Recordings Listing


Sturbridge, Massachusetts
Thursday - Saturday
Apr. 27 through 29, 2023

MA-2023 MassHOPE Convention Walking in Freedom

Presented by: Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators
ID: 23-01
Apr. 27, 2023

Most parents place a high value on education. It prepares children for life and gives hope for a happy future. In the old days, the three Rs of schooling included reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic. Is homeschooling succeeding because it is reclaiming the tried-and-true educational philosophy or is something else going on? This workshop presents a compelling case for you to believe in the power of homeschooling and seven new Rs to back it up.

Many homeschoolers struggle with self-doubt and/or criticism for their decision by well-meaning friends and family. Here we’ll tackle some of the top objections people raise about home education and will give statistics and fact-based answers to build confidence to defend your choice to home educate.

ID: 23-03
Apr. 27, 2023

What is the true definition of socialization? Who should be socializing our children? Will your children be looked at as “different” or criticized for being unsocialized? We’ll answer these questions and reveal the negative socialization in the present education culture, as well as the points of positive socialization that homeschooling affords when you keep your children Home Where They Belong.

Most people think of schooling when they hear the word “education.” The two, however, are not intrinsically linked in any way. In this keynote learn why most people are schooled, but never truly educated, and how you can ensure your children get a great education, even without schooling.

ID: 23-05
Apr. 28, 2023

In what way has God been unfair to you? What do you want that God has not already given you? At what point will you be totally satisfied with what you have in life? When will you realize that God is more than enough? At what point will you be able to “thank” God for what you have rather than “ask” God for what you want? Discontentment is a curse that will poison every relationship and every task in life. It is a curse.

ID: 23-06
Apr. 28, 2023

Train your students to discern world views and to understand their impact on every aspect of our culture. We will analyze the impact of world views on our culture through interviews with those who hold opposing world views. Great opportunity to learn practical tools to learn how to reach non-Christians and to confront the culture with the Truth.

ID: 23-07
Apr. 28, 2023

Are you ready to run the race set before you? As in any race or journey, the better informed you are, the better the experience. Whether you’ve already made the decision to homeschool, or are still sitting on the fence, come learn more about homeschooling and requirements here in Massachusetts. Susan addresses a few of the most frequently asked questions and address common concerns of parents just getting started. She hopes her practical advice will leave you informed and encouraged as you begin one of the most important adventures you’ll ever take – the journey of homeschooling your children.

ID: 23-08
Apr. 28, 2023

In this fun and creative workshop, you will learn how to create an amazing preschool experience while keeping your child at home. From the latest in scientific research to the organization of supplies, this information packed workshop will help you prepare your child for lifelong learning and make wonderful memories along the way.

ID: 23-09
Apr. 28, 2023

What makes the creation model different and better than others? The answer lies in one’s worldview. Naturalism views the cosmos and all matter as all there ever was, is, and will be. Many people in the West think that Science is the only thing we can trust. Darwin was a major influence in this arena. Many in the East are more aligned with Transcendentalism – the physical world is a dream, an illusion, not real – and we can’t trust our senses. Postmodernism says that truth is relative and can’t be known. We’ll compare all four options to help you come to a reasonable conclusion of your own.

ID: 23-10
Apr. 28, 2023

When you are trying to inspire and motivate children, there are two forces often exerted – positive and negative reinforcement. In this session, Israel explains the importance of affirmation as a way to inspire and motivate your reluctant child. Drawing from practical and Biblical examples, this session will help you to keep those important relational connections as you are attempting to impart knowledge.

ID: 23-11
Apr. 28, 2023

The Nazis used language to redefine Jews out of the human race. Once that was accomplished, atrocities and death camps followed. Language is important for it lays the tracks that are the ideas that carry the consequences—boxcars filled with people’s lives. Christians are on a search and destroy mission; we are destroying ideas but not people. Learn 4 Killer Questions that will empower you to derail faulty thinking and challenge others to think God’s thoughts after Him.

ID: 23-12
Apr. 28, 2023

When you welcome a baby into your family, the journey called home education has begun. From the first breath to the first step to the first book read and all the way to the milestone of graduation, learning doesn’t end. Here we will look at when education begins and who is responsible for teaching. We’ll cover the history of homeschooling, true socialization, individualized instruction, rewards of obedience, and many Scriptures related to successful home education.

(Michele Earles) Hear about the tools that teach your children how to think well and develop understanding of any subject, topic, or trade. Using the Seven Wonders of the ancient world as a springboard, we will model these tools allowing you to experience them yourself!

ID: 23-14
Apr. 28, 2023

So here we are. Most of us would have chosen something different than what we’ve recently had to face. Who would have signed up for the last two years of crazy chaos? If I believe in a sovereign God and believe that He has a role for me to play in His plan, then how do I lean into that? What is my role in this cultural moment? Let’s look at some similarly chaotic cultural moments in Scripture and see what we can learn from those who have gone before.

ID: 23-15
Apr. 28, 2023

(Bill Jack) What is hidden can define one’s character, past and future. Learn how examples from past significant historical events transformed the lives of ordinary people who then transformed the culture in which they lived, worked and played.

Wouldn’t it be great that instead of being overwhelmed by your wild child’s spirit, you could embrace all that he is? In this session, we will share our personal experience and knowledge in hopes of encouraging and providing practical strategies that will meet the needs of your child while keeping your sanity.

We have been teaching science wrong for over 100 years - current methods are not inspiring students to pursue science careers. My goal is to present a better understanding of the What, Why, and How to teach science in a way that is more engaging, and therefore this knowledge will be retained. Key topics covered will be: What is Science, SMET not STEM, Physics First, and Motivation by Mission. Not everyone is meant to be an engineer or research scientist, but with a better presentation, everyone can have a basic understanding of the applications and importance of science and math.

Parents struggle with knowing how to balance their child’s use of technology and screen-time. We want our children to know how to use technology, but we struggle with knowing how much screen-time is harmful and addictive. This session will help give you courage and competence to navigate these difficult issues.

ID: 23-20
Apr. 28, 2023

This session defines “science” and illustrates the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, the three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faith-based rather than science-based. The purpose of this session is not only to show that science does not support evolutionary theory, but also to give people some “tools” with which to combat the theory.

Experience Classical Education in action! We will model and practice the three arts of the trivium: grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric. Using the life of Christopher Columbus as a springboard, this interactive session will demonstrate how learning progresses throughout a student’s life.

Their first five years are crucial times of development for young children. Foundations are set that give them a perspective of God, themselves, and others. During these years children gain an understanding of love, obedience, and responsibility. Their worldview will be shaped by the books you read to them (including the Bible) and the freedom they have to sing, play, and explore the great outdoors of God’s wonderful Creation. Is this parenting, homeschooling, or both? We’ll uncover ten lessons your young children should learn and experience that can make a big difference in their first five years.

Are you concerned that you might be missing something in your reading instruction? Is there more to reading than reading well orally and decoding? How does your phonics instruction affect your child's reading comprehension? What techniques can you use before, during, and after reading to help your child comprehend? How does the comprehension taught in reading instruction affect other subject areas?

ID: 23-24
Apr. 28, 2023

First, know that you’re not alone. Secondly, “that” child is a blessing. You may think, “If only you knew.” Well, I do. I have one. What comes to mind when you hear “that child?” Do you smile, or scowl? Do you see yourself? Do you struggle to like that child? Is it difficult? Impossible? That child is a world changer, and God has a plan. All the energy, questions, and strength are God-given for His glory. Come and learn strategies to love, embrace, and train that child.

ID: 23-25
Apr. 28, 2023

The fear of snakes is understandable. Right at the outset of history, the Bible records an astounding verbal exchange between the serpent and the second human God made. Immediately following the results of this exchange, everything fell apart! Mankind, the serpent, and even nature itself were all placed under a curse! How is it that these creatures can now survive, find food, find a mate…and even move! Even though there is a specific curse placed on this creature, they still display amazing design, and some features will astound you! This is the first creature mentioned by name in the Bible, and its existence has profound implications!

ID: 23-26
Apr. 28, 2023

Good readers are not necessarily early readers. Early readers don’t always grow to love reading. God designs each child differently as He deems fit for His purposes. Deborah Wuehler will talk about her own struggling readers and the practical things that helped them jump those hurdles. She’ll show you how to have victory over your own obstacles as you keep your children Home Where They Belong.

Math and Language arts are two of the most important building blocks in the early education of our children. In this research-based workshop, Parents will learn to approach these topics playfully with their children, while watching for readiness for next steps. Handouts will include useful developmental guidelines, resource suggestions, and book titles.

While most parents are confident teaching the 3 Rs to their children, very few feel that same confidence with foreign language instruction. In my workshop, I hope to answer many of the questions that I have heard repeatedly during my nearly 40 years of Spanish instruction of children ages 4-18 and my 15 years of homeschooling. I will also discuss the changes that are happening in the computer age to high school foreign language instruction and which credits are acceptable to colleges and universities. I will share my research during this interesting and informative workshop – best age to start, which language, how to teach when you don’t know the language, what to look for in a program, how to help foster fluency, how to teach high school level, etc..

ID: 23-29
Apr. 28, 2023

Could you explain where the water for a world-wide flood would have come from, and where it all went?! Many Christians can’t. Understanding the flood (the purpose, the causes, the aftermath and the evidence) is very important to an understanding of a biblically sound creation model. This session covers the basics about this event, and also includes a video & PowerPoint presentation on the “Hydroplate Theory”. This theory is a biblically accurate and scientifically feasible portrayal of the flood event.

God’s Word is living and relevant for every generation—even for our digital world. What does God have to say about texting? Facebook? Pinterest? Snapchat? Is God’s inspired Word up-to-date enough to tackle the technology of our plugged-in world?

Whether you are a parent seeking to motivate your reluctant learner, or you desire to break through your own limitations, you will make more progress if you learn to listen better and ask the right questions (the right way!). Learn how you can help yourself and others recognize hidden assumptions and overcome obstacles through learning the art of asking questions.

“Have fun with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus--____!” It is very difficult to think and live biblically. The Wiseman calls Christians to exhibit wisdom in their deeds. Christians must understand and exercise four essential duties in order to please the One Who enlisted them as soldiers.

ID: 23-33
Apr. 29, 2023

Duplicate of 23-07

ID: 23-34
Apr. 29, 2023

Despite our best laid plans, sometimes life is hard and messy, and there is no perfect homeschool family. Many homeschool families deal with hard things, such as special needs, marital struggles, adoption, illness, loss of a child, mental illness, eating disorders and addiction. All of these things can be very isolating and paralyzing for parents. If you have ever felt alone in your hard times, while everyone else looks perfect, this session is for you. In this workshop, we explore the things that no one talks about, and provide encouragement and resources.

ID: 23-35
Apr. 29, 2023

With daily stress and the physical and emotional demands of the job, it’s easy to forget why we are homeschooling. We may think, “Someone else could do this better!” or “What was I thinking?” So many things can weaken our courage to continue. Relatives, friend, strangers, and even our children may ask why we do this. Do we have answers? It is important to remember why we are homeschooling so that when tough times come, our home school will not collapse.

ID: 23-36
Apr. 29, 2023

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were? Wouldn’t it be nice if all our problems could be solved with good family time and great curriculum, and if all we had to do was adopt a certain schedule, read certain books, and follow a certain educational philosophy? What if there were a simple, daily checklist to guarantee success? But, there’s not. There is, however, an answer to all that ails us; the sin and death, pain and misery. Come be reminded of the Answer and the hope it engenders.

ID: 23-37
Apr. 29, 2023

Why do people reject the reliability of the Bible? It is not the common objections that people give. Rather it is because they “suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” (Romans 1:18) Christians should be able to answer those objections. Christians should also be able to recognize the seven habits that people develop in suppressing the truth which are listed in Romans 1:21-23. Come see these seven habits come to life through interviews with non-Christians on a college campus. Learn how you, too, can give a defense of your faith in gentleness and reverence. (I Peter 3:15)

Let's look at some creative book summary activities for your kids that you can assemble together to provide many different creative ways to summarize a book. We will also discuss the writing process, some quick ways to assemble a sandwich paragraph, and more!

Experience Classical Education in action! With the Renaissance as a springboard, this interactive session will demonstrate how learning progresses throughout a student’s life.

In this workshop, Karen will discuss the characteristics of the four personality types: Popular Sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Perfect Melancholy, and Peaceful Phlegmatic. Then she will discuss how these different personality types learn and how to apply these characteristics in how you teach/train your children.

ID: 23-41
Apr. 29, 2023

If you have a hyperactive or easily distracted child, you won’t want to miss this informative and sometimes humorous message that shares stories from Israel’s experience as an ADHD child himself. You will receive practical and Biblical insights into ADD/ADHD and will be encouraged that there is hope for your child!

ID: 23-42
Apr. 29, 2023

The biggest and most enduring Counterfeit Reality of all time is most cleverly foisted upon people through film. See how moviemakers convey a secular worldview to the public…in the blink of an eye! Keep in mind Colossians 2:8, and keep focused on Bill Jack’s media examples and use of technological illusions. Otherwise, you may lose sight of True Reality.

ID: 23-43
Apr. 29, 2023

Tests and exams are a typical part of school, even home schools. This session will help homeschooling dads take an exam – a spiritual exam of the heart. It uses the acronym H.E.A.R.T. to display truths found in the book of Malachi, which deals with very real heart issues. Topics covered by “Dr. Malachi” include relationships with both God and family. The goal is to discover the practical and faithful steps a father can take in the journey toward turning one’s heart to his children.

What are the life goals we have for our own heart, our home, our marriage, and our children? We will discuss how living as a woman who is a disciple of Christ brings us great influence and ministry in all these areas. We’ll talk about the rewards of keeping our goals God-centered, and learn where to find help for living this kind of life. Based on Proverbs 24:3-4, “Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”

The value of hands-on sensory experiences is still significant for the early elementary years. While our attention turns more to building phonics skills and learning math facts, most children don’t love the transition from all fun to more traditional schoolwork. This workshop will help you balance structured lessons with the sensory input and engaging learning activities children need to love school.

ID: 23-46
Apr. 29, 2023

“I won’t do it!” my child screamed after being asked to start the day’s math work. “You will too!” I resolutely stated back. “I will not!” Thereupon ensued a fight of wills - a strong-willed mother vs. a strong-willed child. You’ll hear helpful tips for dealing with and nurturing the strong-willed child, staying sane in the midst of anguish, and having hope for the future.

ID: 23-47
Apr. 29, 2023

This session provides a biblical alternative to the standard explanation for these creatures, and answers the basic questions everyone has on the subject - What were dinosaurs? When did they live? What really happened to them? Does the Bible talk about them?, etc. This is one of our most requested sessions.

Experience the Classical Education Model (while learning about triangles) (Michele Earles) Experience Classical Education in action! We will model and practice the three arts of the trivium: grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric. Using the triangles as a springboard, this interactive session will demonstrate how learning progresses throughout a student’s life.

Do you need help getting your child excited about science? Having trouble getting excited about science yourself? Get new visions and methods for teaching science with a biblical worldview in this workshop. Get ready to have some hands-on fun!

ID: 23-50
Apr. 29, 2023

We can never underestimate the importance and necessity of reading. R.E.A.D. - Read. Examine. Apply. Do. The key to retention is unlocked in this session that encourages all students to read, examine, apply, and do what they read from the Word of God.

ID: 23-51
Apr. 29, 2023

If you find yourself weighed down by stress or constantly in battle against anxiety, there is a release. When Christ said, “Take no thought!” He meant it. Build a bird-feeder. Stop and smell the lilies. Sing “The wise man built his house upon the rock”. Jesus gave us some great principles to meditate on and thus manage the stress and anxiety in our lives.

ID: 23-52
Apr. 29, 2023

The earth is wearing out, just like the Bible said it would. The earth is undergoing changes that can be seen everywhere -- Why do volcanoes erupt? Why are there earthquakes and tsunamis? Why do rocks fall from the sky? What are comets? Why are there unique weather patterns? And, is the earth warming? If so, why? Why are all continents shifting toward the Pacific? What produces El Niños? The answers are all related, and might surprise you!

Intentionally teaching character traits and habits, while encouraging emotional growth will help your child thrive, overcome, and adapt in what is often a turbulent world. Combining the latest neuroscience research with biblical truth, this workshop will equip parents to confidently nurture their child’s emotional well-being and character development.

Online courses are a great tool to teach the subjects that you don’t feel comfortable or competent teaching. Your child needs to be prepared for a different type of learning experience. This talk will focus on what the parent should look for in an online course, what types to avoid and how to guide your child during the course to ensure a successful experience. We will also explore the proper balance of online and parent-taught courses.

ID: 23-55
Apr. 29, 2023

For too many kids, their only outlet is … an outlet. Are your kids bored and grouchy unless they are plugged in to the Internet or a video game? What ever happened to catching frogs, picking dandelions, climbing trees, and lying in the grass to watch clouds? There is an outdoor world waiting to be discovered. Every child should explore the wonders of God’s creation because of three truths that can be found in one of the most exciting classrooms, the one outside.

ID: 23-56
Apr. 29, 2023

Animals display incredible variety. This includes the amazing aspect of instinct, which each animal possesses uniquely. Some, however, go beyond this and enter the world of symbiosis, especially "mutualism" - when creatures need each other to survive! It is inconceivable to imagine that both instinct and symbiosis just randomly happened, unguided by a Designer! This session closes with a twist on what many people think is impossible with God's involvement with the issues found in Genesis 1-12.


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 10 through 11, 2023

Nebraska 2023 Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Recording ID: 23-all
Original Price: $180.00
Set Price: $65.00

2023 Complete Nebraska convention set

When you buy this set you need not check off or purchase any individual recordings from the 2023 Nebraska Convention and Curriculum Fair

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 23Fri101Homeschooling—A God-Centered Revival That Begins in Your Living Room by: Zan Tyler23Fri201Raising G-Rated Sons in an R-Rated World by: Joe Tyler23Fri202Origin of Man and Cavemen by: Richard Stepanek23Fri203Nebraska Patriotic Places: Former Forts and Military Monuments by: Gretchen Garrison23Fri204Building Your Homeschool Community by: Annette Vaughn23Fri206Raising our Daughters to be Ladies and Showing our Sons what a Lady Looks Like by: Monica Irvine23Fri207Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success (Part 1) by: Krisa Winn23Fri301How Talking with Your Children Can Stimulate Learning by: Zan Tyler23Fri302Supernatural Selection by: Brian Young23Fri303High School Fun! – All Subjects Without All the Textbooks by: Dara Halydier23Fri304Ready, Set, GO! Homeschooling in Nebraska by: Danna Swartz23Fri305Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success (Part 2) by: Krisa Winn23Fri306Engaging Early Learners by: Nancy Bjorkman23Fri501Life in the Fiery Furnace: How to Heal and Prevent Homeschool Burnout by: Zan Tyler23Fri502The Stars: God's Word in the Sky by: Brian Young23Fri503Vision and Learning by: Mikaela Betka23Fri504Teaching Reading, Writing, and Pioneer History with Bess Streeter Aldrich Resources by: Kurk Shrader23Fri505Developing and Drafting SEPs (Student Education Plans) by: Krisa Winn23Fri506Thriving in Degenerating Times by: Timothy Price23Fri601Graduation Message by: Joe Tyler23Sat101Is Homeschooling Freedom Fragile? by: Zan Tyler23Sat102So You've Decided to Home-School Your Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder! by: Diane Marti23Sat104Raising our Boys to be True Gentlemen and Being an Example for our Daughters by: Monica Irvine23Sat105Teaching Math to Struggling Learners by: Krisa Winn23Sat202Autism Spectrum Disorder Questions and Answers by: Diane Marti23Sat301Raising Children to Be Intentional Christians in a Hostile World by: Zan Tyler23Sat302Why Creation is Important by: Brian Young23Sat303Teaching Our Kids about the Internet by: Tyler Morten23Sat304God Didn't Make a Mistake by: Dara Halydier23Sat305Motivating the Reluctant Learner by: Krisa Winn23Sat401Leaving a Legacy: The Vision of the Homeschool Dad and Husband by: Joe Tyler23Sat402Do Aliens Exist? by: Brian Young23Sat403Why Teaching Boys to Read is Different Than Teaching Girls! by: Aimee Eucce23Sat404High Wage, High Demand, High Skill Careers in Nebraska by: 23Sat405Calming Stormy Behavior by: Krisa Winn23Sat501Pulling in the Same Direction: A Family Vision for Homeschooling by: Zan Tyler, Joe Tyler This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

From teaching phonics to graduating teens, from refereeing fights to nurturing faith, our lives as homeschooling parents run the gamut from the very mundane to the very meaningful. In the midst of the mind-boggling demands of homeschooling and everyday life, we constantly need to remind ourselves that our work as homeschooling moms and dads has tremendous significance in building God’s kingdom. Using the lessons of Scripture and history, this workshop will expand your vision of how God is using the homeschool movement, as well as your specific work as a homeschooling parent, to usher in spiritual, educational, and family revival—and to preserve our American heritage.

ID: 23Fri201
Mar. 10, 2023

Joe discusses the key issues dads face as they strive to instill a Christ-centered vision in sons. Joe addresses the cultural pressures on young men and shares practical advice to counter the culture and instill a vision of purity in sons and daughters. Because of the frank and sensitive nature of this discussion, we request that only men attend.

ID: 23Fri202
Mar. 10, 2023

Discover the evidence that evolutionists use to support their theory. He will reveal some of the problems with this evidence. Rich will also present the following out of place human fossils, missing links that were mistakes or frauds, biochemistry data that support a common designer instead of a common ancestor, and how the cavemen fit in with Scripture

Forts helped stabilize Nebraska territory for early settlers. From the beginning, Nebraska has been influenced by patriotic people. Learn more about those whose names live on in various ways. Join Gretchen, a Nebraska enthusiast, as she shares more about military monuments and other Nebraska locations that celebrate our patriotic heritage.

Topics: HistoryFreedom
ID: 23Fri204
Mar. 10, 2023

This will be a time to discuss the value of "not schooling alone" and how to intentionally and strategically make connections with other homeschooling moms/families/kids in your area.

Imagine what it feels like to watch your daughter continue to strive for excellence in all aspects of her life, because she knows she has endless potential and a great responsibility. She matures with a desire to be a voice for good and a contributor to making our world a better place. She seems fearless, yet uses great wisdom. She is courageous, yet humble. She is KIND. You watch her as she exercises true empathy for those in need and although she holds herself to high standards, she never places herself above others. She has been taught by example of what a true lady is and she looks forward to one day being that example to her family. She is truly a lady. Parents, this Master Class will help you understand how to create the example your daughter needs to become this lady. You don’t want to miss this. She needs you.

This workshop offers practical resources, lists of materials, and curricula to equip you as you work with a struggling learner in your homeschool. Krisa presents ideas for designing a unique home instruction program tailored to your child’s specific challenges.

Relaxing and enjoying your children is an important part of homeschooling. Focusing on conversation with your kids is an important key to that. Conversation is also an essential tool in providing a rich educational experience. In the traditional classroom environment, students have an average of eight to ten individual interactions with their teacher each day. In your homeschool, these verbal interactions can number in the hundreds and greatly enhance the quality of education your children receive. Zan shares how the simple and free tool of conversation can help your children replace boredom with a motivation to learn. Explore strategies to minimize conflict in your home and promote camaraderie, enthusiasm, and joy in learning. Conversation is the key! Conversation IS core curriculum.

ID: 23Fri302
Mar. 10, 2023

Hear how even creationists have not truly defined natural selection correctly. New evidence in epigenetics is blowing evolution out of the water and revealing how natural selection is a form of idol worship.

Textbooks have their place, but all textbooks and no fun makes a lot of homeschoolers want to throw schooling out the window! Get ideas about how to carry on the spontaneity of homeschooling fun through the high school years without compromising on the necessary knowledge needed to get into college. Having five boys in or through college, she has insight and experience about what is really required to attend college. She will inspire your creative genius to think outside the textbook box and enjoy the last few years your teenager will be home.

ID: 23Fri304
Mar. 10, 2023

How to start, where to find curriculum, when to school, and what a typical day looks like are some of the areas discussed. Get an understanding of Rule 13 and gain valuable information for your homeschool journey. This recording is a MUST for new homeschoolers

In Part 2 of “Nuts and Bolts for Success,” Krisa addresses homeschooling and working, teaching multi-ages, scheduling the day, and practical teaching strategies you can use regardless of your curriculum program. Krisa explains multi-sensory teaching methods, direct instruction, and modeled teaching Part 1 is Friday session 207

ID: 23Fri306
Mar. 10, 2023

What should “school” look like for early learners? What things are developmentally appropriate for the younger ages? How do we keep our “Littles” appropriately occupied while homeschooling their siblings? This fun and informative session provides a plethora of ideas specifically geared to engage your pre- and elementary-age children. Nancy shares resources, fun games, toddler tips, and easy activities, all designed to help parents think outside the box when it comes to “doing school.”

ID: 23Fri401
Mar. 10, 2023

ID: 23Fri402
Mar. 10, 2023

an exhibitor's workshop from the publishers of Play 'N Talk

ID: 23Fri403
Mar. 10, 2023

ID: 23Fri404
Mar. 10, 2023

An exhibitor's workshop from the folks at the Etiquette Factory

ID: 23Fri405
Mar. 10, 2023

This is an exhibitor's workshop from Bob Jones University

ID: 23Fri406
Mar. 10, 2023

An exhibitor's workshop from Andrew Lambdin

Homeschooling places great demands on parents and leads to great expectations. This combination can set us up for an intense sense of failure and disappointment. Homeschooling doesn’t always go according to our plans. Even when we are doing our best to follow God and love our families, we may find ourselves in the “fiery furnace,” like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Learn the causes of burnout and shares ways to avoid them. Get many practical tips for simplifying your life. Develop a biblical vision for what you are ultimately trying to accomplish in your children’s lives through homeschooling—a vision that will sustain you through the hard times and difficult days that are sure to come.

ID: 23Fri502
Mar. 10, 2023

In almost every ancient culture the names of the stars were recorded, yet the Bible says “God calls each star by name.” Do you suppose the names God calls them are the names that are preserved? When we closely examine them, it seems that they are. In asking the question of whether Israel had heard the message of Christ, it states in Romans “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Did they not hear? Of course they did: ‘Their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world’” (Rom 10:17-18). I used to think it must have been the prophets that gave the “Word of Christ” to Israel until I realized that this was a quote from Psalm 19 declaring that the “words” and “voice” was from the heavens. See how each constellation gives a clear message of Christ as well as His return. This is NOT astrology, but simply Christ’s creation declaring His glory.

ID: 23Fri503
Mar. 10, 2023

20/20 vision means you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. However, it does not mean that you have perfect vision. Visual acuity gives no meaning about what a person sees. If your child is not achieving their full potential academically, struggling with written reading comprehension, skips lines or words when reading, reverses words or letters, or avoids reading or near work, this presentation is for you. There are more than 17 visual skills that are needed for efficient vision and learning. Children struggling with binocular vision or visual processing disorders often will not complain about symptoms because they are unaware that they visually experience things any differently than their peers. In this course, we will learn about these skills, the signs and symptoms of a visual processing disorder, and what can be done to help them be successful.

Topics: Special needs

The Bess Streeter Aldrich Foundation is committed to providing a number of FREE resources to help the next generation enhance their reading/writing skills, explore pioneer history, and learn about Nebraska Hall of Fame author Bess Streeter Aldrich. Come learn about all the ways you can challenge your students while working within a small budget: short story contest, traveling trunks, novel unit of study for A Lantern in Her Hand, botany lessons, children's literature exhibit, and field trips at the Aldrich House.

Does your child have a learning disability or severe special needs? Have you pulled your child out of public school where he used to have an IEP (individual education plan)? Learn the purposes and benefits of writing an SEP (student education plan), the homeschool version of an IEP. This workshop provides guidance on drafting an SEP. Look at sample student education plans and receive a template of a Student Education Plan, as well as a resource list of books that will assist in drafting a homeschool student education plan

ID: 23Fri506
Mar. 10, 2023

Many feel wickedness and cultural antagonism are closing in upon them from every side. Social media bans people and cultural pressure is applied to believers socially on an increasing basis. So many do not know what to do: how to exist, minister, and do what they feel God wants them to do in this degenerating environment. Fortunately, there are heroes who have gone before us who give us clues, encouragement,and inspiration for just such a time as we see unfolding before us. Be a part of this powerful workshop that will help you and your family begin to charge hard once again instead of walking on eggshells

ID: 23Fri601
Mar. 10, 2023

ID: 23Sat101
Mar. 11, 2023

When Zan Tyler was threatened with jail in 1984 for teaching her son at home, she was forced to count the costs ofhomeschooling and decide if it was really worth it. Zan learned powerful lessons about fighting for freedom, family, and faith that remain pertinent today. Our nation is at a crossroads where the liberties we often take for granted are at stake. We are one lawsuit, law, or treaty away from watching our freedom erode. We must all work to preserve our homeschool freedoms, while intentionally raising up a new generation of freedom fighters. This session will encourage and equip you with powerful principles to share with your children and teens.

Get an overview of educational, emotional and behavioral strategies that may be beneficial to both you and your homeschooled ASD student. Specifically, areas associated with executive functioning deficits, sensory-processing challenges and ways to structure the homeschool day to avoid “getting stuck” will be addressed. In addition, tools to assist with managing challenging behaviors will be provided. This presentation will have a strong over-lap for students diagnosed with AD/HD, so families home-schooling children with AD/HD may benefit from this information as well.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 23Sat103
Mar. 11, 2023

(This is a duplicate of Friday session 304) How to start, where to find curriculum, when to school, and what a typical day looks like are some of the areas discussed. Get an understanding of Rule 13 and gain valuable information for your homeschool journey. This workshop is a MUST for new homeschoolers.

Imagine what it will feel like, as you watch your son, even while they are young, be an example to those around him of what a true gentleman looks like, acts like and is. His focus is on others. He notices without effort when someone near him is in need, and then quickly acts. He guards his tongue knowing that his words have impact and his desire is to only have impact for good. He is kind to his family and understands that his example to his family is his duty as a son of God. He is a leader among his peers and although his standards are high, those in his presence do not feel judged by him, but accepted and valued. His goals are lofty, however he looks forward with anticipation to be a righteous husband and father one day. He is a true gentleman. Parents, this Master Class will help you understand how to create the example your son needs to become this gentleman. You don’t want to miss this. He needs you.

ID: 23Sat105
Mar. 11, 2023

Does your student understand math concepts, but can’t master multiplication facts? Do you have a child with a math phobia or even a learning disability in math? This workshop includes a broad spectrum of teaching strategies and resources that will equip you to present math in ways that go beyond the suggestions found in traditional teacher manuals.

ID: 23Sat106
Mar. 11, 2023

An exhibtor's workshop from our friends at First Bible International

ID: 23Sat201
Mar. 11, 2023

An exhibitor's workshop from our friends at Master Books

ID: 23Sat202
Mar. 11, 2023

This is a followup session to session 102 by Diane Marti

Topics: Special needs
ID: 23Sat203
Mar. 11, 2023

An exhibtor's workshop from our friends at Heppner's Legacy

Our children live in the midst of a secular culture facing a host of issues and moral dilemmas that we never had to deal with at their age. Because many children are not prepared to counter this culture, startling percentages abandon their faith and beliefs as they move into adulthood. For this reason, a strong biblical worldview is one of the most important gifts we can give them. Teach them to think biblically, quipt them to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. Most importantly, give them staying power in their faith as they face opposition. Learn why biblical worldview is it crucial; how studying the life of Daniel change my teenager’s life; and why our goal as Christian homeschoolers must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. Through worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems, and bring glory to God in the process.

ID: 23Sat302
Mar. 11, 2023

Evolution is a clear answer to why the moral fabric of our society is unraveling. See how evolution is the main cause of abortion, homosexuality, divorce and compromise among many churches. This workshop will logically expose how evolution strips away the foundation of Christianity by making the death of Christ a meaningless event. Logically, if evolution be true, Christ is not who He says He i

ID: 23Sat303
Mar. 11, 2023

In this presentation you can glean strategies to help your children develop healthy Internet and technology habits to help keep them safe online. Portions of a short Q and A session will be included in the recording.

ID: 23Sat304
Mar. 11, 2023

This is Dara'a personal story of raising five boys with various needs. Let her encourage you that God has a purpose for your child just like he/she is and that God did not make a mistake! She covers how to accept each child and their individual challenges and how to help them reach their potential. Dara and Tracy raised two boys with genius IQs and homeschooled them successfully! One of these children also had ADHD, dyslexia, and Asperger’s syndrome. The other three boys were of average intelligence and successfully graduated in spite of dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADD and ADHD. Each is becoming the man that God created him to be. They have good self-esteem and are excited about life and love and follow God. What more could a parent ask for?

ID: 23Sat305
Mar. 11, 2023

This is encouragement and strategies to help re-ignite your student’s love of learning? There are many factors that impact a child’s motivation level. With a little bit of theory and a whole lot of practical application, Krisa equips parents with the tools they need to tap into their child’s God-given gift of curiosity.

A cell phone commercial features an NBA point guard trying to play basketball blindfolded. Because he can’t see the goal, he’s never sure if he’s scoring. Too often, men take on the tasks of husband, father, shepherd, principal, coach, and disciplinarian without the vision necessary to define and accomplish the goal. Joe Tyler helps define the goal and shares how to discover the divinely appointed means of achieving it. You may even learn the secret to making your wife deliriously happy, your home a quiet and peaceful kingdom, your children rich beyond measure, and your father-in-law in awe of your great accomplishments. Hear our discussion of what it really means to leave a legacy as a Christian husband and dad.

ID: 23Sat402
Mar. 11, 2023

Do they really exist or are they deceiving spirits? What does the Bible say about them

Hear a session with practical tips for teaching boys ages 3-10 how to read. Discover why many of the common strategies don't actually work when teaching boys to read. We will also review why teaching boys phonetically using a "hands-on" approach will keep your active boys engaged and excited to learn. Plus you will receive a list of our favorite enrichment activities designed to keep your busy boy(s) interested and curious! (The supplies for these activities can easily be found at Walmart, Target, the 99 cents store or Amazon.)