Recordings Listing


Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, Idaho
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 7 through 8, 2019

2019 Homeschool Idaho Convention - Highlights

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
ID: 19-22
Jun. 7, 2019

Your house is a disaster, your kids seem out of control, and you wonder how you’ll ever make it through another day of school. Your “get up and go” has “gotten up and went”. You used to think homeschooling was the best thing since sliced bread, but now you’re feeling like burnt toast. Take heart – you’re not alone! No one homeschools because it’s easy. You do it because you believe it is best. But there are times when you need to be reminded once again why it’s best. Listen as we do just that. You’ll laugh and be encouraged in the toughest job you’ll ever…love.

Our current education model says that students need to go to this college, to get this degree, in order to get this particular job. But in reality, over sixty percent of graduates do not end up in a job that their education trained them for. Over 90% of businesses view a prospective hire’s “capacity to think critically, to communicate clearly, and to solve complex problems as more important than his or her undergraduate major.” This is why the liberal arts tradition has for centuries and continues to prepare men and women to be leaders in the arenas where God calls them. Find out more about why Google, Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks), and others have changed the way they view those who have been educated in the liberal arts. This recording will be the audio portion only.

The first five years of parenting are crucial times of development for young children. Foundations are set that give them a perspective of God, themselves, and others. During these early years, children gain an understanding of love, obedience, and responsibility. Their worldview will be shaped by the books you read to them (including the Bible) and the freedom they are given to sing, dance, play, and explore the great outdoors of God’s wonderful Creation. Is this parenting, homeschooling, or both? In this workshop, you will discover ten lessons your young children should learn and experience that can make a big difference in the first five years of their life.

ID: 19-26
Jun. 7, 2019

If you are looking for ideas on how to organize your homeschool then this workshop is for you. Janelle will be sharing numerous ideas for lesson planning, organizing your student’s work and grades, creating ways for your child to work independently and setting up your homeschool. There are plenty of ideas to choose from. Pick the ones that work best for you and your family.

ID: 19-27
Jun. 7, 2019

Homeschooling jargon can be confusing even for seasoned homeschool parents. In this workshop, Nancy will give an overview of many of the most common curriculum approaches including textbook, unit studies, classical, Charlotte Mason/living books, eclectic, and relaxed/delight-directed learning. We will also go over examples of curriculum and resources that tend to work best with each approach.

There are many dangers when we start to live for ourselves in a Christian context. Discover some of the key ones that can change your life!

Homeschooling parents of a child with special needs often ask themselves questions like “Am I qualified to do this?” or “What can I possibly offer?” and “Shouldn’t I leave this to the experts?” As a mom of four dyslexic learners and a daughter with Down Syndrome, Beverly has a unique insight into the doubts and concerns of parents wondering whether they can adequately educate their special needs child. Find encouragement for this challenging task.

For the last twelve years, you’ve probably felt the tension of “what’s next?” for your children. You hoped the dilemma would solve itself, but it didn’t. In fact, there are all sorts of homeschool graduates who are stuck in the “what now zone” or were discouraged from traveling a particular path. It’s time to put your fears aside, look the cap and gown in the eye, and take an honest look at life after graduation. Should they go to college or try a college alternative, do a gap year, start their own business, stay at home, get a job, travel the world…join a monastery??!! Don’t be afraid. God has a plan for your child, and part of that plan is that He’s given them YOU to help guide them into their next phase of life.

ID: 19-33
Jun. 7, 2019

All too often the lessons are finished, the books read, and the frogs dissected, but what priority are you giving the principal? When does he get time with his favorite teacher? Is it time for a principal-teacher meeting (a.k.a. a date)? Standing by our husbands through this challenging lifestyle choice is often neglected. Come and remember the blessing of a well-prioritized home.

ID: 19-34
Jun. 7, 2019

Math is sequential. Often students struggle in math due to gaps in understanding of basic concepts either previously presented or not presented at all. The first step is to find the gaps, then effectively fill in those missing pieces. Sue will provide ways to evaluate and develop strategies to develop math confidence and understanding.

When you and your family are faced with a challenging life situation, homeschooling can seem daunting. Homeschooling is probably the last thing you want to think about taking on. Is it possible to homeschool when life is difficult? Come hear a mom of seven share how her family homeschooled through a challenging season in life. Be encouraged and gain practical insight.

ID: 19-38-T
Jun. 7, 2019

There’s a story in the Bible. It starts in Genesis and ends in Revelation. It helps you see God’s heart in a fresh new ways–His desire to be glorified among the nations!

ID: 19-39-T
Jun. 7, 2019

Most Christians have only been reading half of the Bible. They’ve been focused on what God can do for them, and not what they can do for God. Come and discover another half of your Bible.

ID: 19-41
Jun. 8, 2019

Some children practically teach themselves to read, but most will need to begin with good preparation and continue with sustained instruction along the way. Before beginning to work with a phonics curriculum, there are helpful things you can do right now to ensure that your child is prepared to read successfully. Learn more about the value of pre-reading skills, what those skills are, and what to look for in a sound, thorough phonics curriculum.

X-Boxes, Game-Cubes, the INTERNET, Facebook, and iPhones have changed the way we live, have fun, and interact. Children quietly glued to game monitors for hours have replaced laughter and creativity. They beg to play, whine when they can’t. Teens and pre-teens spend most of their waking hours texting, chatting on Facebook, or ‘tweeting’ on Twitter. Today’s latest-breaking technology becomes tomorrow’s obsession, demanding more time, attention, and sacrifices. Maybe you feel like you’ve lost control in your own home. Does this tell you that something is terribly wrong? Do you feel like a beast has invaded your home, but you don’t know how to handle it? If so, listen to Todd on the timely topic of taming the TECHNO-BEAST!

ID: 19-43
Jun. 8, 2019

Having trouble staying on schedule with your chosen curriculum? Wondering if you can keep up with everyone else for just one day? Hear Rachael’s confession of her own personal battle with homeschool schedules and how she looks to God to help her persevere.

Nancy Manos // Johnson Wellness Participating in a co-op can be an amazing opportunity to enrich your home education adventure. A small co-op can be an exciting and motivating way to study a particular subject or topic with a few friends, without replacing the parent as the primary instructor. It builds lifelong friendships, too. Nancy will share from her own experiences the benefits of doing cooperative enrichment learning, along with practical information that will help you succeed in enjoying your own homeschool co-op experience.

Homeschooling one child can be a challenge but throw in multiple children and things can get crazy. If you are overwhelmed with homeschooling several children then find encouragement and practical tips in this workshop. Janelle Knutson, veteran homeschool mom of seven children, will share how to homeschool multiple grades without losing your mind.

Writing can be one of those daunting tasks during your school day, but that can easily change. Hear about fun, interactive activities that will show how easy it is to get started with story ideas. The techniques introduced can be used for any age and can be done individually, or with the whole family. Many different adventures can be created from the same items. Children will develop a love for writing and parents will be encouraged to see the excitement it brings when their children realize that they have something to offer through their words.

Topics: Writing
ID: 19-48-T
Jun. 8, 2019

Since God’s desire is for all nations to worship Him, how are we doing? Discover how much has been accomplished and how much we still have yet to do.

ID: 19-49-T
Jun. 8, 2019

Let’s be honest, the Bible is full of grace and full of works. Why are they both there, since we’re saved by grace alone and not works?

You can homeschool a struggling student! Although there isn’t one single quick fix, there are specific things you can be doing in your home to help lessen the burden on your student. Listen as Bev shares the little things you can easily implement to help your struggling learner find success. Strategies that support our children’s thinking skills and set the stage for more effective learning can become part of your daily routine.

ID: 19-52
Jun. 8, 2019

For over ten years now, I have been reminding moms and dads of the truth behind homeschooling. I tell them it’s about relationships and letting their children be what God has created them to be, and blah balh blah blah blah… Moms often come up to me and say, “I believe everything you say…but how do I do that? How do I homeschool in light of all these truths?” Well, Madam Homeschooler, I’m going to get down to the nuts and bolts of homeschooling in light of these truths. Buckle your seatbelts!

ID: 19-53
Jun. 8, 2019

What face comes to mind when you hear “that child”? Do you smile or scowl when you see that face? Do you struggle to like that child? That child is a world changer. God has a plan for that child. All of that energy, all those questions, all that strength, all THAT, is God-given for His glory. Come learn strategies for learning to enjoy that child, to embrace that child, and to train that child for God’s purposes.

If you have ever wondered how to design a high school course of study, evaluate the results, develop a transcript or award a diploma, then this is the workshop for you! Linda will cover all of these subjects and more in one quick hour.

How is it possible to homeschool your older children with a baby, toddler or preschooler around? Come be encouraged and gain practical tips as a mom of seven shares how homeschooling is not only possible but beneficial for the whole family when you have little ones underfoot.

Kids may adore fantasy and science fiction, but everyday reading is filled with nonfiction—from newspaper articles to recipes and game instructions. Sometimes nonfiction feels dry and boring; but it doesn’t have to be. Carol Peterson will look at different techniques for writing nonfiction, what they are used for, how writers make them fun for kids to read and how to make them fun for your kids to write.

ID: 19-58-T
Jun. 8, 2019

Jesus continually pressed his disciples to live with an eternal perspective. Gain a whole new understanding of what that means.

Learning to read shouldn’t be unnecessarily hard for our children… or exhausting for moms! Learn some practical things that can help open the door to understanding for your child in the area of Reading. We’ll cover small changes you can make using any curriculum, including what you are already using, that can help both mom and child find success.

ID: 19-62
Jun. 8, 2019

Marriage is hard… in fact, it’s real hard! Yet when it is right and good, it can withstand anything. It doesn’t matter what the economy does, the status of your bank account, the condition of your home or vehicles, or what your children dish out…because when a husband and wife are right, they’re unbeatable. On the flip side, when a husband and wife feel distant or apathetic, it only takes the slightest breeze to ruffle a bunch of feathers. The truth is a mediocre marriage sucks the joy right out of life and your homeschool. The economy can swing up, your checking account can be healthy, your home and vehicles can purr like kittens, and the kids can behave like angels, and life still…stinks. That’s because marriage matters. Join Todd as he shares real life stories, problems, and frustrations along with practical, simple solutions to having a marriage that can‘t be beat!

As an obsessive-compulsive-perfectionist-control-freak herself, Rachael is sometimes her own worst enemy when it comes to taking advantage of the freedoms of home school. Are you too tied to your plan? Do you shiver at the idea of change or adjustment? Are you missing out on significant moments because you are focused on the trivial? Join Rachael for a lesson on how to chill out and turn control over to God.

ID: 19-64
Jun. 8, 2019

Do you have students loves art and does not seem to enjoy math or loves math and does not enjoy art ? Artist Sue Wachter will present information from both personal experience and research to consider how to motivate your student to find success in both math and art. Attend expecting to enjoy interaction and discuss possibilities to creatively assist your student to discover that important combination.

ID: 19-66
Jun. 8, 2019

Are you trying to decide what to do with your child during the preschool years? This workshop will cover the benefits of keeping your preschooler at home, things to think about before purchasing preschool curriculum, what your child really needs to learn during the preschool years and ideas for learning through play and life experiences.

Volunteering to lead a homeschool group involves sacrifice … and lots of it! In this session, we will talk about the various ways we pay a high price to encourage others in the home education journey, and why it is a worthwhile price to pay. But don’t lose heart! With great sacrifice comes great reward. You’ll be refreshed in knowing that the price you pay to serve is a worthwhile investment reaping eternal rewards. We will also discuss ways to keep wise boundaries, recruit help from others, and find a healthy balance as you juggle not only homeschooling your own children but serving and supporting other families.

Topics: Support groups
ID: 19-68-T
Jun. 8, 2019

All Christians are going to be judged twice: once as a sinner and once as a servant. Learn in greater detail what is going to happen when we go to heaven.


Redmond, WA
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 26 through 27, 2019

WA - 2019 Spring Conference

Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington
Recording ID: 2019-AUDIO-SET
Original Price: $414.00
Set Price: $125.00

2019 Conference Complete Audio Set

This set contains all recordings available from the 2019 Christian Heritage Spring Conference, Building a Godly Legacy.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 19-001The Puritan Philosophy of Education - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-003Doing Apologetics in an Anti-Apologetic Age - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-004The Theology of Work - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-005Modern Spirituality and Your Mind – Truth Endures - Keynote by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-02ARelational Wisdom: Preparing Children for Life - Keynote  by: Ken Sande19-02BRelational Wisdom: Preparing for Life - Keynote by: Jeff Sande19-101Building a Strong Family Legacy - The Art of Intentionality by: David McAlvany19-102Resolving Everyday Conflict by: Ken Sande19-103If Your Children Are Not Headed for College, Prepare Them for Home Business by: Rhea Perry19-104Developing a Plan for High School: Sample Four-Year Plans by: Carol Becker19-105The War on the Constitution, Why Youth Should Care by: Jake MacAulay19-106Hacking Physics: Making Physics Wonderful for Your Students by: Wes Olson19-107Knights in Training: Raising Boys into Men by: Heather Haupt19-108That's Impossible by: Mike Snavely19-109Getting Kids to Help at Home: Training in Diligence and Thoroughness by: Vicki Bentley19-110The Journey to Novarupta by: Pat Roy19-111Strong Marriages for Healthy, Homeschooling Environments by: Scott LaPierre19-112Teaching Literature from a Christian Worldview by: Kevin Swanson19-201Disposing of Baggage: The Proper Disposal of Generational Junk by: David McAlvany19-202Harnessing the Power of Emotions   by: Ken Sande19-203Formative Discipline by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-204Essential Skills for Successful Teens: Study and Time Management by: Carol Becker19-205Maximizing on the Power of Mentorship by: Kevin Swanson19-206Preparing the Biblical Christian for Engagement in the Culture by: Jake MacAulay19-20710 Ways to Boost Brain Power by: Heather Haupt19-208Grand Canyon – The Puzzle on the Plateau by: Mike Snavely19-209Exploring Curriculum Options by: Vicki Bentley19-210The Laws of Thermodynamics by: Pat Roy19-211Health from a Biblical Perspective by: Allan Blain19-212Relational Wisdom in the Movies by: Jeff Sande19-213The Grand Design: A Chess Master's Strategies to Success in Life by: Elliott Neff19-300Building a Strong Father and Son Legacy by: Jeff Sande, Ken Sande19-301Pop Culture, Entertainment, and the Family by: Kevin Swanson19-302The Negotiation Skills of Solomon by: Ken Sande19-3035 Home Business Projects that Teach Financial Literacy and Create Income by: Rhea Perry19-304Multi-level Teaching by: Vicki Bentley19-305Embracing Disturbance: Blessings in Disguise by: David McAlvany19-306The Homeschooling Dad by: Jake MacAulay19-307Spiders! by: Mike Snavely19-308The Life of Isaac Newton and Why it Matters by: Wes Olson19-309Building on a Sure Foundation: Staying the Course through High School by: Carol Becker19-310The Need to Be Prepared by: Scott LaPierre19-311Why Movement is Essential to Learning by: Heather Haupt19-312The Scopes Trial by: Pat Roy19-313Young Peacemakers by: Corlette Sande19-401Building a Financial Legacy: A Jump Start Before Marriage by: David McAlvany19-402Homeschooling and Missions by: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.19-403How We Brought Our Dad Home from Corporate America in Just 3 Years and How You Can Too! by: Rhea Perry19-404Hope for the Organizationally Challenged by: Vicki Bentley19-405Managing Change by: Ken Sande19-406Ape Men Fossils by: Pat Roy19-407The Pillars of Evolution by: Mike Snavely19-408Making Math and Science Meaningful by: Kevin Swanson19-409You Can Homeschool High School . . . If You Can Make It through Tomorrow! by: Carol Becker19-410The Institute on the Constitution for Youth by: Jake MacAulay19-411Conquering Your Fear of Educational Gaps by: Heather Haupt19-412Tips for Enjoying the Process of Child Training by: Mary Craig19-501Raising Empathetic Children by: Ken Sande19-502Avoiding the Pitfalls of Investing in Today's Markets by: David McAlvany19-503Understanding the Times — How the Western World Loses the Christian Faith by: Kevin Swanson19-504When Life Broadsides Your Homeschool by: Vicki Bentley19-505Rebels/Prodigals: God can Rescue Them . . . He is Our Hope by: Jake MacAulay19-506Expanding your Comfort Zone for Maximum Impact by: Allan Blain19-507Dinosaurs by: Pat Roy19-508The Life of Albert Einstein and Why it Matters by: Wes Olson19-509Preparing Your Teen for Life by: Carol Becker19-510Overcoming Artificial Maturity  by: Jeff Sande19-511Equipping Kids to Persevere and Pursue Excellence by: Heather Haupt19-512How to Permanently Remove the Deep Roots of Bitterness by: Tim Roth This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

“What curriculum do you use?" is an important question. But more important is "What is your philosophy of education?” Your curriculum reflects your philosophy of education, and since many homeschool families don’t have one, their curriculum choices tend to be based on convenience, pragmatism, or availability. Explore the Puritan Philosophy of Education from which rose great educational movements and institutions. Find basic tools to develop a philosophy of education for your family and give you direction, goals, and purpose.

Topics: Vision

Can you defend your faith? Do you even want to? Or do you think doing so would be unkind, arrogant, or even unchristian? Voddie exposes the contemporary ideologies that stand opposed to the idea of apologetics and introduces the basics of defending the faith. He also speaks to contemporary cultural apologetic issues.

Topics: World View
ID: 19-004
Apr. 27, 2019

Have you heard of the Protestant Work Ethic? Did you know it is more than just a predisposition to hard work? There was actually a significant theology of work that undergirded Protestant culture and led to prosperity and freedom we take for granted. Voddie explores that theology and gives you tools to help you incorporate it into the education of your children.

Topics: World View

Modern Christianity is awash with pragmatism and mysticism. Unfortunately, these ideologies are so common that many Christians are not even aware of the influence in their own lives and families. Voddie examines these ideologies and shows you how to counter them with biblical thinking and decision making.

Topics: World View

Relational wisdom is the ability to discern emotions and interests in yourself and others, interpret them in the light of God’s Word, and use them to manage responses and relationships successfully. In this life-changing message, Ken describes the biblical and neurological basis for relational wisdom and shows how these skills lead to less stressful and more productive homeschool experiences while also preparing children for durable marriages, better job performance, and a more credible witness for Christ.

Relational wisdom is the ability to discern emotions and interests in yourself and others, interpret them in the light of God’s Word, and use them to manage responses and relationships successfully. In this life-changing message, Jeff describes the basic principles of relational wisdom and shows how these skills reduce conflict; promote close family relationships; and prepare young adults for close friendships, durable marriages, better job performance, and a more credible witness for Christ.

David helps you establish your most desired legacy objectives. What do you dream for your family? What does your family look like ten generations from now? Every significant endeavor begins with the planning stage. We know life does not always work out as planned, but creating an amazing legacy is not the result of random chance. There is design, and prayer, and recalibration all along the way.

Topics: Vision
ID: 19-102
Apr. 26, 2019

Enjoy a more peaceful and productive classroom by learning how to teach your children to resolve conflict constructively. They will learn to discern the heart desires (idols) that fuel conflict, sincerely confess their wrongs, graciously confront others, and practice meaningful forgiveness.

If you have children who think outside of the box, they may not respond well to traditional education. They are visionaries and leaders who solve problems, create products and services, and create jobs by nurturing teams. They think differently than employees. Hear about Rhea’s son who owns and operates a roofing company and never went to college. Learn ten concepts foundational to operating a successful home business. Think like an entrepreneur.

How do you plan for the homeschool high school years? What subjects do you teach and when? Do you follow a basic, general college prep, or rigorous college prep plan? How do you evaluate credits? Determine grades? Make a transcript and diploma? If you are just beginning to think about high school homeschooling, Carol helps you get organized and lay groundwork for a viable four-year plan.

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Patrick Henry. The Bible says, “If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?” What this next generation does with the Gospel and the Constitution will determine future Christian liberties of America.

God invented physics to make the world, so it should be wonderful. But terribly intimidating formulas and equations scare off many would-be explorers. Instead, maybe an introduction to physics should teach the big concepts rather than getting lost in the details. Learn about the seven major gears that drive the universe and rediscover the wonder of God’s physical universe.

ID: 19-107
Apr. 26, 2019

Discover how to reach the heart of boys and inspire them to embrace a training phase of their lives to pursue a purpose that, like knights of old, courageously puts needs of others before their own. The world needs kind, courageous, and bold men who lead their families well and make an impact with their lives. Ignite their imagination, honor their love for adventure, and cast a vision for the training process.

ID: 19-108
Apr. 26, 2019

Animals display incredible variety. This includes the amazing aspect of instinct, which each animal possesses uniquely. Some, however, go beyond this and enter the world of symbiosis, especially mutualism-when creatures need others to survive. It is inconceivable to imagine that both instinct and symbiosis just randomly happened, unguided by a Designer!

Letting your children be more involved in helping has some great benefits—both for training in character and practical skills AND for your sanity! But where do you begin? This foster mom to over fifty children shares tips and practical helps that have enabled her to homeschool seventeen children and still be able to open the front door to guests.

ID: 19-110
Apr. 26, 2019

The biggest eruption in modern times happened in the Alaskan Peninsula in 1912. It was thirty times larger than Mount St. Helens’s eruption! Afterwards, Dr. Robert Griggs led an expedition into the blast zone. His book inspired another explorer a hundred years later to return to this amazing wilderness and document evidence for a worldwide flood and a biblical ice-age.

Homeschooled children can flourish when their parents have strong, healthy marriages. Conversely, children suffer when there’s conflict between Mom and Dad. Learn how parents can have a relationship that allows their children to prosper, not just academically, but emotionally and spiritually.

Teaching literature is not for the faint of heart, or for those who are easily taken by bad worldviews. Many of our homeschooled children like to read and may become great leaders unless they are corrupted by wrong worldviews. As the developer of the Christian Curriculum Project, Kevin invites parents and students to discernment on both content and method of great literary works.

Topics: World View

What are your generational blessings? What baggage do you carry from one generation to the next? We have baggage from earlier generations; we leave baggage for future generations. It’s not our intention, but as frail and imperfect human beings, we can (BUT DON’T HAVE TO) perpetuate cycles of sin and pain. Our goal is to find gratitude, learn about practicing grace, and live together unburdened and free.

ID: 19-202
Apr. 26, 2019

Emotions are wired into all people by God’s design and are tied to our greatest joys and accomplishments of life—as well as our greatest struggles and agonies. Ken explores the biblical nature of emotions, how God intends them to enrich our lives, and how we can channel both negative and positive emotions into constructive action.

ID: 19-203
Apr. 26, 2019

What pops into your mind when you hear the word, discipline? Many of us instantly think of corrective discipline. However, when using a biblical perspective, you know that the overwhelming majority of discipline should be formative as opposed to corrective. Voddie explores different approaches to discipline in Scripture with strategies to help emphasize and improve your application of formative discipline at home.

The high school years are a prime opportunity to equip your teens with skills they need for future success. If your teen is headed to college, the workforce, or the military, they benefit from study and time management skills. Parents, join Carol for ideas to incorporate these skills into high school coursework and lists of resources to help teens cultivate these essential skills.

ID: 19-205
Apr. 26, 2019

Young people are less prepared for life, family, and work than they ever have been. Yet, the revival of mentorship and discipleship has been a saving grace. There is nothing better for spiritual and economic preparation for the marketplace. With twelve years of experience in mentoring, Kevin shares about leveraging a work opportunity into a mentorship and what makes mentorship so successful.

There is a very real war for hearts and minds of the next generation. If we do not fight we are guaranteed to lose. Come be equipped to stand successfully in the battle for truth. Homeschooling parents may fear that when their children graduate they may turn against their upbringing. Is there a way to prevent that? Come explore God’s powerful tools and learn from homeschooling parents’ experiences.

Topics: World View
ID: 19-207
Apr. 26, 2019

We hear about the brain a lot these days and sometimes it’s tempting to cram more book learnin’ into our children’s heads to produce little geniuses. But this is counter-productive. Some important tips and tricks can be easily incorporated into everyday learning and living to maximize your children’s learning potential. Come find out ten key ways to turn your child ON to learning and have that learning STICK

ID: 19-208
Apr. 26, 2019

The plateau is a most breathtaking and perplexing site. Standard geological explanations for its formation are wrong, and most creationists overlook major pieces of the puzzle. Amazingly, what carved the canyon also explains fascinating geological features (e.g. Monument Valley, The Petrified Forest, Canyonlands and Arches, Canyon de Chelley). Furthermore, they all formed quickly! What happened?!

ID: 19-209
Apr. 26, 2019

Drawing on her experience as a mom of seventeen homeschool students and a curriculum counselor for a statewide homeschool organization, Vicki shares secrets for you to map out a successful course of study. Vicki helps beginners get a solid start in home education and encourages veteran homeschoolers to re-examine goals and priorities. She also includes a basic overview of different teaching approaches.

ID: 19-210
Apr. 26, 2019

The First Law of Thermodynamics says that energy/matter can neither be created nor destroyed. The Second Law states that disorder in the universe is always increasing. Together, these laws completely invalidate the idea that the universe could create itself. But, they are in harmony with the Bible.

ID: 19-211
Apr. 26, 2019

Learn how to better protect the most valuable earthly asset we all possess, for the kingdom of God—our family’s health. We dig into Scripture, cutting through modern day hype, and discover a simple logical and refreshing approach to health. Does God’s Word speak to health related topics? Learn how to care for the “fearfully and wonderfully made” human body to maximize your family’s service in the kingdom.

ID: 19-212
Apr. 26, 2019

Most of our children watch hundreds of hours of electronic media every year—often with little benefit. Jeff shares practical guidance on how to use popular Hollywood movies to teach life-changing relational skills to your children.

Topics: World View

Chess is like life. Circumstances keep changing before and after every move. New choices must be made. The same mindsets and strategies to succeed in chess can help you navigate life’s decisions. Using the game of chess as a launching pad, Elliott brings strategies off the board and into everyday life. Learn chess, be captivated by students’ transformations, identify ways you can empower others, and discover key mindsets and strategies to help you and your children.

ID: 19-300
Apr. 27, 2019

Ken and Jeff Sande share their journey to build a strong father and son relationship, struggles and all! Expect to be encouraged with fresh insights of how you too, can pass on a strong father and son legacy as you connect with other men on this same journey.

ID: 19-301
Apr. 27, 2019

How does a family interact with popular culture? Popular culture is everywhere. It influences peer groups and sets worldview and cultural perspectives of almost everybody. Very few have wisdom and strength to swim against the stream. So, how does a family make its cultural choices? What part should entertainment play in the home? What are major biblical principles for discernment of music, movies, tattoos, dress, etc.?

ID: 19-302
Apr. 27, 2019

Take a look at the negotiation skills used by the heroes of the Bible to resolve conflicts with hostile civil authorities, critical relatives, and oppressive employers—the same kinds of people homeschool families sometimes need to negotiate with today!

As an award-winning Internet business owner and veteran homeschool mom of seven, Rhea shares the fundamentals of five proven home businesses your family can start part-time that could possibly bring your dad home. Her family did it! Find out why some of your children never finish a job, why others are not self-motivated, and how to work toward a lifestyle of freedom.

ID: 19-304
Apr. 27, 2019

When you had one child, it seemed easy. But adding more children sometimes makes homeschooling feel like a zany plate-spinning act. Vicki shares ideas for keeping the homeschooling “plates” from crashing to the floor! Come hear practical tips for teaching multiple ages, from a mom of seventeen homeschool students. (Seven school-aged kids at one time!)

ID: 19-305
Apr. 27, 2019

Learn about successful crisis management and the disposition needed to turn disturbance into blessing. There are life events outside of our control but to which we must respond. Unemployment, health crisis, loss of a loved one, moral failure, and a long list of other “surprises” are either a basis for family implosion or can be handled in a way with redemption and growth as outcomes.

ID: 19-306
Apr. 27, 2019

How does Dad meet the challenge of homeschooling when he works one or more jobs and still tries to maintain influence and leadership in the home? Jake gives practical advice and encouragement from his personal experience.

Topics: Fathers
ID: 19-307
Apr. 27, 2019

Repulsive beasts, right? Perhaps, but spiders have incredible abilities. They are marvels of design and very beneficial to mankind. Let’s take a fun and fascinating look at these creatures in a new light. Will you hesitate to squish the ones you see in your house after this? No, probably not! But outside? That’s another matter!

ID: 19-308
Apr. 27, 2019

“I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.” That was said by Isaac Newton, and he wrote more on the Bible than on mathematics or physics. Yet, he is consistently ranked as the greatest scientist of all time. Learn the surprising life of the world’s greatest scientist, who lost twenty years of his life’s work when his dog set his laboratory on fire.

Topics: World View

As your child grows older, you may consider high school at home—but you’ve got doubts. Why is homeschooling high school a crucial decision for your teen? How is it possible? What help is available? Carol answers your questions—but more importantly, encourages and challenges you to explore the steps to take as you weigh the possibility of teaching high school at home.

Topics: High school
ID: 19-310
Apr. 27, 2019
ID: 19-311
Apr. 27, 2019

Come explore the scientific research behind the mind/body connection and how movement can be the key to turn your child ON to learning. Find out ways to incorporate movement into everyday learning to maximize your child’s potential.

ID: 19-312
Apr. 27, 2019

In 1925 there was a trial in America that changed the world’s trust in God’s Word. Pat reviews the main evidence given during the case, and shows what we know about the evidence almost one hundred years later.

Topics: World View
ID: 19-313
Apr. 27, 2019

Corlette shares from her highly acclaimed curriculum, The Young Peacemaker, twelve peacemaking principles. Parents can teach these principles to preschool and grade school children to equip them to resolve conflict quickly and develop character qualities that prevent conflict.

Financial foundations, begun with individual habits and practices early in life, emerge later in the life of the family. Savings, investment, and proper planning for your life begun at a very young age can serve as a blessing to a young married couple. What do you need to know about debt, operating a business, buying a house, managing possessions as a steward of God’s resources and other important topics?

ID: 19-402
Apr. 27, 2019

God is a God of missions. God’s people are a people on a mission. Voddie explores the biblical idea of missions from Genesis to Revelation (that’s right…missions did not originate with the Great Commission or even the New Testament). Then we explore ways to 1) teach missions in the home, and 2) get involved with missions through praying, giving, and going. We may even discuss the Baucham family mission endeavor in Zambia.

Topics: Missions

When Drew Perry was 18 he became a real estate investor, and his dad came home from a corporate job just three years later. He sold to investors his system for selling houses on eBay in just seven days. If you don’t know what to do with a budding entrepreneur, don’t miss this story (with pictures) of how the Perrys live simply, glorify God by serving others, and build financial freedom through a home business.

ID: 19-404
Apr. 27, 2019

“Help! I’m committed to homeschooling, but I’m feeling overwhelmed just by everyday life!” Have you ever felt like this? For many of us, standard organizing suggestions don’t “stick,” and we wonder what’s wrong with us. Vicki shares tools that helped her (and other busy moms) homeschool and get dinner on the table—on the same day. (Even if you were “born organized,” you’ll glean a lot from this workshop!)

Topics: Organization
ID: 19-405
Apr. 27, 2019

Change is one of the most frequent causes of conflict, whether in the home, office, church, or on a home school board. This workshop will provide a strategy for managing change in a way that builds unity, honors the “old guard,” empowers the “new guard” and inspires entire groups to see every transition in life as an opportunity to grow in character and become more useful to God.

ID: 19-406
Apr. 27, 2019

A recent survey shows that teens believe that ape men fossils are the strongest proof for evolution. Pat shows that the evidence clearly tells us something else.

Topics: World View
ID: 19-407
Apr. 27, 2019

Mike defines “science” and illustrates the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faith-based rather than science-based. Mike will not only show you that science does not support evolutionary theory, but also give you some “tools” with which to combat the theory.

ID: 19-408
Apr. 27, 2019

Kevin obtained his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering but would be first to tell you he didn’t like science very much (as taught in secular college). He has a passion for making mathematics and science meaningful to children by bringing it back into a God-centered view. Why do we study science? And how can we make it 10,000 times more thrilling for our children than the average teacher? It can be done!

As a parent homeschooling a teen (or thinking about homeschooling a teen), you may have doubts about your ability . . . and your sanity. Are you weighed down by the seriousness of high school? Do you question your competence to teach? Come and be encouraged as you discover a new long-range perspective for teaching teens that is filled with much hope, faith, help, and joy!

Topics: High school
ID: 19-410
Apr. 27, 2019

Listen up youth! Your God-given constitutional liberties are daily being stripped from you and your history is being re-written to reflect a secular godless America. This is a direct assault on you and your future. The fight is upon you and knowledge with God’s grace is your power. Get ready for boot camp; learn the fundamentals and stop this frontal attack on your country.

ID: 19-411
Apr. 27, 2019

Have you ever felt paralyzed by the idea of your children having huge glaring gaps in their education? Heather helps you face your fear and conquer it! Fear is a joy-thief. There is nothing quite so horrible as being held hostage this way. Join us to learn four tips that set the stage for a life-long pursuit of learning and help you conquer that fear of the gaps!

ID: 19-412
Apr. 27, 2019

Come, learn how to love and enjoy your role of nurturing and training your children in God’s ways. Learn how to look kind, sound kind, and BE kind in the process. Get excited about seeing your kindness and love passed on to your kids. In addition to taking a fresh look at these truths, a Q&A time allows you to get answers to your specific struggles.

ID: 19-501
Apr. 27, 2019

Second mile leaders are counter-intuitive servants of God who develop a consistent love of virtue, a disciplined approach to gratification, and a submissive love for the authority of God’s Word. Male leadership is essential to the success of marriages, families, the church, and society. Earn the right to be heard and more—powerful

Academic knowledge is important, but does it prepare for success in future employment? Is your student becoming a collaborator, communicator, critical thinker, and creator? Are they developing media, information, technology, life, and career skills? Surveyed college professors and CEOs disagree on how prepared a graduate is for modern life. Learn how to plan for success… beyond the curriculum.

It’s hard to stay the course during the high school years. Everything is changing: the rules, the requirements, and the relationship. Your teen is changing too. So why is staying the course a crucial goal of your homeschooling journey, even though the rules aren’t working anymore? Well, teens need you to be a steady force in their life. This time can be the most rewarding of your parenting journey

Topics: World View
ID: 19-504
Apr. 27, 2019

You had a wonderful plan at the beginning of the school year for a well-rounded education, envisioning academic excellence and character development in your smiling, well-adjusted offspring. But then… life happened. How do you find "normal" again? In this workshop, Vicki helps you focus on the essentials when you're on the frontlines, especially in a crisis situation.

There is a “worldview shift” occurring in America over the past four hundred years. Understand this Colonial Education Era in America by studying the character of the people, how they determined what was real, how they knew what they knew, and what demonstrated a good life. This shift from a biblical-based to a secular-based education system is the Forgotten Story of today.

ID: 19-506
Apr. 27, 2019

Christian families that start an entrepreneurial endeavor begin a better family legacy today than ever before. The availability of information in our highly technical age creates an incredible opportunity for new businesses. The perfect way to start that business and reach financial freedom is as a family!

ID: 19-507
Apr. 27, 2019

Because we are shaped by our personality types, the power of grades can motivate some and destroy others. Linda shares grading theories, as well as practical tips to make keeping grades simple. With Linda’s “real life” examples from the work of her own children, be encouraged—newbies and veterans alike!

Topics: World View