Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 17 through 18, 2007

Passing the Baton

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

You want your children to be the best in academics, spirituality, and physical health. You also want to have godly compassion for your children. In striving to lead his wife and eight children to "greatness," however, Brian has found that he can fall into the sin of provoking them. He'll use scripture and experience to address the way to combine high expectations with justice, mercy, and love. Especially for fathers.

Are you just beginning homeschooling or have you recently started? This session discusses why homsechool, where to find support and resources, how to assess your children's needs and how to plan for the school year and choose curriculum.

ID: 07-23
Aug. 17, 2007

As an admitted curriculum junkie, Jeannie Fulbright, bought everything that sounded good. From Abeka to Hillyer to ebooks, she has tried every kind of curriculum and method. Out of this experience, she formulated these seven E’s to help her carefully choose curriculum that would work for her family. She will share her experiences as well as the conclusions she has reached through this process. Following the seven E’s in choosing homeschool curriculum will enable you to have a successful homeschooling year and avoid wasting money on things that won't work for you. These seven E’s will ensure your children and you have curriculum that conforms to your mission and goals, as well as breathes life and ease into your homeschool journey.

ID: 07-25
Aug. 18, 2007

The Bible is our plumb line, our standard of knowing truth. Most Christians intrinsically understand that it is radically different than what our culture tells us, but how much have the prevailing culture and our own school experiences influenced our views on education, even in homeschooling? This powerful message, from an international speaker and twenty-plus-year veteran of homeschooling, will provide you with a foundational and scriptural framework for truly grasping and understanding education--the content and the means--from a Biblical perspective.

Watch your step! Those wee ones are learning from everything you do. Betsy will offer encouragement and ideas for mothers of toddlers, especially those balancing their older and younger children’s education.

ID: 07-34
Aug. 17, 2007

Is this just a far off wish or is it really possible? Come and learn how to find the answer to that question. Anne will share ideas and practical tips on keeping a busy homeschool household running smoothly as well as concepts that may change your mind as to what "getting it all done" really means.

Dr. Ray explores scripture, the state of government-run education, the origins of public schools, research on homeschooling, and personal experience to answer the question, “Who Should Be Educating Your Children?” He boldly challenges every Christian parent to face the idea that perhaps home-based education is the “default setting” that God has designed for the education of children. Dr. Ray, one of the world’s leading homeschool researchers and homeschooling father of eight children, calls and warns parents to not be a stumbling block in their children’s lives (Matthew 18:6).