Recordings Listing


San Antonio, TX
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 8 through 10, 2017

2017 FEAST -On the Right Path

Presented by: Family Education Alliance of South Texas
ID: 17-115
Jun. 9, 2017

an exhibitor's workshop

ID: 17-121
Jun. 9, 2017

ID: 17-122
Jun. 9, 2017

ID: 17-133
Jun. 10, 2017

Exhibitor's Workshop

ID: 17-143
Jun. 10, 2017
ID: 17-144
Jun. 10, 2017

Topics: High school

Exhibitor's workshop

ID: 17-151
Jun. 10, 2017


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2017

PA-2017 With Grace to Complete the Race

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2017-101
Jun. 2, 2017

Why do you homeschool? When your children are grown, what will define success for you? What is a Biblical philosophy of education? This workshop will help you to focus on what is really important. Israel will share with you what has helped his family avoid burnout and frustration in the many years of homeschooling.

You’ve been blessed with this amazing bundle of energy. He has spent the first years of his life climbing anything vertical, “shooting” anything that moves, turning every serious moment into a wrestling match – and doing it all at top speed. And now you want to put a book in his lap and convince him that reading word lists and adding columns of numbers is fun??? Yeah, right. Homeschooling is the PERFECT learning environment for this child! Susan, a mother of nine children (including 7 wiggly boys) shares with you ideas on how to homeschool these distractible little bundles of energy (who’d rather be doing anything other than school)in such a way that you’ll be enjoying and utilizing their boundless energy instead of quenching their fire. And, of course, we’ll look at our own heart issues which are so quick to well up and spill out on those energetic little heads. This is a grace-filled workshop that will keep you laughing.

ID: 2017-104
Jun. 2, 2017

When you are trying to inspire and motivate children, there are two forces that are often exerted: Positive and Negative Reinforcement. In this session, Israel explains the importance of affirmation as a way to inspire and motivate your reluctant child. Drawing from practical and Biblical examples, this session will help you to keep those important relational connections as you are attempting to impart knowledge.

ID: 2017-105
Jun. 2, 2017

“I Quit,” you’ve decided. You can’t quite discern whether God wants you to homeschool or not. Maybe you’re burned out, fed up, feeling inadequate, or just plain tired of it all. But, whatever the reason for quitting, deep in your heart, you’re still wondering, “Maybe I should stick with it.” In this workshop Susan Kemmerer, a homeschool mom of 25+ years, looks at numerous reasons why moms quit homeschooling, as well as some solutions to those things that rob you of your joy and motivation to homeschool. If you’re looking for reasons to continue when you’ve got nothing left to give, then this workshop is for you.

Doesn’t it seem that there’s only one legitimate path to success nowadays? Graduate from high school, go to college, and graduate with a degree you’ll most likely never use, accumulating a mountain of debt in the process. But, Moms, you homeschool BECAUSE you think outside the box. there are SO MANY options available to you! You’re already providing a unique education for your uniquely-crafted child. Don’t stop now! Your child can be wildly successful with OR WITHOUT college. Susan, whose six adult sons all followed non-traditional career paths and are wildly successful, will offer help, brainstorm ideas, and show you that homeschooling outside the box toward the future is an exciting endeavor. Have faith; be courageous!

Everyone struggles with anger on some level, but when anger is a frequent occurrence with your children, over time, it will damage your relationships and hinder your effectiveness. Are you tired of being stressed out, and ready to have a peaceful atmosphere in your home? Learn how in this important workshop.

ID: 2017-111
Jun. 3, 2017

Sarah and Grace Mally, two homeschool graduates, together with their father, will discuss the importance of being a Christ-centered family in an ungodly world. How can parents pass on a Biblical foundation? How can young people be prepared, not just for college or a career, but for the mighty works the Lord has called them to do? How can they avoid rebellion and shipwreck? How can they find purpose and gain zeal? When a family has an eternal mindset and takes initiative in ministry, the young people are given motivation and vision, the family learns to overcome struggles and work in harmony, and mighty works are accomplished for God’s kingdom. This workshop will give practical ideas, direction and encouragement to help children and young people become mighty warriors for Christ.

ID: 2017-112
Jun. 3, 2017

Whether you are a parent seeking to motivate your reluctant learner, or you desire to break through your own limitations, you will make more progress if you learn to listen better and ask the right questions (the right way!). Learn how you can help yourself (and others) recognize hidden assumptions, and overcome obstacles, through learning the art of asking questions.

Many girls try to change their wrong actions, but never learn to discern the wrong thinking behind the actions. As girls replace lies with the truth, they will see how God’s Word will transform each area of their lives as the truth sets them free! In this session Sarah will include many stories, illustrations and practical tips for both mothers and daughters as she discusses topics such as a girls’ emotions, purity, an understanding of who God is, and a proper view of who we are in light of the truths from Scripture. With all the twisted thinking around us, it is absolutely necessary for our young people to be well grounded in the truth of God’s Word. Sarah will challenge parents to help their daughters identify lies which are root issues behind struggles they face. When a young lady learns to “speak truth” TO herself, she is planting her feet upon an unshakable foundation that will resist even the most powerful attacks of the enemy.

ID: 2017-114
Jun. 3, 2017

For many men, homeschooling has been looked at largely as something their wife does. Many believe that if they pay the bills, that is really all that God expects of them. Biblically speaking, what is the proper role for men in the process of home education?

ID: 2017-115
Jun. 3, 2017

Sarah and Grace Mally will share from their perspective as daughters about how parents can win their daughters’ hearts. Sarah and Grace are very thankful for the emphasis their parents put on discipleship during their homeschool years and, in this workshop, they will share some of the specific choices their parents made that they are especially grateful for. Sarah and Grace will also share practical ways to encourage young ladies to be strong for the Lord in their youth, avoid rebellion during the teen years, have direction for their life and ministry, and maintain strong relationships with parents.

ID: 2017-116
Jun. 3, 2017

If you have a hyperactive or easily distractible child, you won’t want to miss this informative and sometimes humorous message shared from the perspective of a homeschooling father who was once a hyperactive homeschooled child himself. You will receive practical and Biblical insights into ADD/ADHD and encouragement that there is hope for your child!

ID: 2017-203
Jun. 2, 2017

Many parents say that one of their biggest struggles in home schooling is the bickering and fighting that occurs between their children. In this session, Sarah and Grace Mally, co-authors of the book Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, will share how they have worked through pride, offenses, and irritations in their relationship, and learned to become best friends. This presentation, including ideas, insights, stories, and personal testimonies, is recommended for the entire family.

This workshop introduces methods that professional editors use to teach writing techniques to publishing staff, and how these methods can be applied in a homeschooling environment.

When Dad teaches, that’s the “ultimate education!” Children respond most to what they learn from Dad. He is the most influential authority in their life. He is the pacesetter, protector, and provider of the family. What is the most important thing for a Dad to teach? How can a busy Dad find the time? This session will encourage fathers by giving them added vision and useful tools. It will address the essentials that fathers need to teach and will provide practical help, encouragement, and ideas. This session, taught by Harold Mally, is for fathers only.

ID: 2017-206
Jun. 2, 2017

Unless you live in a mansion, we all know the challenges (with having scads of homeschooling resources, library books, and science or art projects in our home) of keeping our physical home in order…but is the answer a larger home, or is it managing the space that we already have? A humorous session aimed at helping the most disorganized person learn how to de clutter one’s home and take back control of one’s life, possessions, and time. A recovering ‘Messie’ will reveal her 10 secrets to setting limits, getting rid of unneeded treasures, and learning to appreciate relationships over things.

How do we get a witnessing conversation started? What if someone asks a question we can’t answer? What if we feel scared? How can we articulate the truth of the gospel with boldness, confidence, clarity and accuracy? In this session, Sarah and Grace Mally, together with their father Harold, share practical tips, ideas, and stories about how to effectively communicate the gospel to those around us. We only have one life to live, and it goes by quickly! Today’s Christian home school youth are in a position like Esther. God has raised them up “for such a time as this.” We need to work together and encourage each other. The question is, “Will our generation speak?”

ID: 2017-208
Jun. 2, 2017

This seminar takes you on a “fly’s eye view” of how publishing decisions are made, and gives you some tips on what you can do to get your material off the slush pile.

ID: 2017-211
Jun. 3, 2017

Music, composer study, artist study, handcrafts, folk songs, hymns, foreign language, free reading, and poetry. Do these sound like the always-just-out-of-reach, icing-on-the-cake courses? Do you feel you have too much else to do, and you just can’t fit in all these “fun studies”? Are these just special treats reserved for the super-organized mom sitting next to you at home school group? Well, Sue Pruett would like to encourage you that you CAN do these, and give your children the excellent education you desire for them! These subjects are just as vital as history, math, and science to your curriculum! Come, learn how you can have that icing on the cake – and give it to your children, as well – even first thing in the morning!

ID: 2017-212
Jun. 3, 2017

Writing that first draft of a large article or a book may seem daunting — and it is! But there are simple techniques that can help you break the job down into manageable steps. That’s what is revealed in this workshop.

ID: 2017-213
Jun. 3, 2017

Personally, I LOVE math. As a student, I would have been thrilled to have 50 or more math problems a day to work. I just loved to write the numbers, and coming up with the right answer was a BLAST! My husband also enjoyed math. I figured that my children would love math, too. Boy, was I wrong! It’s not easy teaching math to someone who just doesn’t want to learn it. Well, our family has been on quite a roller-coaster ride when it comes to learning math, but we have found peace. I want to share with you our journey, and how we came to a place where my children now look forward to math lessons…and I do, too! Charlotte Mason had the right answer for us, and she may just have the answer for you too.

ID: 2017-214
Jun. 3, 2017

It’s a basic fact of human nature — we tend to be blind to our own mistakes. (Otherwise, we wouldn’t make the same ones over and over again!) These tips on self-editing show you how to step out of your skin — to be “objective” in the truest sense of the word — and smooth out the rough spots in your manuscript.

Feel overwhelmed with your child’s unique needs? Think you cannot possibly homeschool with these challenges? This presentation is all about offering encouragement to parents who homeschool (or desire to homeschool) their special-needs children. We will discuss the why’s and how’s of homeschooling our special-needs child, record keeping, resources and planning for the future.

ID: 2017-218
Jun. 3, 2017

You may have heard that “living books” are vital to an excellent education for your children. You may wonder, however, what is a “living book”? Is any book at my local library a living book? How can I tell? In this hour, Sue Pruett will define what a living book is, share examples of living books, and give you a guide on how to evaluate a book to determine if it is genuinely a living book. Sue will also share with you exactly how to use a living book in your child’s education, and show you just how EASY it is to use living books. You will be amazed at just how much can be accomplished with a few simple exercises – like copy work, for example. Join us this hour to learn how to cover all these subjects and more without driving you or your children mad!

Whether you are new to homeschooling, or a veteran of many years, the methods of Miss Charlotte Mason are worth checking into! In this seminar, Sue Pruett will introduce you to the gentle, natural, successful methods developed over a century ago by a woman dedicated to seeing that every child receive an excellent education. Sue will hit the highlights of a CM education in this introductory session.

ID: 2017-304
Jun. 2, 2017

Are you new to homeschooling or new to Pennsylvania? Are you thinking about homeschooling at some point in the future? Do you have questions about what homeschooling might look like and how to get started? This session is designed to encourage and equip you to homeschool your children. Topics include: Why homeschool?, how to get started in PA, a typical day, curriculum, record keeping, testing, portfolios, and evaluations. There will also be time for questions.

How do you prepare your child for leadership in the civic realm? What does it mean to be a Christian statesman? Come and hear this introduction and overview of the American system of government, including our founding documents and a synopsis of how our government works on both a state and federal level, from this homeschool graduate who ran for office.

ID: 2017-306
Jun. 2, 2017

Nature Studies sound so wonderful – and intimidating, don’t they? We are blessed to have a wonderful guide for us in Miss Charlotte Mason! She advocated getting children into the out of doors every day, in all kinds of weather and in all kinds of spaces. Whether you have no yard of your own at all, or you have acres of land right outside your door, it IS possible to give your children an excellent education about God’s creation. Join us at this session to discover how!

ID: 2017-307
Jun. 2, 2017

The goal of this session is to share the joy of designing and teaching unit studies. Learn how this unique approach to teaching uses real-life experiences, books, games, projects, and other resources to encourage students to deeply explore topics and to become life-long learners. Discover ways to integrate subjects to make learning more meaningful and fun. Realize the wealth of knowledge to be gained through unit studies as well as easy methods of constructing them.

ID: 2017-308
Jun. 2, 2017

Do you need to earn some extra money to meet your family’s needs? Do you dream of bringing Dad home? Larry Pruett was able to come home in 2013. He and Sue will discuss the joys and challenges of running a family-based business.

ID: 2017-311
Jun. 3, 2017

If you’re a reader, you know how alluring strong story characters can be. They draw you in with their captivating personalities and keep you flipping pages to see what they’ll do next. Learn how you can create your own compelling characters that make readers beg for more!

Christians are called to take captive every thought, to make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Unfortunately, many believers tend to compartmentalize their lives. We separate the “sacred” from the secular, but the Christian life was never meant to be separated into two factions. We have areas of our lives where we think the church should have influence and other areas where we have either been taught, or have come to believe somehow need to be left alone as purely secular. This “compartmentalization” is completely anathema to Biblical Christianity. You and I were meant to bring the truths of the scripture to bear on the culture all around us.

In Leviticus 10 we read of the serious disobedience of Aaron’s four sons. Could their sin have been connected to Aaron’s passivity as a father? In this session for men we will examine our common enemy of spiritual passivity and talk about strategies to defeat it.

In light of the fact that 66% of college students change their majors more than once and on the day of graduation 40% of college graduates wish they had a different major, it’s important to start early and take this decision seriously. Individuals often make decisions without much thought and with limited information. When it comes to choosing a college, major, or career there are many options and things to consider. With universities spending a lot of money to recruit students, there are five essential questions that need to be asked, and there are five activities that your children can start doing today and throughout their education that will pay big dividends after graduation, helping them to progress into adulthood.

Although the scriptures do not specify exactly how a government must be formed, the principles of civil government are woven throughout the scriptures. Human government was instituted by God to protect man’s unalienable rights from mankind’s sinful tendencies [Romans 13] and a proper look at the other God ordained institutions reveals the need for government to be limited in scope. This session forms the basis for understanding the biblical worldview of government in order to make the connection to the biblical foundations for our US Constitution and American government. The session will also include a synopsis of the historical background of the Constitution and the influence of the biblical worldview upon the framers.

We live in a culture growing increasingly hostile to Christianity. But God can use our words to affect minds and hearts. Come learn about the power of apologetics and worldview in the life of your family and how to raise confident, courageous communicators for Christ.

Firmly rooted in the belief that God gives instruction in Scripture on child training and the Holy Spirit empowers parents by His grace to carry out the instructions, you will hear a Biblical perspective on parenting. After raising 5 boys to men and investing 26 consecutive years into homeschooling you’ll learn 2 keys for successful parenting and 4 basic principles with 17 practical applications.

ID: 2017-318
Jun. 3, 2017

Dads play a crucial role in homeschooling. Our involvement is crucial to a flourishing homeschool. Men, come join Chap as we talk frankly about the successes, mistakes, difficulties, and lessons learned from 20 years of homeschooling four children.

ID: 2017-402
Jun. 2, 2017

We believe in the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. So why do so many of our homeschools not reflect that gospel? Why having started in the Spirit, are we now homeschooling in the flesh? Come be reminded of the gospel truths we forget. You will leave encouraged!

ID: 2017-403
Jun. 2, 2017

When embarking upon this exciting journey of home education, figuring out which curriculum to choose for your child can seem daunting. In this very practical workshop, Linda will give an objective overview of the different learning styles and help you understand the most common teaching approaches including textbook, living books, unit studies, classical, Charlotte Mason, eclectic, unschooling, and more. Let Linda help you narrow down your choices and take the guesswork out of choosing curriculum. This workshop will boost your confidence in making educational decisions for success in your homeschool.

Isn’t the reason we homeschool to disciple our children? Unfortunately, we can become so busy educating them that we forget to disciple them. In our time together, we will think about: why young people walk away from the faith, why they stay, and what we as parents should focus on. Come learn how to keep the main thing the main thing.

ID: 2017-405
Jun. 2, 2017

Picasso claimed, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Does your homeschool dust need to be washed away with some invigorating art ideas? Come and glean from Linda Crosby’s 30+ years of art education. Knowing that art captures the visual learner, entertains the kinesthetic learner, and awakens language learning skills, Linda determined to use art in every area of their homeschool to meet the varied needs of her children. Through her humor and life experiences, she will inspire you to branch out and experiment with art history, techniques, supplies, and ideas.

ID: 2017-406
Jun. 2, 2017

Family Devotions can become the Holy Grail of Christian family life. Have family devotions consistently and you are a “good example.” Admit that you fail… and well let’s just say you are a second class Christian family. While family devotions is not the magic bullet of discipleship, there is something beautiful about Dad, Mom, and children opening the Word of God together. In our time together, you will learn what to aim for in family devotions, the rewards, and strategies for conducting “No Tears Family Devotions.”

ID: 2017-407
Jun. 2, 2017

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” ~ Benjamin Franklin. As a homeschool parent, it is imperative that you have a plan in place for the success of your homeschool. Veteran homeschool mom, Linda Crosby, will show you how to lay out your year, month, week and day with schedules that will allow for flexibility in your homeschool. This practical session will get you started on the right foot with a workable schedule to keep you aimed in the right direction at the areas that are most important to you. Linda will present a variety of schedules to give you planning ideas, as well as helpful hints for dealing with interruptions, housework and chores, keeping the toddler occupied, fitting it all in, eliminating time stealers, setting goals for your child, plus more. Come join Linda and plan to succeed!

Do you have questions about your child’s health and development? One of the lines of defense in the health of your child is the pediatrician. She or he generally serves as a gatekeeper to more advanced care, making referrals to medical and therapeutic specialists as needed. Navigating the waters and advocating for your child through the healthcare system can be a daunting task. Learn how to navigate these waters and effectively advocate for your children. Ask the questions that you have been too afraid to ask.

ID: 2017-411
Jun. 3, 2017

How is your homeschool year going? Are you feeling overwhelmed right now, lacking strength and faith to continue? Perhaps you are just fed up with the constant battle, tired of being so tired. Would it surprise you to discover that these are normal thoughts and feelings for many (or even most) homeschool moms? There are answers – though you won’t find your answers in that new curriculum or in that clever chore chart. God has a much greater plan in store for you. Whether you’ve experienced a season of blessing as you homeschooled or you feel mired in self-doubt, this workshop will encourage your soul.