Recordings Listing


Lansing Michigan
Thursday - Saturday
May. 18 through 20, 2017

2017 Michigan Homeschool Conference

Presented by: Michigan Christian Homeschool Network
ID: 17-154
May. 19, 2017

When we lead and interact with others (both family members and others), conflict can rise and feelings can get hurt.  How do you work through that in a positive way?  How can you tell them in love how they are doing? How do you respond when they tell you what you are doing wrong?  Come to this workshop, and learn how to tactfully and effectively give and receive feedback.

ID: 17-155
May. 19, 2017

Sometimes, the opportunity to homeschool is squelched by real financial barriers. The temptation is for both parents to work outside the home and place their children in public school. Beth Mora, mom of eight kids and wife of one hardworking man is no stranger to managing a large family. Learn how she whittled their family food budget down to $500.00/month while her family (One husband, who burns a lot of calories as a contractor, six VERY hungry teenage boys, and two girls) still ate like kings and queens! Her frugal ways saved over $1000/month! Yes, it was work but embracing a fabulous and frugal lifestyle enabled the Mora’s to keep on homeschooling! Are you ready to carve out a part-time job in your home by becoming a top-notch home economist? Your employment application is waiting for you at this workshop! All who are willing will be hired!

ID: 17-156
May. 19, 2017

The education of a child should be a work of great beauty, like the building of a magnificent cathedral. Years of planning, though, and hard work are poured into both endeavors. In this workshop, we will explore the ideas of cultivating beauty in our homeschools; in ritual, the five senses, and in ourselves as teachers and parents. Packed with both big ideas, and practical advice, parents will leave energized and inspired for the years ahead.

ID: 17-157
May. 19, 2017

Linda discovered and used unit studies as a public school teacher and later exclusively used them during her years as a homeschool mom with four children since 2001. She will explain what unit studies are, how to effectively use them, where to find them, how to make your own as well as the benefits they provide for teaching several children at the same time. Other helpful hints Linda will provide include: connecting with each learning style, teaching with a toddler in the house, organizing your schedule around the unit, keeping God at the center of each unit, and expanding the lessons beyond the front door. If you want to simplify your homeschooling days, unit studies will help you succeed and thrive as a homeschool mom.

ID: 17-158
May. 19, 2017

Have you ever felt lost amid all the “stuff” marketed to home schoolers? Confused by the many voices telling you to do it this way or that way? There’s no need to panic. The wisest man in history has some advice to offer. Come and hear powerful, practical solutions that will help you get your priorities straight. God wrote the Proverbs for parents just like YOU.

ID: 17-160
May. 19, 2017

We all have at least one of these children. They take extra time to complete every lesson, if they complete them at all. And we can fall into the trap of sitting by them to “help” them finish, only to become an educational security blanket. Of course we don’t have time for that, and it is time for us to encourage these children to take up their own responsibilities. But the desire to be driven or to do hard work shouldn’t be for the end goal of becoming a millionaire; it is to work diligently for the Lord, using the gifts He has generously given us for His good! Come be encouraged that our occupation, whether it is student, mother, mail carrier, or king is one that is appointed to us. We’ll go over helpful suggestions to encourage those less-than-enthusiastic children and gain a better perspective of what is really going on.

ID: 17-161
May. 19, 2017

This gives a basic overview of the process that takes place in the metamorphosis of an IDEA as it transformed into a book. Students will get a peek into the mind and routine of a Christian author, and a glimpse at the writing and illustrating process, the editing, printing, binding, marketing, and distribution stages of a book as it makes its way onto bookshelves and into the hands of eager readers.

ID: 17-162
May. 19, 2017

This workshop is a fun and exciting game show like presentation to successfully memorize scripture. Attendees will learn several Bible verses through creative song, rhythm, rhyme and games, to ready those who want to participate in a friendly quiz competition. If your saying to yourself, I can’t memorize, then this workshop is for you.

ID: 17-171
May. 19, 2017

Genesis 1-11 is foundational to developing a truly Christian worldview. As Ken Ham walks you through the 7 C’s of history, you will see how all the Christian doctrines essential for a truly biblical worldview are founded in the geology, biology, astronomy and anthropology that is recorded in Genesis.

In our media-saturated society, how do we both protect our kids while preparing them to be media literate? This talk discusses the intersection of timeless Biblical parenting skills and timely technology guidelines.

ID: 17-173
May. 19, 2017

For many men, homeschooling has been looked at largely as something their wife does. Shouldn it be that way? Many believe that if they pay the bills, that is really all that God expects of them. Biblically speaking, what is the proper role for men in the process of home education?

As a parent homeschooling a teen (or thinking about homeschooling high school in the future), you may have your doubts about your ability…and your sanity. Are you weighed down by the seriousness of high school? Do you question your competence to teach your teen? Come and be encouraged as you discover a new, long range perspective for teaching your teen that is filled with much hope, faith, help…and joy.

ID: 17-175
May. 19, 2017

In this world filled with technology and devices, intentional parenting is a MUST. Children get one shot at childhood and it is our job to make it count. In this presentation I will give you practical tips on how to engage and connect with your child. We will take a trip down memory lane that will make you laugh and possibly shed a few tears. Either way, you will be challenged and hopefully changed to take on parenting with a newfound passion.

New clean copy uploaded July 7 - It’s such a temptation to stress over teaching predicate nominatives or the steps of division that we forget to delight in our children and make time to enjoy being with them. In this session, Marilyn shares how she has found this to actually be the key to instilling values that stick and building in them a heart for things of the Lord. Take the time to give your children the security of knowing they have your heart. In so doing you are making it easier for them to freely give their heart back to their Creator, and that is our mission. Catch a vision of how you can reach and hold the heart of your child and build fulfilling family relationships that will be passed on through generations.

ID: 17-177
May. 19, 2017

Come and learn how your kids can organize and preserve their work in a compact folder! This is a fun, hands on, instructional workshop where you will learn folding tricks, create several mini books, and make a lapbook to bring home for your children to start using. You don’t have to be a craftsy mom to use lapbooks. Linda will go step-by-step through the entire lapbooking process. Lapbooks can enhance any subject from pre-k to grade 12. The possibilities are endless. They are a fantastic, interactive, and educational tool for every style of learner. Join Linda and see for yourself why lapbooks are a treasure!

ID: 17-178
May. 19, 2017

The teacher called him “addled.” His mother called him Tommy. The school couldn’t do anything with him. His mother made him a genius. What was the secret behind the success of Thomas Edison, America’s greatest inventor? His mother made learning fun. And you can do the same for your kids!

ID: 17-180
May. 19, 2017

Edifying and Terrifying--Our world is filled with words. Whether we are reading them, writing them, or instructing with them, they are our tools to build stories, create emotions, and make connections. Yet we need to be aware that words have the power to build or to destroy, especially when we speak them to our children, causing them to stumble or to soar! God has much to say about our words. They need to be crafted carefully and gently but firmly shared. This is how we can engage others and train up our children. Let’s contemplate not only the power of our words, but how we can boldly use them.

Studies show 75% of kids leave the church from 18-29 years old. We may be tempted to ask “What are we doing wrong?” But a better question is “What was happening right in the 25% who stayed?” Learn the 5 factors found in those who stayed connected to Christ after leaving home. This practical and challenging breakout has top-quality hand-outs and a straightforward approach to invest in our children before they leave the quiver. This breakout provides you a doable path I call “The Simple Things”, highlighting very factors found in the lives of those who kept with Christ after leaving home.

ID: 17-182
May. 19, 2017

Without a Plan? You’ve Got to be Kidding! This workshop is designed to help parent-educators understand the scope, the sequence, and the logic of mathematics instruction from pre-school through adult. Join Tom Clark, founder of VideoText Interactive, and author of “Algebra: A Complete Course”, and “Geometry: A Complete Course”, as he takes you on a sometimes humorous journey, describing all levels of arithmetic and all mathematics courses encountered in high school and college. In addition, considerable attention will be given to identifying the “why” of the study of mathematics with an emphasis on the development of concepts, instead of rote memorization

ID: 17-183
May. 19, 2017

A message for the graduates and their families. (abbreviated version)

God gives us all certain skills and abilities that we can use to honor and glorify Him. Not everybody will be great at everything, but most of us can be better at something than we are. And, we can be better at a younger age than most of us believe. Join Jason Lindsay, owner of Young Entrepreneurs of North America, as he explores the amazing things that youth are capable of when following Biblical principles - from starting their own business, to preparing for marriage, and more! People of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend.

ID: 17-193
May. 19, 2017

EXHIBITOR WORKSHOP You will learn basic information about essential oils, including getting healthy and staying healthy by removing toxins in your environment. Discover how Young Living essential oils are produced and the importance and value of incorporating essential oils in your everyday life.

ID: 17-194
May. 19, 2017

EXHIBITOR WORKSHOP Having a productive day is so much more than buying a planner or a tool for organization. The Well Planned Gal, takes listeners a few steps back, helping them begin with a philosophy and understanding of the uniqueness God has created in each family. From there, Rebecca explores ten essentials for having a Well Planned Day.

ID: 17-195
May. 19, 2017

Exhibitors workshop

ID: 17-196
May. 19, 2017

Exhibitor Workshop - Do you know where Liechtenstein is or what the capital of Czech Republic is? You will after this workshop, and you’ll have fun in the process. Best of all, you’ll remember. Come see just how easy we’ve made learning AND TEACHING geography. Bring the whole family!

ID: 17-197
May. 19, 2017

EXHIBITORS WORKSHOP A Practical Guide to Getting Over Yourself and Getting Your Kids in the Kitchen will motivate you to WANT to tear down the barrier between the kids and the food, because you'll have strategies to make it a win-win for everyone. Learn our Kids Cook Real Food system for teaching pre-readers measuring skills and giving them independence with recipes, a guide for teaching kids to use (gasp) sharp knives, and a philosophy on sharing kitchen skills that you can use again and again. You'll be able to implement these strategies the second you arrive home and begin to build life skills to help your kids grow into confident, healthy adults.

ID: 17-198
May. 19, 2017

IMAGE INTENSE - minimal narration - A beautiful A to Z photo-journey into who God is and what He has to say about Himself. In an age when millions are making up their own self-serving versions of “god,” this awe-inspiring look at God’s attributes will inspire the heart to deeper worship and devotion to the true and living God of the Bible. This is based on a new book that I have been working on for three years. It is not yet available for purchase, but attendees will be given access to enjoy a free digital version of The ABCs of God.

ID: 17-199
May. 19, 2017

Exhibitor Workshop - Discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports and essays with style. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started

Most evangelistic programs today—and most missionaries and evangelists—do not see Genesis as a key part in reaching people with the Gospel. In these times, however, an understanding of the history in Genesis (e.g. the origin of sin) is foundational to a full understanding of the Gospel message. Realizing how our culture now thinks (and has changed in its thinking) in relation to earth history is a key to know how people should be approached in presenting the Gospel!

ID: 17-201
May. 19, 2017

Ken Ham will give examples from his upbringing in helping parents understand the importance of training children from a truly Biblical foundation. What does the Bible say (not your opinion) on how to bring up children; how to train them; how to discipline children; and how to educate them? What should the priorities be in education? Come be inspired and equipped with answers as you lead your family in the truth!

ID: 17-202
May. 19, 2017

In spite of what the culture is telling us, boys and girls are different. Have you ever had a war break out in the middle of a playdate or had a single math lesson take three hours? Then, you’re probably raising boys! If the world seems intent on gender-bending and forcing our sons into a feminized mold, Hal and Melanie, parents of six boys, explain the Biblical way out – and a better way to turn wild little dirt-lovers into strong Christian men!

ID: 17-203
May. 20, 2017

There are plenty of misconceptions about the role of the father in a home schooling family. Some people think that if he can’t be at home during “school time” he can’t be involved. Others think his job is to take over some of Mom’s chores in order to free her to spend more time with the children. But Scripture gives seven functions of a father in a godly home, and each of these can be applied very practically and powerfully in home education. Enjoy the wisdom and humor of this presentation as Rick answers the question of “What’s A Dad to Do?”

ID: 17-204
May. 20, 2017

Entrance into college often hinges on a student's SAT or ACT score.  A strong score can also mean thousands of dollars in scholarships.  So how can we best prepare our children for these tests?  In this workshop, we will explore many of the common questions that home educators have in regards to the SAT and ACT.  Several resources will be shared to help you prepare your students to apply for college successfully. 

Have you ever had one of those days when it seems your children are constantly misbehaving, yet they really don’t seem to be rebellious? How do we discern the difference between irritating childish behavior and real disobedience? Here’s a sane, practical and proven method (Marilyn has 14 kids!) to turn irritations into solutions!

Is my child behind if they are not reading by four? Will my child be okay if they prefer to play in the mud instead of write their letters? How can I make sure that my child will be successful in school? Join me for a fun and creative presentation that will answer these and many other questions parents have about academic success. I will share how to create an amazing foundation for your child based on the latest in scientific research on brain development. This information packed session will help you prepare your child for lifelong learning, while making wonderful memories along the way!

Unlock your child’s potential with a lifestyle of learning; educate without workbooks or textbooks. We’ll show you how to bring an outstanding education into your 21st century homeschool using the time-tested methods of Christian educator, Charlotte Mason. You’ll discover why “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life” and learn the essentials of a living books education. We’ll also show you how the books and the method go together, and where to find affordable resources.

One of the most important things we can do as homeschooling parents is have set goals and priorities for our home school. It is equally important to have a way to measure how we are doing with those goals — questions we can ask ourselves at the end of the home school day to see if we are keeping those priorities in place and accomplishing the goals that we set out with. Kathie will give you 10 things to ask yourself to see if you are staying on track with your priorities.

There are neurologically based learning challenges that affects reading, handwriting, spelling, composition, and sometimes math. You may have the diagnosis and understand what is happening in your child’s brain, but the question remains, how do I teach my child? Beth Mora will present educational life hacks that will help your student thrive in all subjects areas.

ID: 17-211
May. 20, 2017

How can we be confident that our children are going to be well-educated? This informative and entertaining session with Tom Clark, is based on, and adapted from, the respected work of John Milton Gregory, and will focus on effective strategies of instruction which are understandably simple, educationally sound, and ethically founded.

The impending need to teach science often creates fear for students and parents alike.This workshop will not only take the fear out of teaching science but will create excitement and enthusiasm for everyone. If you enjoy learning about cool creatures in the oceans, how sound works, and the fascinating world of fireworks, then you can definitely get excited to learn along with your students. Get ready to meet your inner science geek and help prepare your teens for their future.

Homeschooling parents are well aware of the shocking statistics of how many of our kids walk away from the faith and values upon which they were raised. The world around them has embraced moral relativism. If the Biblical values that built western civilization are to be restored, the next generation must be equipped to be counter-culture revolutionaries for truth, justice, and the old American way.

ID: 17-222
May. 20, 2017

Eighty percent of the children labeled “Learning Disabled” in school are boys. That’s why wise parents understand that the confinement, boredom and regimentation of school are things to be avoided if boys are to thrive. The key to understanding and cooperating with the drives God has built into boys is in recognizing that boyhood is preparation for the roles of family protector, provider and leader that naturally and Biblically fall upon men. We must understand that we are not raising boys, but training future men if we are to make boyhood the exciting and profitable season of life that God intended it to be.

ID: 17-223
May. 20, 2017

Luke and Trisha take on some of the most common mistakes Christian parents make when it comes to sex education…and how to make changes today.

The high school years are a prime opportunity to equip your teens with skills they will need for future success. If your teen is headed to college, the workforce, or the military, they will benefit from study and time management skills. This session provides parents with ideas to incorporate these skills into high school coursework and lists resources to help teens cultivate these essential skills.

ID: 17-225
May. 20, 2017

The most important part of an education is the teaching of worthy character. Otherwise, we are only training more competent rebels! Character is the key that opens the door to successful adult living. It is the first thing that wise people examine when evaluating a prospective employee, spouse or friend. That’s why character is the most important subject you will ever teach your children! Marilyn Boyer is mother of 14 homeschooled kids. She'll share how to intentionally teach this most important of all subjects!

ID: 17-226
May. 20, 2017

Are you thinking about joining the millions of families that have chosen to educate their children at home? Are you feeling overwhelmed by this decision? Join me as I share my real journey of homeschooling, the highs and lows; the real life of a long term homeschooler. You will leave this session with the confidence to make the best decision for your family.

Homeschool pioneer Dr. Sandi Queen has been homeschooling her own six children since 1986, and is still homeschooling today. What worked for one child did not necessarily work for another. Are you struggling to “figure out” the best way to teach your child? Come and learn how you can end the struggle!

ID: 17-228
May. 20, 2017

None of us want our children to turn out to be rebellious, but how can we stop it? Is it normal and necessary? Often, as parents we are unconsciously instilling a rebellious attitude in our little ones that is revealed in their teen years. Biblical answers will be given as to how to deal with rebellion, as well as things to avoid that may cause rebellion.

Children with learning disabilities must truly understand in order to remember. Their brains tend to store information in pictures, not words. The traditional approach of teaching mathematics using heavy doses of counting, flash cards, and rote memorizing does not work for them. Learn ways to minimize counting and concentrate on place value, strategies to teach the facts with visual pictures, and techniques for mastering the four operations.

ID: 17-231
May. 20, 2017

For kids and parents who simply love words…puns, alliterations, rhymes, tongue-twisters, coining new phrases, etc. This is a workshop for those who might want to spruce up their writing by stretching their minds to create playful, descriptive, and memorable original expressions.

What are we to do when faced with a world telling us it is a certainty that all organisms evolved from primordial ooze? How can our students give an answer when these ideas come up in discussions as they begin to move out from under our teaching and into the world? Amazingly, the more we learn about the creatures on Earth, the more we begin to see the intricacies that do not fit with the idea of evolution, and we are beginning to see clear scientific evidence that points to a Creator. This fast-moving, high-energy workshop will cover several organisms whose features defy evolution. From dolphins and sharks to glow-in-the-dark bacteria, we’ll see how science is discovering that all creatures are far from simple.

ID: 17-243
May. 20, 2017

EXHIBITOR WORKSHOP -- Perhaps you a little overwhelmed with the types of oils available. Maybe you’ve forgotten some information. You probably have some oils that you haven’t even used. If this is you, Essential Oils 201 will help you achieve your essential oil goals. This course is for those who have a general knowledge of essential oils and may even use some on a regular basis.

ID: 17-244
May. 20, 2017

Exhibitor's work shop by Math-u-see

ID: 17-245
May. 20, 2017

Coach Phil will discuss how participation in an organized sports program enhances kids' lives on multiple levels. More than just physical fitness, participation in organized sports also enhances social skills and builds mental capacity and toughness.

Join Mr. D for a mini-SAT Boot Camp. Mr. D will be showing the tips and techniques from his SAT Boot Camps. This workshop will focus on math, the language behind the questions and show participants what they really need to know before taking the math section of the SAT. Find out the words on the test that give tips for how to solve the questions as well learning what formulas you really need to know before the taking the SAT. Students and parents alike will learn how to unravel the questions being asked into something they can solve quickly and easily. These techniques can be used for other testing situations and subject areas as well.

ID: 17-248
May. 20, 2017

-Exhibitor Workshop – Fatigue, constantly exhausted, cradle cap, yeast infections, stomach aches, rashes, digestive issues, general malaise, etc seem to be the norm in our houses. We run hard all the time so aren't we supposed to be exhausted or is there something deeper going on? We do such a good job of caring for others that we forget to take care of ourselves and our bodies take the hardest hit. With each child that comes, things get a little worse. I know because this is my story! I want to offer you some help! Come, learn how to get your health back so you can be all God intended you to be!

ID: 17-249
May. 20, 2017

Exhibitor Workshop -- Adoptive mother Helen Zeerip will speak about what drove her to start Grant Me Hope, a nonprofit marketing initiative working to find forever homes for our state’s foster children. Hear facts about foster children who age out alone and how finding those children a family to call their own could save them from the plight of the foster child.

ID: 17-251
May. 20, 2017

No matter how much we avoid it, we’re surrounded by the messages of media, from our computers to songs on the radio. Learn how to teach your children discernment, protect them from being manipulated by the messages around them, and instead to engage their culture for Christ.

ID: 17-252
May. 20, 2017

Two forces that are often exerted: Positive and Negative Reinforcement. Israel explains the importance of Affirmation as a way to inspire and motivate your reluctant child. Drawing from practical and Biblical examples, this session will help you to keep those important relational connections as you are attempting to impart knowledge.

ID: 17-253
May. 20, 2017

Marriage is tough. As Christian homeschoolers, we are not exempt from the trials and temptations that end so many marriages today. In this seminar, we will discuss the reason our marriages struggle (the answer is found in Genesis 2-3) and 3 practical ways each spouse can demonstrate greater love for one another.

ID: 17-254
May. 20, 2017

The high school years present an opportune time to develop skills young adults will utilize the rest of their lives. Learn about the importance of teaching finance, health care, car ownership, job preparation, spiritual principles, and more. All of these areas will benefit your teens when they take that giant step into independence and adulthood.

ID: 17-255
May. 20, 2017

As a mother of ten, I am often called a supermom. Fact is; I am a fake! I have yelled, forgotten children, and even fed them cereal for dinner. If I am being REAL, even some of my social media posts are FAKE. In this presentation, I talk honestly about my failures as a mother and the beauty of overcoming those failures with love and forgiveness. You will leave encouraged and inspired to take on motherhood with fierce authenticity!

ID: 17-256
May. 20, 2017

Marilyn Boyer has taught all fourteen of her children at home, so she has plenty of experience with any age group you can name. But her very favorite age to teach is those eager, curious, exciting, challenging munchkins we call preschoolers. This, Marilyn says is the time when we lay the foundation for greatness by pouring love and acceptance all over them – instead of treating them like a nuisance. Preschoolers aren’t just little interruptions to be kept “occupied” while older siblings study. This season in a child’s life is the time to tap into his huge potential by maximizing his natural love for learning and helping him to see that God is preparing him for a lifetime of important service. Come and learn from Marilyn how to make your little ones a valuable part of the team!

ID: 17-257
May. 20, 2017

Government, history, economics…these topics usually put students AND parents to sleep, yet they are some of the most important things we’ll teach if we expect the next generation to be good citizens and preserve the republic. In this presentation, Rick shares tips and methods for bringing history and civics to life, keeping it fun, engaging the students, seeking truth, and making the lessons count for generations to come.

Academics are important, but they are not the key to a successful life. When your children grow up and leave your home, you want to be sure that they have learned the life lessons that will serve them well for time and eternity. This workshop discusses the issues that matter most in life and how you can pass them on to your children in the brief time you have with them.

Homeschooling in Michigan: Past, Present, & Future: Michigan has gone from being one of the most restrictive homeschooling states to being one of the most free! Review the unique story of the history of the modern-day homeschooling movement in Michigan, how God has providentially led us to the freedoms we enjoy today, and what we can do to help maintain that freedom.

Topics: Encouragement
ID: 17-260
May. 20, 2017

God has hard-wired us to learn, and the science behind His masterful plan will strengthen your resolve to help your child blaze new neural pathways. Come and get the inside scoop of how the lightbulb of learning goes on, and more importantly, how you can increase “ah ha” moments on Monday. Join Beth Mora, author, blogger, and former Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse in discovering that the new revelations in science are rooted in God’s words of wisdom. This information is perfect for all types of learners including gifted and those with special needs.

ID: 17-261
May. 20, 2017

Non-GMO, all-natural, cage-free, Organic...there are so many catch phrases put to our foods now but what is worth the cost and what isn't? Come learn how to boost your families nutrition without breaking the bank!

ID: 17-262
May. 20, 2017

Teaching reading is as easy as A-B-C…or is it? Join us as we examine the popular approaches of teaching children to read, current research on reading success and provide an overview of the wide range of available curriculum. Pre-reading exercises and tips designed to develop reading fluency and comprehension will be shared to equip your emergent reader.

ID: 17-271
May. 20, 2017

The years from 9 to 12 can be some of the most challenging of all. Long before peach fuzz or body changes, you have to cope with distractedness, tears, outbursts of anger and the “Nobody loves me” blues, but somebody’s got to be the adult around here. Learn how to survive, and make the teen years great!

Everyone struggles with anger on some level, but when anger is a frequent occurrence with your children, over time, it will damage your relationships and hinder your effectiveness. Are you tired of being stressed-out, and ready to have a peaceful atmosphere in your home? Learn how in this important workshop.

ID: 17-273
May. 20, 2017

How, when, and why should you teach your kids about sex? This practical presentation is anchored in the Scripture where parents can learn how to use the Bible as a starting point for sex-ed in the home.

Why is documentation of high school course work important? Keeping good records does not need to be time consuming or burdensome; it will actually save you time and effort in the long run. Learn what, when, and how to track your student’s progress through high school.

ID: 17-275
May. 20, 2017

The Internet has opened up so many avenues for homeschool moms, giving us access to curricula, educational information and helps, and lots of virtual support. Although this is helpful, whenever we visit a fellow homeschooler online, we often see her at her best: kids working diligently on the couch, elaborate dioramas of epic battles, etc. And we often hear the same thing when we engage with local moms, too. All of this “perfection” can make us feel like we don’t measure up. Comparing hinders us from engaging, so it is crucial for us to get past those paralyzing feelings and begin to support and encourage each other, especially in person. Because the enemy works to divide us, as sisters in Christ, we must come alongside one another for mutual support. It may not take a village to educate your children, but moms need that village of support as the body of Christ.

In this workshop Lesli demonstrates how to create a set of activity boxes that can be used to entertain and educate toddlers, providing Mom with an easy, organized way to keep those little ones constructively busy while educating older children or attending to household tasks.

ID: 17-277
May. 20, 2017

Do you know how Classical Education is different from other models of learning? Join us for a clear description of the Classical Model of Education in a way that helps one to understand, reiterate, and practice it a homeschool setting. No particular curriculum is necessary. We will provide you the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of how this method works. It has proven to develop life-long lovers-of-learning who enjoy academic success and incomparable thinking skills. Classically trained students know how to learn and think, not just what to learn and think. In this workshop, we describe the Classical Model in harmony with a Biblical Worldview foundation by putting God in the center of all learning. This inspires students to explore the truth, goodness, and beauty of God the Creator and His glorious Creation.

ID: 17-278
May. 20, 2017

You can read to your kids about Gutenberg’s moveable type printing press and they might remember it. Or the kids can glue macaroni letters backwards onto their own presses and print Bible verses themselves…and they WILL remember it! Hands-on learning is not simply to keep hands busy, it is a valuable tool to teach children various skills, help them retain information, and relate to the subjects and people they are studying. Linda addresses this issue using humor, anecdotes, and wisdom from her 25+ years of teaching. She is a veteran at keeping her children learning through doing and can show you how to be a fun parent and teacher. This seminar is especially for the mom who feels non-creative, unorganized, and ill-equipped to teach her kids! Don’t fret! You will leave with easy ideas to implement at home.

ID: 17-280
May. 20, 2017

Why can my academically gifted student calculate geometric ratios but he can’t find his shoes? If can be baffling, can’t it? One moment you’re conversing with your gifted student about the latest research on genetics and the next moment he’s arguing with you that his superman cape can sustain flight because it has super powers. Gifted children often experience what’s called “asynchronous development,” or out of sync development. How do you meet the developmental and academic needs of a gifted learner? Not an easy answer but one that Beth Mora will address in detail from experience with her two academically gifted kids.  

ID: 17-281
May. 20, 2017

Have you ever wondered why you should study history?  While it is interesting to see how people lived in the past, what other uses does history have? Join historian Jordan Jachim in exploring the importance of history in this lecture.  Knowledge of the past can help us make decisions in the future, avoiding errors that previous generations have committed.  “Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.”  But history can also encourage us.  While one act of kindness to a stranger sometimes seems insignificant, did you know that this resulted in the discovery of a hidden cache of treasure during World War II?  History can also educate us and entertain us, but most importantly, it shows us how faithful God has been in guiding our lives.

ID: 17-282
May. 20, 2017

In this session, Dr. Sandi Queen shares how, during her youngest son’s 3 1/2 year battle with cancer, and her own diagnosis two years into her son’s struggle, the Lord allowed her to continue to not only persevere through daily life in a busy household and care for her ailing son, but also write 40 books during this time. No matter what your struggle is – caring for an aging parent, loss of your own health, going through a divorce or other difficult family time, this session discusses practical ways to get through your days, and will be a blessing and a help.

ID: 17-311
May. 19, 2017

-Exhibitor Workshop- Discover a step-by-step guide to what medical transcription is; medical transcription versus medical billing & coding; learning medical transcription simply and cost-effectively, avoiding expensive and common mistakes. You will learn how to work for a national service, as a scribe, editor or transcriptionist. Topics include earning potential, computers & software, transcription equipment, electronic files, how to get hands-on work experience, and more.

ID: 17-B006
May. 18, 2017

Why should you homeschool? Using facts, research, evidence, and Scripture, Israel will address new and prospective homeschoolers about the benefits of teaching, training, and discipling your children at home. He’ll address subjects such as academics, socialization, character, relationships, and faith/values, arguing that homeschooling is the perfect means to achieving amazing ends in all those areas!  This engaging presentation will be an overview of the many positive points of homeschooling.

ID: 17-B007
May. 18, 2017

So, you’ve decided to homeschool your children. Now what? If you are at this jumping-in point and need direction navigating your homeschool journey, this workshop is for you! Homeschool mom-survivor since 2001, Linda Crosby is equipped to answer your questions: How do I teach several kids at different levels? Where do I find curriculum? What about report cards? Do I need an American flag in the kitchen? Do I need a teaching certificate? Can video games count as something? How much does this cost? Are pajamas a homeschool uniform? Where is the teacher’s lounge? Plus many, many more.

We all know it. We all must face it and embrace it. The new homeschool family is an online family shaped by budget constraints and cyber culture. In this session, we’ll explore new ways of meeting the needs of the next generation of homeschool families. We live in an exciting time that’s filled with more opportunities to serve than ever!

ID: 17-M008
May. 18, 2017

Christian marriages are breaking up everywhere. How can this be? What is wrong when a family at the forefront of the culture war spins apart? If you homeschool, you know you are in a spiritual battle. Don’t let your marriage be the weak point in your armor. Find out about challenges your marriage may face, and how to work it through, not just to stay together, but to find joy and strength in each other as you mirror the relationship of Christ and the church to your children — and the rest of the world.

ID: 17-M009
May. 18, 2017

In the flurry of work, homeschooling, church, and extracurricular activities, romance and physical affection can sometimes seem like unattainable dreams. How can you find the energy for romance? Revive your marriage and enjoy your relationship more every year.


Indian Hills Community Church, Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 31 through 1, 2017

2017 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
Recording ID: 2017-ALL
Original Price: $250.00
Set Price: $99.00

Entire 2017 Conference Set

This allows you to listen to any (or all) of the sessions from the 2017 NCHEA conference and Curriculum Fair. This includes only those session that were successfully recorded. (Personal use only- not for distribution)

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 17-209Experience Excellence in Writing by: Institute for Excellence in Writing2017A1The Toddler Toolbox by: Megan Scheibner2017A2What About the Child Who Can't Read...or Write by: Gwelda Carlson2017A3Educating and Preparing Your High Schooler for College, Career and Real-life by: 2017A5Ready, Set, GO! by: Danna Swartz2017A6Building A Solid Math Foundation by: 2017B1Battling With Behavior by: Steve Scheibner2017B2Developing and Drafting SEPs (Student Education Plans) by: Joyce Blankenship2017B3Odyssey Through Nebraska: Nebraska's Sesquicentennial by: Gretchen Garrison2017B4Let's Play Math Games by: Kahleen Lawler2017B5The American View of Law and Government by: Jake MacAulay2017C1Health Care Needs Met Without Insurance by: Samaritan Ministries 2017C2Southeast Community College by: 2017C4Teaching Teens to Serve by: 2017C5How to Save Thoursands on the Cost of College by: Gene Walter2017C6College Admissions and Financial Aid - Concordia University by: 2017C7Family Ministry Transforming the Culture by: 2017D1Two-Minute Bible by: Brian Young2017D2Teaching Strategies for Teens with Attention/Focusing Difficulties by: Joyce Blankenship2017D3Building a Generational Heritage of Faith by: Carol Kelsey2017D4Science Unsnarled by: Deanne Crawford2017D5It's Never Too Early to Prepare for College by: Gene Walter2017D6Faith, Values, and the Constitution by: Jake MacAulay2017E1Training Teens to Take The Initiative by: Steve Scheibner2017E2Teaching Struggling Learners At Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success (Part 1) by: Joyce Blankenship2017E3Games and More! by: Gwelda Carlson2017E4How to be a Unit Study P.R.O. by: Deanne Crawford2017E6The Constitution and the Bill of Rights - The Real History by: Jake MacAulay2017F1Classical Conversations 101 by: 2017F2Heroes for Homeschoolers by: 2017F3Taking the Fear Out of Fractions with Right Start Fractions by: 2017F4The Benefits of Homeschool Athletics by: 2017F5Books for Holocaust Education by: 2017F6How Sensory Processing and Executive Function Deficits... by: 2017F7Stuhr Museum by: 2017G1Second Mile Leadership for Men by: Steve Scheibner2017G2Teaching Struggling Learners at Home: Nuts and Bolts for Success (Part 2) by: Joyce Blankenship2017G3Telling History Using Food and Clothing by: Kay Cynova2017G4Why Should We Avoid Common Core? by: Henry Burke2017G5Mom, Don't Make Me Think—Just Tell Me The Answer by: Kahleen Lawler2017G6Four Centuries of American Education by: Jake MacAulay2017H1The A to Z of a Characterhealthy Homeschool by: Megan Scheibner2017H2Here Today—Gone Tomorrow—Helping Students with Memory Difficulties by: Joyce Blankenship2017H3The Internet? Is Your Family Safe? by: Kirk Massey2017H4Preschool and Early Elementary Warning Signs of Risk for Reading Struggles and Early Intervention Techniques by: 2017H5What Colleges Want - The Big Three by: Gene Walter2017H6Dinosaurs, Ice Age, and Pre-Flood World by: Brian Young2017K1Living on Borrowed Time: The Nine Practices of the Proactive Parent by: Steve Scheibner2017K2Learning From the Past, Planning for the Future! by: Steve Scheibner2017K3Marriage, Communication, and Friendship by: Megan Scheibner This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 2017A1
Mar. 31, 2017

Are the “Terrrible Twos” eating your lunch? Need help managing your homeschool day with toddlers in the house? In this workshop Megan draws on her many years of homeschooling experience with 8 toddlers in tow to help you craft a plan for success. This workshop is intensely practical and will help you transform the terrible twos into the terrific twos!

They’re in every grade level- how will they survive? We’ll discuss why this happens and what to do to help the struggling reader. This session also addresses reading difficulties, accommodations, support, and self-advocacy.

The decision to homeschool your high school student is often surrounded by doubt and worry, and sometimes questioned by bewildered friends and relatives. Do you have questions about how to prepare your teens for the world that awaits them? Join Carol as she shares practical ideas, heart-felt advice, and real-life experiences as a mom who has graduated four of her own.

ID: 2017A5
Mar. 31, 2017

How to start, where to find curriculum, when to school, and what a typical day looks like are some of the areas discussed. Get an understanding of Rule 12 and 13 and gain valuable information for your homeschool journey. This workshop is a MUST for new homeschoolers.

ID: 2017A6
Mar. 31, 2017

Who is going to build a house by starting with the walls? Without a solid foundation, those walls may hold up for a bit but eventually will come crashing down. Math is a lot like building a house—it’s best to start with a strong foundation and build up from there. It doesn’t have to be hard! Come and see how easy it is to teach math.

ID: 2017B1
Mar. 31, 2017

Want your teen to take more initiative around the house? Want to reduce the “Drama” level in the family? Want to get your pre-teens, teens, and young adults excited about character healthy living? Join Dr. Steve Scheibner as he reveals seven practical steps to raising the behavior bar in your home. Begin the process of moving your young people from ordinary to extraordinary.

Does your child have a learning disability or perhaps severe special needs? Have you pulled your child out of public school where he used to have an IEP (individual education plan)? Participants will learn the purposes and benefits of writing an SEP, student education plan, the homeschool version of an IEP. This workshop also provides guidance in how to draft an SEP. Participants will look at sample student education plans, receive a template of a Student Education Plan, and a resource list of books that will assist them in drafting their own homeschool student education plan.

At 150 years old, the state has covered a lot of ground, both geographically and historically. Nebraska is often seen as flat land without a lot of possibilities, and that is far from the truth. Do you know the treasures your area has to offer? Be taken on a visual tour of the state, get ideas for enjoyable field trips, and learn ways to make any locale more “kid friendly” (including photo scavenger hunts!). Places include indoor museums and outdoor sensations that could only have been created by God.

ID: 2017B4
Mar. 31, 2017

Are you tired of flashcards? Does your child cry when you give another timed math fact quiz? Are you both beating you head against the wall because your child can’t seem to remember the multiples of 7? This workshop will show you fabulous and effective alternatives to worksheets and flashcards by playing easy and fun math card games. Imagine your kids asking you to practice their math facts more! Come and discover games to help your child team their math facts.

ID: 2017B5
Mar. 31, 2017

The importance of learning the Constitution in the midst of the culture war against faith and conservative values such as home education.