschool 2.0: A Fresh Look at Education by: Woody Robertson2018-13Study Like a Genius: Unlocking Your Brain by: Woody Robertson2018-14How to Homeschool High School by: Woody Robertson2018-15Five Mistakes Parents and Students Make Planning for College by: Woody Robertson2018-16Now Calling All Entrepreneurs: 10 Musts for Starting and Growing Successful Businesses by: Woody Robertson2018-17Eight Practical Steps to Life After High School: Training Starts Now by: Woody Robertson2018-18Homeschool 101 by: Lora Burbage2018-19Choosing Curriculum by: Lora Burbage2018-20Raising Your Child to Have Sexual Integrity by: David Willweber2018-21How To Raise Children Who Love God and Walk in Godly Character by: Wendy Tang2018-22Foreign Languages and Teacher Training by: Louise Minervino, Douglas Groesser2018-23Evaluating Your Child's Skills and Abilities by: Sarah Olbris2018-24Experience Excellence in Writing by: Jan Miller2018-25What Do My Child's Test Scores REALLY Mean? by: Sarah Olbris2018-29Let's Play Games with RightStart™ Math! by: Rachel Wilkes2018-30American Heritage Girls: Christ-centered Ministry for Girls by: Richelle Benson2018-31Teacher Mother—How to Get it Done by: Panel 2018-33Getting Through the High School Years by: Panel This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2018-S
Original Price: $55.00
Set Price: $20.00

Steve & Megan Scheibner Keynotes & Workshops

All keynote and workshop sessions with Steve & Megan Scheibner

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2018-01Living on Borrowed Time: Parenting in a Post 9/11 World by: Steve Scheibner2018-02Marriage, Communication and Friendship by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-03Marriage and Parenting Go Hand-in-Hand by: Steve Scheibner, Megan Scheibner2018-04Battling With Behavior? by: Steve Scheibner2018-05Training Teens to Take the Initiative by: Steve Scheibner2018-06Second Mile Leadership for Men by: Steve Scheibner2018-07Training Young Men to be Gentlemen in a Feminist Culture by: Steve Scheibner2018-08The A to Z of a Characterhealthy Homeschool by: Megan Scheibner2018-09The Character Conscious Mom by: Megan Scheibner2018-10The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner2018-11Woman to Woman: The Mentoring Model by: Megan Scheibner This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2018-WR
Original Price: $30.00
Set Price: $10.00

All Workshop Sessions with Woody Robertson

All workshop sessions with Woody Robertson at the Christian Homeschoolers Of Hawaii 2018 Conference

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2018-12Homeschool 2.0: A Fresh Look at Education by: Woody Robertson2018-13Study Like a Genius: Unlocking Your Brain by: Woody Robertson2018-14How to Homeschool High School by: Woody Robertson2018-15Five Mistakes Parents and Students Make Planning for College by: Woody Robertson2018-16Now Calling All Entrepreneurs: 10 Musts for Starting and Growing Successful Businesses by: Woody Robertson2018-17Eight Practical Steps to Life After High School: Training Starts Now by: Woody Robertson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

As a pilot for American Airlines, Steve was very close to the events of 9/11. Steve was originally scheduled to be the co-pilot on AA Flight 11, the first flight to be hijacked on Sept. 11th, 2001. Through a extraordinary set of divine circumstances Steve was bumped from that flight the night before by a more senior pilot. Now, he tells his deeply moving story of God’s providence on that terrible day in our history. Come discover why God gave Steve a second chance and now uses him to teach parents all around the world to parent with purpose and urgency as he introduces you to The Nine Practices of The Proactive Parent.

Recognizing that a healthy marriage is the basis of a healthy home, Steve and Megan will teach from their book The Eight Rules Of Communication For Successful Marriages. They will finish the session with a fun, loving look at marriage and F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P.

Parenting and marriage have a great deal in common. Both are loaded with challenges and pitfalls. Ephesians 4:22-24 gives us insight into parenting and marriage success by introducing us to the principle of Put-off and Put-on. This joint seminar will give you the practical tools to raise the standard in your marriage and in your parenting.

ID: 2018-04
Mar. 9, 2018

Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? Want to reduce the “Drama” level in the family? Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join “America’s Parenting Doctor,” Dr. Steve Scheibner as he reveals seven practical steps to raising the behavior bar in your home. A Character Matters session will begin the process of moving your young people from ordinary to extraordinary.

ID: 2018-05
Mar. 10, 2018

Want to transition your young adults from simple obedience to mature responsibility? Steve shares the important phases that teens need to learn in order to take responsibility for their lives. Watch your kids move from childish irresponsibility to becoming young adults who embrace ownership and initiative as they move up the “Responsibility Tree."

ID: 2018-06
Mar. 10, 2018

Second mile leaders are those counter-intuitive servants of God who earn the right to be heard by developing a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. Teach men to Earn The Right To Be Heard, Prefer Proactivity, Reject Reactivity, Learn To Elevate Virtues Above Feelings, Build Moral Muscle, Seek Forgiveness, and Develop A Finisher’s Attitude.

Is behaving like a gentleman an outdated and antiquated idea? Join Dr. Steve in a discussion of how to teach our young men to be masculine in a society that seeks to squeeze them into a feminine mold. Becoming a gentleman starts at home. Come discover ways to cultivate a culture of masculinity without raising men who are brutes!

If we homeschool simply to achieve high academic marks, we are squandering the opportunity to influence our children for Christ. Character healthy leaders are those children who have learned to elevate virtues above feelings. If we spend our homeschooling hours simply on academics and activities, we may win the praise of man, but we risk losing the hearts of our children. In our few short years with our children we must focus on the first things first and character is always the first thing! In this workshop, Megan, a homeschooling mother of eight, will challenge your homeschoolers to use every opportunity to teach their children to serve God by loving others and to love others by faithfully serving God.

ID: 2018-09
Mar. 9, 2018

Being a Mom is about so much more than feeding, dressing, and driving our kids to play-dates. With only a few short years to impart important spiritual truths to our children, every day becomes an important opportunity for teaching, training, and modeling Christlikeness. Moms will walk away encouraged and strengthened, knowing that although discipling their children seems a huge task, God is on their side.

ID: 2018-10
Mar. 10, 2018

Are the “Terrible Twos” eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with 8 toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. This workshop is intensely practical and will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!

ID: 2018-11
Mar. 10, 2018

Women thrive on relationships! But are our relationships glorifying to God or do they draw our hearts away from faithful obedience to the Lord and His Word? Megan will encourage women to use their relationships to encourage, edify, and exhort one another while also challenging women to examine their friendships and to structure Christ-centered, God honoring, faith deepening relationships.

ID: 2018-12
Mar. 9, 2018

Basic Academic knowledge is important, but will it prepare students for success in their future employment? Are they developing media, information, technology, and life and career skills? When college professors and CEO’s are surveyed, they disagree greatly on how prepared a graduate is for life in the modern world. Come learn how to set up your student for success… beyond the curriculum.

ID: 2018-13
Mar. 9, 2018

All learning is founded on one key—the ability to take in information and then remember it. Each school year, students spend countless hours studying, only to have the information seemingly disappear when they need it most. Whether a parent or student, in this interactive and practical session, you will learn how to use study tools such as speed reading and memory techniques.

ID: 2018-14
Mar. 9, 2018

Woody walks parents through the high school years and provides a fresh look at the unique opportunities of homeschoolers. Learn about dual credit, transcripts, and getting ready for college. Escape the conveyor belt of modern education and pursue a personalized education which gives students autonomy to learn at their pace and ability, provides hands-on application and ultimately inspire lifelong learners.

The words affordable, efficient, or effective are not typically associated with college. Learn five proven strategies to help you save 30-50% on your college costs and up to two years of time and, most importantly, give your student a huge head start on the competition. Learn the secrets colleges don’t tell.

This session is for those who think outside of the box, take risks and are not afraid to put their creative juices to work. Hear stories of entrepreneurs who started small and built wildly successful businesses. We’ll cover the fundamentals of entrepreneurialism and discover 10 musts for starting and growing a successful business.

This information-packed session prepares students to launch into the next phase of life with vigor, excellence and confidence. Topics include: how to dress for success, creative conversation techniques, essential character qualities, time management, résumé and business building and more! Today’s activities and choices will either help or hinder future successes. Look out world—the next generation of leaders are on their way.

ID: 2018-18
Mar. 9, 2018

This workshop will give you solid reasons for educating and training your children at home. You can teach your children positive socialization skills, train their character and develop an academic program to fit their needs. You’ll also learn about the homeschool law in Hawaii and gets some tips on how to get started.

ID: 2018-19
Mar. 9, 2018

By understanding your child's learning style, determining an educational approach and deciding on objectives, you will be able to make a better decision when choosing curriculum.

PEACE Hawaii believes that young people will choose to save sex for a permanent lifelong committed marital relationship when they are consistently encouraged to do so. We have resources that will equip parents and churches, to engage young people about this most critical topic that will shape not only their life and future, but generations to come.

Learn how to teach and train your children in hearing the voice of God and gaining a heart to worship Him. Find out how to establish your own unique Family Identity and gain the treasure of holding your children’s hearts.

ICC Hawaii has the capability of teaching 20 world languages including Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Tagalog. With the communicative approach, students use the language rather than listen to a lecture. Learn how ICC can help with learning languages and widely applicable instructional methodologies.

ID: 2018-23
Mar. 9, 2018

Although we usually think of evaluating as testing, there are a multitude of methods to monitor progress that don’t involve paper and pencil and a 100 point scale. You can creatively evaluate how your child is doing in any given subject while clarifying expectations for both of you.

ID: 2018-24
Mar. 10, 2018

Discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports and essays with style. Parents and students alike find it easy to use and effective in all their writing endeavors. Get an overview of the program and learn how to get started with even the most reluctant writing student.

ID: 2018-25
Mar. 10, 2018

This workshop will help parents interpret the significance of test scores and use them to get a balanced view of the child’s strengths and weaknesses. Parents will gain a clearer understanding of the types of achievement tests available, the differences between them, and the benefits of testing to monitor student progress and to guide instruction.

ID: 2018-29
Mar. 9, 2018

Are you tired of flashcards? Does your child cry when you give another timed math fact test? Are you beating your head against the wall because your child can’t seem to remember the multiples of 7? This workshop will show you fabulous and effective alternatives to worksheets and flashcards by playing easy and fun math card games from the RightStart™ Math curriculum. Imagine your kids asking to practice their math facts more! Come and discover games to help your child learn their math facts!

American Heritage Girls is the premiere national character development organization for girls ages 5 – 18 that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement.

ID: 2018-31
Mar. 9, 2018

Homeschooling your child is a big commitment and it can be challenging to teach your children while still managing the home. Moms will share teaching tips on multi level teaching, scheduling the school year, organization, and more.

ID: 2018-33
Mar. 10, 2018

The best tips come from moms who have gone through the high school years—or are navigating through it now. Come to ask questions and get answers from mothers like you!


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 10 through 11, 2017

CHOH Annual Conference - 2017

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
Recording ID: 2017-AP
Original Price: $30.00
Set Price: $12.00

Andrew Pudewa Set

All six workshops taught by Andrew Pudewa at the 2017 CHOH Annual Conference

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2017-09Nurturing Competent Communicators –The Power of Linguistic Patterns by: Andrew Pudewa2017-10Teaching Boys & Other Children Who Would Rather Make Forts All Day by: Andrew Pudewa2017-11The Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing by: Andrew Pudewa2017-12The Four Language Arts by: Andrew Pudewa2017-13Fairy Tales and the Moral Imagination by: Andrew Pudewa2017-14But … but … but … What about Grammar? by: Andrew Pudewa This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2017-F
Original Price: $200.00
Set Price: $69.00

CHOH Annual Conference - 2017

This We believe! Keynote speaker: Todd Wilson This set includes every recording from the Christian Homeschoolers Of Hawaii Conference keynote and workshop sessions. Forty recordings in all. A great savings over 50% off!

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-204Free College at your Fingertips by: Jean Burk17-209Experience Excellence in Writing by: Karen Shimabukuro17-404How to Ace the “New” SAT by: Jean Burk2017-01This, We Believe! by: Todd Wilson2017-02Choose the Hard Things by: Todd Wilson2017-03Life after Graduation by: Todd Wilson2017-04Lies Homeschoolers Believe by: Todd Wilson2017-05How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Home School by: Todd Wilson2017-06Every Dad a Homeschooling Dad! by: Todd Wilson2017-07Taming the Techno-beast by: Todd Wilson2017-08Answers for Homeschool Critics in Your Life — Even When its You by: Todd Wilson2017-09Nurturing Competent Communicators –The Power of Linguistic Patterns by: Andrew Pudewa2017-10Teaching Boys & Other Children Who Would Rather Make Forts All Day by: Andrew Pudewa2017-11The Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing by: Andrew Pudewa2017-12The Four Language Arts by: Andrew Pudewa2017-13Fairy Tales and the Moral Imagination by: Andrew Pudewa2017-14But … but … but … What about Grammar? by: Andrew Pudewa2017-15Homeschool 101 by: Lora Burbage2017-17Preparing for the Job Market – College? Business? Trends? by: Lora Burbage2017-18Preparing the Next Generation for Marriage by: Mike & Kim Marquez2017-19Help Your Nonstandard Learner by: Esther Wilkison2017-20How to Love Teaching a Reluctant Writer by: Esther Wilkison2017-21Don't Give Up on the Disorganized by: Esther Wilkison2017-22Benefits of Nonstandard Learning by: Esther Wilkison2017-23Help for the Numerically Challenged by: Esther Wilkison2017-24Brain Development & Handwriting by: Esther Wilkison2017-25Who Gets the Last Word? by: Patrick Nurre2017-26The Geology of Hawaii from a Biblical Perspective by: Patrick Nurre2017-27Genesis and the Ice Age by: Patrick Nurre2017-28How to Identify Those Rocks Your Kids are Bringing Home by: Patrick Nurre2017-29Dinosaurs, the Ark and the Bible by: Patrick Nurre2017-30Mountain Building: Geological Apologetics by: Patrick Nurre2017-31How Do I Teach All These Kids and Still Get Dinner on the Table? by: Laura Amick2017-32Intentional Learning through Play by: Randie Megan Graef2017-33Tough Questions, Vibrant Dialogue, Critical Thinkers, and Eloquent Expression by: Dianne Nowak2017-34Secrets to the Scholarship Search by: Jean Burk2017-35Freeze Your Teenagers until They're 23 by: Jean Burk2017-37Build an Amazing Homeschool Transcript by: Jean Burk2017-38Knowledge to College – Your Keys from A-Z by: Jean Burk2017-40Discovering and Inspiring Gifts through Fun by: Cullen Chong This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2017-JB
Original Price: $30.00
Set Price: $12.00

College Prep Set with Jean Burk

All six workshops taught by Jean Burk at the 2017 CHOH Annual Conference

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-204Free College at your Fingertips by: Jean Burk17-404How to Ace the “New” SAT by: Jean Burk2017-34Secrets to the Scholarship Search by: Jean Burk2017-35Freeze Your Teenagers until They're 23 by: Jean Burk2017-37Build an Amazing Homeschool Transcript by: Jean Burk2017-38Knowledge to College – Your Keys from A-Z by: Jean Burk This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
Recording ID: 2017-TW
Original Price: $40.00
Set Price: $16.00

2017 Todd Wilson Set

All six workshops and both Key Note presentations from the CHOH 2017 Annual Conference

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 2017-01This, We Believe! by: Todd Wilson2017-02Choose the Hard Things by: Todd Wilson2017-03Life after Graduation by: Todd Wilson2017-04Lies Homeschoolers Believe by: Todd Wilson2017-05How to be a Great Wife Even Though You Home School by: Todd Wilson2017-06Every Dad a Homeschooling Dad! by: Todd Wilson2017-07Taming the Techno-beast by: Todd Wilson2017-08Answers for Homeschool Critics in Your Life — Even When its You by: Todd Wilson This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 17-204
Mar. 11, 2017

Are you ready to make $500 an hour? Although it sounds too good to be true, it’s possible to earn this much in scholarships for college. Author, Jean Burk, will teach you two important concepts: how to get into the college of your choice and how to find the scholarships to pay for it. You will learn methods of receiving substantial scholarships that go beyond tuition and may include room and board, graduate school, and money to study abroad! Unlock the keys to finding free college at your fingertips!

ID: 17-209
Mar. 10, 2017

Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports and essays with style. Best of all, parents and students alike find it easy to use and effective in all their writing endeavors. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started with even the most reluctant writing student so you can give it a try at home.

ID: 17-404
Mar. 10, 2017

Test-prep Guru, Jean Burk, will share her secrets of SAT success that have helped tens of thousands of students raise their test scores as much as 600 points! Learn how to find shortcuts in test patterns and save time on all types of questions. Math, Writing, and Verbal sections are all covered in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you have kids in high school, you can’t miss this seminar about preparing them for the SAT!

ID: 2017-01
Mar. 10, 2017

Dads and moms, in all the busyness of life and swell of expert advice, we’ve forgotten the fundamental truths of homeschooling and family. In short, we’ve forgotten why we do what we do. We have plenty of “how tos” but have forgotten the “why tos” and it evidences itself in our lack of joy of homeschooling, family, and parenting.

ID: 2017-02
Mar. 11, 2017

Good things are hard and hard things are good, and they go hand in hand. Sadly, most people don’t ever experience the good because they can’t handle the hard. They put the hard thing off, hoping it will get easier, or they avoid it all together, and all they end up with is a pile of regrets. Here’s the good news: you can handle the hard. In fact, if you’re faced with two choices, pick ‘HARD.’

ID: 2017-03
Mar. 11, 2017

For the last twelve years, you’ve probably felt the tension of “what’s next?” for your children. You hoped the dilemma would solve itself, but it didn’t. In fact, there are all sorts of homeschool graduates who are stuck in the “what now zone” or were discouraged from traveling a particular path. It’s time to put your fears aside, look the cap and gown in the eye, and take an honest look at life after graduation. Don’t be afraid. God has a plan for your child, and part of that plan is that He’s given them YOU to help guide them into their next phase of life.

ID: 2017-04
Mar. 10, 2017

Your house is a disaster, your kids seem out of control, and you wonder how you’ll ever make it through another day of school. Your “get up and go” has “gotten up and went”. You used to think homeschooling was the best thing since sliced bread, but now you’re feeling like burnt toast. Take heart – you’re not alone! No one homeschools because it’s easy. You do it because you believe it is best. But there are times when you need to be reminded once again why it’s best.

Are you having trouble finding the time and energy to meet the needs of your husband after a hard day of homeschooling? Maybe you’ve forgotten what his needs are. Would you like your husband to take a more active role in homeschooling? Maybe your husband refuses to be involved in training your children. Join Todd you look at your role, not as a homeschooling mom, but as a homeschooling WIFE. Your husband will thank you for coming! The discussion will be led by a real husband of a homeschooling mom.

ID: 2017-06
Mar. 11, 2017

You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it’s your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of training our children. Now don’t worry, I won’t make you feel guilty or give you a forty-six point outline, but I promise to tell it straight and to encourage you in the best job there is – fathering

ID: 2017-07
Mar. 10, 2017

X-Boxes, Game-Cubes, the INTERNET, Facebook, and iPhones have changed the way we live, have fun, and interact. Children quietly glued to game monitors for hours have replaced laughter and creativity. They beg to play, whine when they can’t, and even lie about the time they’ve spent on “the gadget”. Technology has become a powerful tool and ‘everyone is doing it’…but maybe you feel like you’ve lost control in your own home. Does the chill down your spine tell you that something is terribly wrong? Do you feel like a beast has invaded your home, but you don’t know how to handle it? If so, then join Todd as you talk together about the timely topic of taming the TECHNO-BEAST!

Do you have a child who doesn’t want to be homeschooled, in-laws who don’t understand your reasons for homeschooling, a spouse who isn’t sold on the idea, or a guilt complex reminding you that you have no business homeschooling your children? Those nagging, sometimes-silent disapprovals can crush a person under the weight of guilt and despair. Join Todd, as he goes face to face with the naysayers and shows you how to address their concerns, questions, and logic of why you shouldn’t homeschool your children.

Many parents think that good readers will naturally become good writers. Others think that writing talent is just that—a natural ability—some have it; others don’t. Both are myths. History and modern research show very clearly how good writers have developed. What are the two most critical things you can do as a parent to develop a high level of aptitude, from a young age and into high school? With humor and insight, Andrew will share the two easy but unbelievably powerful things you can do to build language patterns and nurture competent communicators in your family.

Children like to do what they can do, they want to do what they think they can do, and they hate to do what they think they cannot do. If you want excited and enthusiastic children who learn well, you must understand these key laws of motivation, and focus on the essential requirement of relevancy. If it matters, children will learn it, and if it doesn’t, they won’t. This session will enlighten you with specific ways to find and create relevancy for children, even when they have no apparent interest.

ID: 2017-11
Mar. 10, 2017

We’ve all suffered it at one time or another: frustration about writing assignments. Either on the receiving end or perhaps now on the giving end, there can be a few distinctly discouraging aspects to teaching and being taught writing. The tough questions include: What to correct and how to give a grade? How much help is too much? Isn’t the assignment clear enough? Why don’t students find their own errors? Learn and avoid four teaching mistakes that contribute to this frustration: Overcorrecting, Holding Back Help, Unclear Assignments, and Over-Expectation.

ID: 2017-12
Mar. 11, 2017

When asked, “What are the language arts?” people may respond by listing numerous subjects: spelling, phonics, grammar, penmanship, copying, dictation, narration, and composition. But actually it’s much simpler! For those adhering to the classical model, those ascribing to a Charlotte Mason approach, or those who just want a common sense curriculum, there are really only four core language arts: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and the attending well to the first two makes teaching the latter two so much easier. Come prepared to have your educational paradigm adjusted, your load lightened, and your commitment to excellence renewed as you focus on the most important things in the limited time you have.

ID: 2017-13
Mar. 11, 2017

Are fairy tales good, even important, for Christian students? Where did they come from, what can they teach our children, and should we spend our valuable time reading them? In this session we will discuss several basic themes in fairy tales and traditional children’s literature (goodness, truth, beauty, hope, honesty, wishes) as well as key archetypes of literature and their importance to the moral imagination. With the confusion surrounding modern fantasy writing, many parents feel uncertain in discerning the good and important literature from misleading and confusing books, stories, and movies.

ID: 2017-14
Mar. 11, 2017

Knowing how to teach grammar is especially challenging for the parent who doesn’t feel confident in his or her own grammar proficiency. Grammar programs often consist of piles of workbooks, wasted dollars, and way too much time spent trying to fill that subject. Often what is taught in those workbook pages doesn’t translate into success in writing. The results are poor mechanics and a less than stellar understanding of “What is a verb?” or perhaps more importantly, “How do verb choices enhance writing?” If you are asking, “But what about grammar?” Andrew Pudewa has answers to your dilemma.

ID: 2017-15
Mar. 11, 2017

This workshop will give you solid reasons for educating and training your children through homeschooling. You can teach your children positive socialization skills, train their character and develop an academic program to fit their needs. Learn some tips about choosing curriculum to individualize your child’s homeschool education.

Calling all parents of high schoolers! Globalization and rapidly changing technology are two huge factors to consider as you prepare your children for today’s work world. What are the latest trends and options? Are there basic skills and knowledge we can teach our children? Yes! Come and learn what experts are saying is about the future job market.

In this workshop we will explore what is the greatest influence that shapes our children’s view of marriage. Discover what God’s intent is for marriage. Consider practical application as we discuss what can be done now to lay a foundation for teaching our children to develop healthy relationships now and in the future.

ID: 2017-19
Mar. 10, 2017

Find out what is happening in the brain of a struggling student—not in technical labels but in compassion and clarity. Discover hope from Esther who knows from her own Nonstandard Learning experience what it is like to struggle in learning—and then succeed. Learn ways to help your Nonstandard Learner thrive in learning and life!

ID: 2017-20
Mar. 10, 2017

Whatever work God calls your child to in the future, he or she will need to be an excellent communicator. Learn from someone who once was a reluctant writer but now is a published author who writes for pleasure every day. Come participate in writing activities you can use with your children to set them up for success in writing. Discover enjoyable ideas and grading helps that are practical, creative, and easy to implement.

ID: 2017-21
Mar. 10, 2017

Disorganization affects every area of life—and it seems to be on the rise. Good news! Executive function skills can be taught! Learn ways to encourage change and make learning achievable.

ID: 2017-22
Mar. 11, 2017

Learning challenges are often discussed as disabilities—but there are different abilities that God purposely designed in your child. Those different abilities are like vibrant colors God uses in painting His creative masterpieces. Learn from someone who knows well benefits of being nonstandard—both from her own experience and from research. Discover ideas that will help you prepare your child for all the good works He has preplanned for him or her to do.

ID: 2017-23
Mar. 11, 2017

Perhaps the land of numbers is one your child would rather not visit. End the reign of math anxiety forever by providing a solid math foundation. Knowledge really is easier for those who understand. Learn skills that will help unlock your child’s math potential.

ID: 2017-24
Mar. 11, 2017

Many children (and grown ups) have given up on their handwriting. They don’t like how their handwriting looks, but they feel stuck with it. Learn ways to leave this fixed mindset behind. Discover the important role handwriting plays in unlocking the brain. Find out the role keyboarding and texting play as well. Learn innovative skills that lead to lifelong legibility.

ID: 2017-25
Mar. 10, 2017

Many see science as the final, authoritative word in understanding the past history of the earth. With the myriad of discoveries every year that overturn past “truths,” dare we replace God’s authority with a man-made one? It is critical that our children are able to differentiate between science and philosophy. This seminar will help you develop discernment in teaching your kids the difference between the two.

Discover, perhaps for the first time, the geology of your own state, using the book of Genesis as a framework.

ID: 2017-27
Mar. 10, 2017

Probably the least understood of subjects in earth history is the Ice Age and how it fits into a biblical worldview. We’ll examine the evidence for an Ice age caused by the Genesis Flood, how it could fit into the period between Noah and Abraham, and reinforce confidence in what the Bible says historically.

What do you do with those rocks your kids are bringing home? You identify them! This seminar will give you a short primer in basic rock identification, with encouragement to not be afraid of a dirty subject.

ID: 2017-29
Mar. 11, 2017

Compelling evidence that shows dinosaurs were on the Ark and the subsequent eye witness accounts.

ID: 2017-30
Mar. 11, 2017

There is more to building a solid worldview than having a right catechism of creation. Our culture is on the move to destroy Biblical faith. This is no more apparent than in the treatment of the book of Genesis. Part of the solution for our kids is in knowing what the Bible says and how it explains the physical earth around them. Learn about evidence for the Flood and the truth of the Bible with every step you take!

Do you struggle to complete schooling for multiple children along with other daily goals? Does instruction of different grade levels seem an overwhelming task to complete daily? Free your classroom of frustration by discovering and using the one room schoolhouse model. This workshop will help to explain what Classical Education is and why it works. We will demystify the concept of "classical" and explain its three learning stages. We will hone in on the “Grammar Stage”, and discover methods that energize your homeschool, no matter what curriculum you use.

ID: 2017-32
Mar. 10, 2017

Take a peek at what learning looks like through the eyes of your preschooler with this hands-on workshop! Parents will be participating in various activities and discussing, as a group, the learning taking place.

After a short overview of the classical Christian model of education and the characteristics of 7th -12th grade students, we will delve into the dialectic and rhetoric methodologies specifically. We will focus on the development of questions and conversations as a means for students to process new concepts logically. Consequently, they learn to express themselves with persuasiveness and factual substantiation while using classical content that has proved worthy through the ages. We will consider classical ways to promote critical thinking, eloquent composition and presentation. You will leave this workshop with an understanding of classical Christian education’s goal to develop lifelong learners, grounded in a Biblical Worldview, who communicate effectively for the glory of God.

ID: 2017-34
Mar. 10, 2017

There are 24 billion dollars’ worth of scholarships each year. Learn how to find money from the cradle to cap and gown. Discover key words to search for little-known scholarships and find out the key that the library holds to unknown money. No matter how old your child is, you can’t miss out on the money that is available NOW!

Topics: College
ID: 2017-35
Mar. 10, 2017

This one-hour seminar is for any parent who wishes they could freeze their child in time. Sometimes, we want to savor the preciousness of this particular moment. For parents of teens, however, sometimes we just want to put them on ice for a decade and hope they emerge as mature, productive, grateful citizens. After all, we are surrounded by a culture with no moral compass and our teens are inundated with technology that overpowers our principled standards. But don’t give up hope! Jean has successfully piloted two teens to adulthood, surviving the rocky shoals and storm-ridden waters. She’ll teach you the three keys to capturing (or recapturing) the heart of any teenager.

ID: 2017-37
Mar. 11, 2017

There is only ONE secret ingredient to giving credibility to a homeschool transcript. If you don’t know it, author Jean Burk will share the answer in this incredible lecture. Discover the insider criteria that Harvard uses to judge applicants and why summer break needs to be more than just a vacation. Learn the differences between AP, Dual Enrollment, and CLEP courses and the pros and cons of adding them to your schedule. Find out about the 3-Tier credit plan, so you can correctly build a portfolio that will impress any admissions counselor. If your kids are planning to go to college, you cannot afford to miss this engagement.

ID: 2017-38
Mar. 11, 2017

Did you know there are over 50 things to consider when choosing a college? Discover everything from searching for the perfect college to going to an Ivy-League school for FREE! Learn the one thing that can set your student apart for college acceptance and scholarships. The right information can make the difference between your student going to a safety school or to his or her dream college!

ID: 2017-40
Mar. 11, 2017

Cullen Chong will take you through his story of growing up and of how he used fun and inspiration to overcome his difficulties with reading, writing, and math to discover who God designed him to be. You will understand how his difficulties long ago were the birthplace of FlashPoint STEM today. It is his hope that you, as homeschool parents, will take away some of these insights to use with your own kids, while also discovering what FlashPoint STEM has to offer as an alternative source in learning to apply Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2016

CHOH Annual Conference - 2016

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
Recording ID: 2016-F
Original Price: $205.00
Set Price: $69.00

2016 Full Conference Set

This set includes every recording from the Christian Homeschoolers Of Hawaii Conference keynote and workshop sessions. Forty-one recordings in all. A great savings over 50% off!

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-204Free College at Your Fingertips by: Jean Burk2016-01What's So Exceptional About America by: Rick Green2016-02Is America One Nation Under God? by: Rick Green2016-03One Life to Give by: Rick Green2016-04A Crash Course in the Constitution in 50 Minutes or Less by: Rick Green2016-05Restoring America's Constitution by: Rick Green2016-067 Secrets of Effective Public Speaking by: Rick Green2016-07The Power of Purposeful Commnication by: Rick Green2016-09Raising Children to be Intentional Christians (Worldview) by: Zan Tyler2016-107 Tools for Cultivating Your Child's Potential by: Zan Tyler2016-11How God Uses Our Weaknessess and Limitations as Homeschool Mothers by: Zan Tyler2016-12Training Children to be Servant Leaders by: Zan Tyler2016-13Motivated Kids Move Mountains by: Zan Tyler2016-14Running the Homeschool Marathon: 10 Training Tips by: Zan Tyler2016-15Homeschool 101 by: Lora Burbage2016-16Choosing Curriculum by: Lora Burbage2016-17Co-ops by: Lora Burbage2016-18Preparing for the Job Market? College? Business? Trends by: Lora Burbage2016-19Nutrition and Medicine for Optimal Learning by: Kathryn Taketa-Wong2016-20Classically Christian: Developing Lively, Loving and Sharp K-6th Children by: Michelle Bandini2016-21Exploring Your Husband's Role in Homeschooling by: Mike & Kim Marquez2016-22Classically Christian: Growing Strong and Salty 7th-12th Graders by: Osterfeld Heather2016-23Can Children Really Believe: The Biblical Basis for Child Evangelism by: Matthew Walton2016-24Have a "Next Level" Summer - Christian Youth in Action by: Matthew Walton2016-25Experiencing Excellence in Writing by: Karen Shimabukuro2016-26Biblical Principles of Discipline at Home or in the Classroom by: Matthew Walton2016-27Raising G-Rated Kids in an R-Rated World (Men Only) by: Joe Tyler2016-29Leaving a Legacy: Vision of the Homeschool Dad and Husband by: Joe Tyler2016-30The Logic Tools of Learning by: Jim Nance2016-31Fitting Words: Classical Rhetoric for the Christian Student by: Jim Nance2016-32The Lost Practice of Courtship by: Deanna Hoffmann2016-33Health Care Sharing as an Option in an ACA World by: Jamie Pyles2016-34True Beauty by: Deanna Hoffmann2016-35Be Prepared: Tips on Choosing a College by: Hope Cassidy2016-36Homeschooling Little Ones Matthew 6:33 by: Kristie Duarte2016-37Lead Now: Influencing Others for Christ by: Hope Cassidy2016-38Secrets to the Scholarship Search by: Jean Burk2016-39Build an Amazing Homeschool Transcript by: Jean Burk2016-41Hypergraphia Genius, Good Notes - Good Grades by: Jean Burk2016-42How to Ace the "New" SAT by: Jean Burk2016-43The Best Kept Secret to Free College - The PSAT by: Jean Burk This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 17-204
Mar. 11, 2016

Are you ready to make $500 an hour? Although it sounds too good to be true, it’s possible to earn this much in scholarships for college. Author, Jean Burk, will teach you two important concepts: how to get into the college of your choice and how to find the scholarships to pay for it. You will learn methods of receiving substantial scholarships that go beyond tuition and may include room and board, graduate school, and money to study abroad! Unlock the keys to finding free college at your fingertips!

ID: 2016-01
Mar. 11, 2016

Exceptional means extraordinary, or more simply “extra – ordinary,” beyond ordinary – not normal. The political and economic structures of America produced results never before seen in history, from Her prosperity to Her power, balanced by Her benevolence. Yet She is slipping away from the principles that produced Her success. In this presentation, Rick Green defines both National and personal exceptionalism and charts a course for nations and individuals to use proven principles to achieve extraordinary results personally, in their family, and in our Nation.

ID: 2016-02
Mar. 12, 2016

In this presentation, Rick zeroes in on that specific part of the Exceptionalism formula that deals with the role of faith in an exceptional society. Were the Founding Father’s of America men of faith? If so, did that faith influence our founding principles? Should faith be separated from public life and government policy?

ID: 2016-03
Mar. 11, 2016

Honoring the sacrifice of those who paid the price for our freedom is an essential part of preserving liberty for future generations. How do we best honor the sacrifice of those who gave their lives so that we could live in liberty? By LIVING the liberty they secured! In this presentation, Rick will challenge attendees to live their liberty with a renewed sense of purpose and passion, especially through the raising and preparing of the next generation.

Rick will take attendees through the entire Constitution in 50 minutes or less, leaving them with a clear understanding of where their essential freedoms are guaranteed throughout America’s Founding Document. We the People authorized only 17 specific powers for the Federal Government, yet today She engages in thousands of activities never approved by the American people or added to federal constitutional jurisdiction. Rick will quickly cover these specific powers and point out how simple the Constitutional jurisdictions are to understand for every citizen.

ID: 2016-05
Mar. 11, 2016

America is no longer governed by our Constitution, but rather by the whims of Supreme Court. Is it over for America? What can be done to right the ship and restore our Constitutional Republic? Rick lays out a clear, positive, peaceful path to restoring the republic and preserving liberty for the next generation.

ID: 2016-06
Mar. 12, 2016

Whether it’s in front of your family, a speech competition, a business meeting, or your local church, public speaking can either be an embarrassing disaster or an extremely effective tool for God to use you to bless others. Rick will share 7 secrets that will equip you to approach your speaking opportunities with confidence, poise, and skill.

ID: 2016-07
Mar. 12, 2016

Ever had someone get mad at you and you had no idea why? After asking what you said, they replied, “It’s not what you said, it’s HOW you said it?”  Maybe we should learn how to better say things!  Ever had trouble getting someone to understand your perspective or your instructions? Did you know there are four very different “languages” used by most people? Being aware of these different communication styles and learning to speak all four will greatly enhance your relationships, your leadership, and your effectiveness.

Our children live in the midst of a secular culture facing a host of issues and moral dilemmas that we never had to deal with at their age. Because many children are not prepared to counter our culture, startling percentages of those raised in evangelical homes abandon their faith and beliefs as they move into adulthood. For this reason, training our children to develop a strong biblical worldview is one of the most important things we can do for them. Teaching them to think biblically about all areas of life equips them to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. Most importantly, it also gives staying power to their faith as they face opposition. In this session, Zan Tyler provides practical answers to the following questions: • What is a biblical worldview and why is it crucial for my children? • How can I teach worldview—especially if I don’t understand it myself? • How can I teach worldview to my elementary-aged children? • How can studying the life of Daniel change my teenager’s life? Our goal as Christian homeschoolers must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. By incorporating worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems, and bring glory to God in the process.

ID: 2016-10
Mar. 11, 2016

When you look at your children, do you see only little people making demands on your time? Or do you see what God sees—a landscape of amazing possibilities? Author and homeschool mother Zan Tyler wants to take you beyond the demands of everyday life to embrace a wondrous, life-giving vision for your children’s future. You will learn to recognize the signs of potential in your children’s lives—signs that are easy to miss yet ripe for cultivation. You will begin to see every facet of each child’s life through the eyes of faith and the lens of Scripture and create a vision of hope and beauty. You will also look to the Master Gardener as you learn to use the tools He has given you for cultivating that child’s potential.

Do you ever have those moments of panic when you wonder if you are giving your children everything they need to succeed in life? Do you worry that you are inadequate for all that homeschooling requires of you? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night plagued by the long list of important things that still need to be done—and know there will never be enough time in the day to accomplish them? In this session, we will discuss five areas that pose particular challenges to homeschool moms and be reminded that He always holds us in the palm of His hand. Join Zan and be encouraged by God’s promises of hope, strength, power, and help for those of us who are weary and imperfect

ID: 2016-12
Mar. 12, 2016

We want our children to be leaders, but what does that mean? How will they lead? How should they lead? How do leadership principles square with the Gospel and the clarion call in Scripture to love and serve our neighbors? Training your children to have a servant’s heart is foundational to teaching them to become leaders. As service becomes part of your children’s lives, teaching leadership principles and skills is the next step. In this workshop, we will also discuss how the flexibility of homeschooling allows you to build service/leadership projects into your school day.

ID: 2016-13
Mar. 12, 2016

Homeschooling is more like running a 26-mile marathon than a 100-yard dash. If you want to complete the race successfully, you must develop a training strategy that builds your strength, stamina, and vision and enables you to persevere until the end. We will discuss lofty topics like creating a powerful and sustaining vision. And we will look at down-to-earth topics like pacing yourself, choosing curriculum, and developing homeschool mentors and friends. Zan Tyler, who homeschooled her children for 21 years, provides training tips that will help you complete the God-given task of homeschooling and help you and your children “run with endurance the race that lies before us.”

ID: 2016-14
Mar. 12, 2016

Homeschooling is more like running a 26-mile marathon than a 100-yard dash. If you want to complete the race successfully, you must develop a training strategy that builds your strength, stamina, and vision and enables you to persevere until the end. We will discuss lofty topics like creating a powerful and sustaining vision. And we will look at down-to-earth topics like pacing yourself, choosing curriculum, and developing homeschool mentors and friends. Zan Tyler, who homeschooled her children for 21 years, provides training tips that will help you complete the God-given task of homeschooling and help you and your children “run with endurance the race that lies before us.”

ID: 2016-15
Mar. 11, 2016

This workshop will give you solid reasons for educating and training your children through homeschooling. You can teach your children positive socialization skills, train their character and develop an academic program to fit their needs.

ID: 2016-16
Mar. 11, 2016

By understanding your child's learning style, determining an educational approach and deciding on objectives, you will be able to make a better decision when choosing curriculum.

ID: 2016-17
Mar. 11, 2016

Working with other families who are homeschooling can be a huge blessing! What makes for a better working relationship in a co-op situation? What are some potential pitfalls to avoid? You can successfully put one together to meet the needs of your students. Come and get ideas to get started!

Learn how digestion is linked to brain function and how proper nutrition improves focus and communication. Also learn about medical conditions and learning styles that are often misdiagnosed as ADHD, and how to treat the real causes.

Do you struggle with motivating your child to complete his or her work each day? Are incomplete workbook pages and teardrops a regular part of your homeschool experience? Free both yourself and your child from drudgery by discovering and using the "lost tools of learning".

Topics: Elementary