Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 17 through 18, 2007

Passing the Baton

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 07-01
Aug. 17, 2007

In three years of earthly ministry, Jesus equipped 12 ordinary men to change the world—and they did it. What can we learn from the life of Christ about how to disciple our children to be a blessing to all nations of the earth?

Explore the tremendous spiritual power of "four generations" and discover how to cultivate a hunger for life-long godly faithfulness.

ID: 07-31
Aug. 18, 2007

As long as there have been dreams, there have been dream killers. We’ve all encountered candle snuffers, bubble busters, and wet blankets. They’re the ones who constantly remind you why you shouldn’t homeschool, have more children, be a stay at home mom, or take that step of faith you believe God would have you take. The world is filled with dream killers. They grew up with you, they live in your house, and sometimes they...are you. Their intentions may be good, but if you listen to them, you will miss out on God’s best for your life. Join Todd as he helps you revive old dreams, gives you weapons to battle dream killers, and urges you to throw caution to the wind and set sail for the adventure of a lifetime.

Dr. Ray explores scripture, the state of government-run education, the origins of public schools, research on homeschooling, and personal experience to answer the question, “Who Should Be Educating Your Children?” He boldly challenges every Christian parent to face the idea that perhaps home-based education is the “default setting” that God has designed for the education of children. Dr. Ray, one of the world’s leading homeschool researchers and homeschooling father of eight children, calls and warns parents to not be a stumbling block in their children’s lives (Matthew 18:6).